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Crimes you can commit in a Burka

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posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter

Above Top Secret A WebSite, Where Islam can call Home and ATS is a site full of anti christian and hatred towrads to Christianity

ATS is a site that anyone can call home, as long as they (we) follow the agreed Terms and Conditions of use.

Yes, I have also noticed many anti-Christianity posts (many of those specifically anti-Catholic posts), but if that's those people's opinion what you think should be done? Ban them because they have a different opinion?

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 06:36 PM
If someone wants to wear a burka, that should be their own decision. I am a Christian, but I think it is ok, if someone WANTS to wear it. It should not be forced. But if someone is proud to wear it, and actually wants and desires to do so, then let them do that.

If they are in a place where it is important for the face to be seen, then they need to show the face. I think that it is important to show the face at a bank, during taking a test, if you in court, etc. There are times when it is important to show the face, but there are times when I guess it would be ok to wear a burka if you wanted to do that.

If you are in a situation where you need to prove your identity then you will need to verify it is you by showing your face.

I can see how a burka can be used to hide someone's identity, or pretend to be someone else or used to cause confusion. It can happen I guess. I don't know that it has happened yet.

The same thing could be said about sunglasses or other coverings. There are times when people need to see the whole face. Some people look very different if they just wear sunglasses. If you don't really know a person that well you need to see their whole face.

I think there will be times when people with burkas will be asked to take them off for a moment. That doesn't mean they can't put it back on again.

I guess taking it off will defeat the point maybe, but maybe they could have other women to examine them at airports or at a bank or something.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:03 PM
Many states prohibit the wearing of disguises while in public. The burka may fall under some of these laws:

State Codes Related To Wearing Masks

[edit on 18-7-2010 by mishigas]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

My point being part descendant from the Huron People...
My people were decimated by the arrival and the diseases and the machinations of the Christians.
Because we produced a Virgin birth peace maker who did miracles, and because this is one of the nicest places in the world to be.
Prime real estate.
Sound familliar?

the Xians ( and yes I am generalizing just as the Christians do about Islam)have a bad history that they take no responsinility for, while pointing fingies at everyone else...
Well, the pointy finger points both ways...
A request to live and let live
As the creator indended

Ever seen them penguin ladies?
The Grey Nuns that ran the brainwashing institute that I attended called grade school, aren't that far from burkha wearing Muslims..
except they have everyones children held hostage
"Give us a child till he is seven and he is ours for life" as the Jesuits say...

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Danbones]

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter

Above Top Secret A WebSite, Where Islam can call Home and ATS i
Yes, I have also noticed many anti-Christianity posts (many of those specifically anti-Catholic posts), but if that's those people's opinion what you think should be done? Ban them because they have a different opinion?

In short yes they should be banned, sorry to be blunt but the at times the Mods on ATS don’t seem to have any problem censoring less controversial topics. Anything that would be viewed as being discrimination in public should be dealt with on ATS as with the same vigour.

[edit on 19-7-2010 by kevinunknown]

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by theregonnakillme
reply to post by ArMaP

If it is unacceptable to outlaw a Burka because that would be prejudice towards Muslims, does than mean the sensibilities of Muslims are more important then the feelings of Christian women who have fought and struggled to gain the most basic of human rights such as voting, working the same jobs as men, equal rights to get slaughtered in battle etc, not to mention wear what ever clothes THEY want!

Ok this right here is the most ridiculous line of "reasoning" for supporting such bans (among other things) that seems to be repeated regularly as if it has any sort of basis in reason. Ignoring the fact that you attribute these advances to only Christian women when, for instance, there were many Jewish and, yes, Muslim women (not to mention all the other groups of women) who were directly involved in the women's rights movement, I will address your main point.

Was not the ENTIRE POINT AND PURPOSE of the women's rights movement to earn FREEDOM for all women? Would it (and should it) not be offensive to ALL women who fought for such freedom to then impose new restrictions on their freedom, in this case on their freedom of religion? Of course it is wrong and should be dealt with in cases where a woman is forced to wear a burka against her will as that would be wrong for the exact same reason: it infringes on her basic rights and freedoms. But can there be any rational argument for banning burkas altogether thus taking away certain rights and freedoms from Muslim women who freely choose to be observant? The correct answer would be NO.

Let me reiterate, the women's rights movement was about achieving freedom for ALL women, not simply about protecting Western Christian chicks' right to dress like, well, you know.

EDIT: To add: Let me flip your question back on you: "does this mean that the sensibilities of a few Christian (or any really) women who enjoy vainly flaunting their bodies in revealing clothing are more important than the hard-fought rights and freedoms of Muslim women who wish to observe one of their religion's core values, that of modesty?" Hopefully the answer to this question is no.

Western laws demanding that Muslim women remove their burkas are no less wrong than Saudi Arabian Shariah law demanding that all women must cover-up. Please don't debase the moral underpinnings of the women's rights movement by equating it with prejudicial draconian laws, whether Western, Shariah or otherwise!

[edit on 19-7-2010 by dangerouslogic]

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by mishigas
Many states prohibit the wearing of disguises while in public. The burka may fall under some of these laws:

State Codes Related To Wearing Masks

[edit on 18-7-2010 by mishigas]

Yes, I was hoping somebody would post this!

It is ALREADY ILLEGAL TO WEAR SCARVES, hats, masks, sunglasses, etc. It is illegal to wear a mask on public property in Florida.

As for commiting crimes, why is it "uncalled for" as one poster put it to mention the things that you can do in a Burka?

If I am walking down the street in hot weather with a scarf around my face, or pantyhose over my head, I will draw a lot of attention to myself, and I will be questioned and avoided and watched. But if it is a Burka, then it would be politically incorrect to stare, or move away from me, or have an officer approach me.

Therefore, instead of wearing a hat and glasses into a bank, wear a Burka. Instead of wearing a hat and glasses to solicit a prostitute, or park a suspicious vehicle near a busy shopping area, wear a Burka.

And, as for the escape. If I go into a Bank, rob it in a Burka, walk away, put the Burka in a dumpster, and come back in a T-shirt and shorts, I am home free!!

I once knew a man that robbed a bank with a Hardees bag! He went in with a hat and glasses, threatened to have a gun in the bag, took the cash, put it in the bag, walked NEXT DOOR to a sports bar. Had a few drinks while the commotion died down. Left a $100 tip, and left town. 2 weeks later he felt guilty in a hotel room 10 states away, and he called police and turned himself in. But, if he can do that with sunglasses and a hardees bag, imagine what you could do with a Burka and a gun or a bomb!!

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 02:36 PM
Imagine this scenario!! Die Hard style!!

A group of militant criminals, be thay bank robbers, terrorists, revolutionaries, or pedophiles. Doesn't matter. Just imagine the nightmare scenario where they pull off their crime in broad daylight, sporting their Burkas, and then they escape to a Mosque, or 1 man pulls off the crime and 12 other accomplices in Burkas happen to be on the street during the getaway?

Will police risk frisking and searching multiple Burka wearing suspects, simply based on a description? They do it to black men all the time! Hardly ever a problem with finding young, single, black males that "fit the description" of a suspect. You think it would go over if they started searching every Burka wearer in the vicinity of a crime?

The more I think about it, why haven't our militant right-wingers already done this? Instead of "hate" crimes against Muslims, they should be commiting crimes "AS" Muslims! That would cause much more backlash and chaos!

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