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Biden says Democrats will 'shock' everyone in midterms

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posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

please not darth palin any one but her! i still think we need to elect willie nelson and or hank jr on the free drinks and pot platform but in all seriousness i think Willie or hank would be good candidates at least they would speak for the common man

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by KilrathiLG

Anyone can speak for the comman man, Nugent makes a helluva lot of sense to me but you can only speak so far. Whatever the gov't inside the gov't allows you to do. Reagan learned that the hard way. JFK moreso.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by intrepid

yeah you hit the nail on the head with that one we just need some one who speaks for the people and dosen't then discard them after elected i dunno if we will see that any time soon but im hoping for change and not the obama kind

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 05:21 PM
...there are a few things that the obama (or any) administration could do that would shock me...

...1... if they immediately put ALL the honchos in the gwb administration in leavenworth (10yr minimum, hard labor, no frills, no trial - screw their right of redress just like they did with those they put in gitmo and the other torture camps)...

...of course, gwb and his administration were not the first scummy puppets in the white house but penalizing them to the Nth degree would be an excellent example of what happens to those who choose to fatten their coffers at the expense of our country...

...if the above happened it might show that not everyone in usofa politics is evil to the core - but - sadly thats not even a remote possibility with the obama administration because it has continued along the same scummy path as the gwb administration and their predecessors...

...2... if the obama administration said that all governmental aspects / institutions were immediately going to actually honor the constitution fully and unilaterally (not in the half-assed, when its politically convenient or profitable or if you've got enough money to take your case to the supreme court kind of way thats been fashionable)...

...imagine the prez saying that the federal reserve is the ultimate enemy of the usofa and that its days of ruining our country are over...

...imagine a change in the presidential oath of office to include the vow to NEVER EVER invade another country or attempt to control another country...

...imagine immediately vacating all of our foreign military bases and returning all of our soldiers to the usofa where they can be put to better use securing our borders in a non-violent non-oppressive manner, revamping our highways, feeding the poor, building homes for the homeless, using military controlled science to improve our country rather than destroy other countries (positive, humanitarian goals)...

...imagine that since we're not gonna be Earth's biggest terrorist group anymore - there will be no need for the CIA or the NSA... they could be disbanded immediately and all documents/info kept from the public would be open for public inspection and quite possibly evidence in trials for crimes against humanity committed by not only operatives but everyone that benefitted financially or politically from those operations and especially those who ordered the ops...

...imagine that the Builderbergers, Tri-Lateral Commission (and all other organizations bent on world domination) are illegal in the usofa...

...imagine our budget if no more aid (of any kind) was given to the governments of countries that wage war on its own population or on other countries...

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 06:21 PM
You want your country back? It's simple. Just don't vote for anyone who has dual citizenship! Make sure you vote and take at least one friend along with you to vote as well.
Good luck.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 07:12 PM
I do not believe that anyone really can say what the outcome of the current election will be at this time frame. I do believe that as it gets closer to November when alot of politican seats are going to be up for grabs that there is going to be alot of heavy campaigning. And with such, those seeking elections are going to do everything in there ability to try to convience the voting public that they are the canidate of choice. This will include attack adds, and rallies to try to gather a momentum and support for themselves. The politics of the country has been for several years like the second hand on a watch, tic the Republicans are in power and control 2 branches of the government, toc now the democrats, tic it goes back to the other party. This has also led to the point of carreer politicians who hold the same seat for many years, getting very little done, until the last moment, so they can boost their record and then tout it to the general population. I believe that this is the first year that the general population of the country are finally awake and paying attention to the election and I would be willing to say that the one thing that neither party is going to expect or anticipate is the number of people who show up to the poles this November. Historically when it is a mid term election, the numbers have been low, but as this is the first time in a long time when the majority of the population is not working, this is not going to follow history.
The VP remarks should not come as a surprise, as it is supected and speculated on that before the midterm election alot of the money from all of the stimulus packages will start to hit the economy of many states, to raise and boost the job market up, and many of the different laws will come into play, along with it would not be surprising if they did a massive troop rotation from many of the different fronts to bring home some of the troops, and then state look at what we the Democrats have done for the country. The Republicans are going to look and state, that it is the incumbents, and specifically the incumbent democrats that are in office now that is part of the problem, pointing to the different issues that are affecting the nation and that the public is on, going back to when President Obama was first in office, and going with the Health Care legislation, to immigration, the economy, the gulf environmental diseaster, and the doj fiascals all wrapped into one.
Blame the other guy for the problems of the country, and pass the buck is far to often what is coming out of DC, instead of I take responsiblity. Incumbents are not stupid and have a strong backing financially. It is important to remember that in this upcomming election there is a potential third party that is emerging a wild card that has grown in power and voice, and that is the Tea Party. The canidates will not take stands on any issue, and will be looking very hard into their past and current associations, as such will be used against them. The biggest loser in this upcoming election will be the incumbents on both sides of the party, as neither has done a good job, but more importantly it is an election to watch. If the democrats maintain the majoirty in both houses of congress, then the president can relax and take his time with issues, but if it goes to the Republicans or independents, then the scales of power will tip and the Presidency becomes a lame duck, with very little getting done and the President will be forced to work with the congress on many issues to get acrossed, with initially nothing getting done.
I would say if anything there will be claims in some key states and areas, where the contest will be hot and close, of voter fraud and recounts that will tie up the canidates until about Dec/Jan, when the new session of congress will reconviene once again after the holidays.
For myself, I plan on voting, and voting out the incumbents, rather than along the party lines to get someone new into office, to enact change on my part, than wait for a politican to do it for me. I still believe this is a governemt of the people, for the people, by the people.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
reply to post by guohua

Is Biden a Total Idiot?

Well, yes he is, but that's not the reason why I think he knows the Dems are going to 'shock' everyone in November. I think he and a few other top Obama people have been briefed on the plan the Democratic Party has formulated for electronic voting fraud during the election. And we know how Biden likes to engage mouth before brain. I think they are also planning on using the Black Panthers, SEIU, and other pro-Obama socialism organizations nationwide on election day to subvert attention away from their fraud.

You Sir Make Sense. I can see ACORN and the Black Panthers at the polling booths doing their best to intimidate voters. ACORN will be also going to all the local grave yards and getting names for the mail in ballots and paying the homeless to vote, Democratic of-course.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by guohua]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks
...there are a few things that the obama (or any) administration could do that would shock me...

...1... if they immediately put ALL the honchos in the gwb administration in leavenworth (10yr minimum, hard labor, no frills, no trial - screw their right of redress just like they did with those they put in gitmo and the other torture camps)...

...of course, gwb and his administration were not the first scummy puppets in the white house but penalizing them to the Nth degree would be an excellent example of what happens to those who choose to fatten their coffers at the expense of our country...

Why? Do you think that everyone in Congress and in Obama's cabinet are honest and upright politicians that haven't put a single cent in their pockets?

Get over it already. Bush isn't in office and hasn't been for quite some time. You can stop blaming him for everything.

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks
...imagine immediately vacating all of our foreign military bases and returning all of our soldiers to the usofa where they can be put to better use securing our borders in a non-violent non-oppressive manner,
revamping our highways, feeding the poor, building homes for the homeless, using military controlled science to improve our country rather than destroy other countries (positive, humanitarian goals)...

Dude, that's NOT the job of the military. The Border Patrol deals with the borders. The military is there to hurt people and break their #e.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:41 PM
Had to sign in to reply to this item.
This is the kind of news story I sift through a hundred bits of nonsense to see, and here is why:
They tell us what they are going to do.
Dems, Repubs, Gov in General, Controllers, will
Tell us what is next.
I find this article very disturbing.
I am quite aware of the elections of Bush2, Obama, and Governator.
Very, very fishy, and this little brag by the VP is all but admitting that
our votes are not what we think they are.
Cause waking up is hard to do.
love and peace.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by jerico65
Why? Do you think that everyone in Congress and in Obama's cabinet are honest and upright politicians that haven't put a single cent in their pockets?
Get over it already. Bush isn't in office and hasn't been for quite some time. You can stop blaming him for everything. could you miss the sentence that immediately followed the ones that you're griping about?...

...and that relevant next sentence was...

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks
if the above happened it might show that not everyone in usofa politics is evil to the core - but - sadly thats not even a remote possibility with the obama administration because it has continued along the same scummy path as the gwb administration and their predecessors...

...maybe you didnt understand the word predecessors... it means the ones that came before... taking that knowledge into consideration - clearly i find no previous prez or administration to be without extreme faults... some were even scummier than your hero gwb... shocking, yeah, i know, gwb is such a low life slitherin piece of scum that its hard to imagine anyone getting lower than him - but - some have, imo...

...concerning my imaginings of what our military could be used for in the future if our country was not waging war all over the world, you responded with:

Originally posted by jerico65
Dude, that's NOT the job of the military. The Border Patrol deals with the borders. The military is there to hurt people and break their #e.

...i'm not a dude, lol... i'm an old woman... apparently you also do not understand the word imagine... my previous post was merely stating some things that obama (or a future prez) could say that would shock me...

...why dont you post something on topic?... i promise, i'll read it...

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by Ferris.Bueller.II

I think you are thinking of the GOP and Diebold.

The only way for the GOP to win is to go with their buddy the Diebold electronic voting machine.

The GOP has absolutely zero plan to fix the mess this country is in,

That's right folks, the right wing plan to fix America is empty, nothing, zero, zip, nada, a big goose egg.

The only thing they have been doing is sending out baseless lies, stupid crap, and trying to convince their base that everything this administration is doing and has done is terrible.

Well, without facts to back it up, these people fall flat.

But unfortunately the sheep baaa with their masters and bleat out everything they are told like good little conservabots.

They do this because they know that the Right Wing leadership has no actual plan to fix this country, they are a broken party, devastated by inept leadership and history of failure after failure after failure going back all the way to Reaganomics and the ramping up of the Right Wing war on the middle class.

But, go ahead, listen to their lies, listen to their diatribes on how this country is being ruined by this administration. It just goes to show that those people who parrot these sentiments aren't free thinkers at all, but just programmed puppets of their Right Wing masters.

Look at the issues:

Illegal immigration...

For people who don't want big government breathing down on them, they sure are ready wiling and able to give up constitutionally guaranteed freedoms in order to get rid of a segment of the population that looks and speaks a different language than them. (But it's not a race thing, no matter how many racial epithets are mixed into their speeches and tirades.)

Off shore oil drilling...

Yep, that worked out real good didn't it? You screamed and bitched and moaned for it, saying it would create jobs, and well, you're right, it did, I wonder how much a person makes cleaning off a seagull down in Louisiana?

Drill baby drill, well, how'd that work out for ya?

But the Conservatives want to protect businesses like BP, people who repeatedly have ignored safety issues and have been allowed to remain in business.

But to make this thread have a little more meat to it, and to show exactly why the GOP has no solutions for you, let's look at their own documentation. All the following information comes from

Financial Reform:

This is from the same group that brought you the bailouts to begin with, also the same group that invaded both Afghanistan and Iraq and have spent more than 1 trillion dollars on those wars. Financial reform. Here are the bullet points on this issue.

No More Bailouts:

Republicans are committed to stopping government from picking winners and losers in the marketplace.

Because they already picked their winners before. No need to pick anybody else. Just a simple one page form was all that was needed for these financial institutions to get hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars of your tax payer money sent to them to keep them afloat because of bad loans they made to people they knew wouldn't be able to pay them back. Isn't that great?

Taxpayer Protection:

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are two housing government sponsored enterprises that have exposed the taxpayers to potentially trillions of dollars in liabilities and are at the core of the current financial crisis.

Actually it was AIG but Republicans are AWESOME at rewriting history!

Restoring Market Discipline:

The plan would remove the federal government’s seal of approval of credit rating agencies by removing all references to credit rating agencies that appear in federal law.

Because nothing helps regulate commerce like deregulating it further.

Monitoring Systemic Risk:

The plan would create a Board and task it with monitoring the interactions of various sectors of the financial system,

Nothing more Republican like bitching about the size of government on one hand and at the exact same time (in this case, in the exact same plan) increase the size of the government with a brand new bureaucracy!

Consumer Protection:

The GOP Consumer Protection plan? There is no plan.

Ensuring Transparency:

The plan would ensure transparency and accountability of government by directing the Government Accountability Office to conduct extensive audits of the Federal Reserve.

Yea, that worked out real well the last time y'all tried it. So how many Republicans chickened out (or were paid off) and didn't pass the legislation to audit the fed?

Streamlining Government:

Again, the GOP Streamlining Government plan? There is no plan.


No plan here either. They can't possibly pull this off.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 09:24 AM
He thinks this a game. Look at how his words are: NOT, We're going to work hard to improve the nation, drag us all back from disaster, nothing of the sort. His words are just like those you'd hear out of the mouth of an athlete or a competitor at some game or on some game show.

Time to clean house. Completely.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by wylekat

Not with a bunch of Conservatives that haven't done ANYTHING to help. Fact is, the Conservatives in this country have tried to stall everything that could help get this economy going again. They have no real solutions at all. So I don't think that electing a bunch of Conservatives with their outdated unrealistic non ideas is going to help anyone but the top 1%

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Exactly. It's why I said to clean house, completely. The other side isn't any better- they just didn't open their mouths when this buffoon did. Both sides are just here to rule and take everything they can get at our expense. And they ALL think it's a game- capt loudmouth there just proved it is all.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by whatukno

You are a funny little man. Democrats have had a super majority in Congress for most of the Obama admins time in office, which means they do not need any Republicans to vote with them.

The only people that have slowed up the agenda is the few Democrats left with some sense of decency.

I do find it funny that Liberals try to blame Republicans dragging their feet for all of this when Democrats have FULL control of the Senate, House, and Presidency.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 10:27 AM
I think they all better go hire some non govt lawyers as we the people are not going to pay for this:

They are all being indicted, article states that Bush (s), Clinton (s), Obama, Biden possibly, all of them are named in a brand new indictment for theft of the American peoples money, etc.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by ZuluChaka

It's called bipartisanship, the Democrats were trying, the GOP, not so much. The Dems put in things into the healthcare bill that the GOP wanted, just to try for something that was bipartisan, but did the GOP play ball? No, not a chance.

Now, they want you and I to think they are the people that are going to save America. Fat chance of that happening. Why should the public trust a thing they say? After all, the GOP haven't done squat for the American people.

reply to post by Eire2

Can you say HOAX? I thought you could, funny things about blogs. Anyone can say anything about anything. So, I wouldn't put too much faith in a blog if I were you.

[edit on 7/19/2010 by whatukno]

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

You also tried to throw a guy out of office for a blow job. I mean really?

I'm not American, but I've been around enough of them and have studied America enough to know that you all have VERY short term memory when it comes to politics.

No, he was almost thrown out of office for lying under oath during an investigation. That is against the law. Not only are you not American, but you don't have a very good command of the facts either.

In any case some of you guys crack me up. The Democrats didn't do much when the Republicans were in power either. Of course whatever they do is right and whatever Republicans do is wrong. Talk about short memories too! Democrats have been in charge for 4 years now. At what point do you stop blaming Republicans and holding the party in power accountable?

[edit on 19-7-2010 by Hudson]

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 12:57 PM

Dude, that's NOT the job of the military. The Border Patrol deals with the borders.

The US Supreme Court has ruled several times that the active duty components of the US military can perform border guard duties, detain smugglers and illegal immigrants, etc. It's not law enforcement, it's defending the nation.

However the US military won't do this because it would mean they would have to focus on infantry, armor/armored reconnaissance, special forces, coastal patrol ships (what our European members would call a "corvette"), maritime surveillance aircraft, etc instead of cool fancy toys like nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers, UAVs, and airplanes.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by guohua
Is Biden a Total Idiot? He truly believes that the majority of the American people are happy with the direction America as gone. Some One Please, Give This Man A Wakeup Call.

Now lets not get that Tingly Feelings Again People, Lets remember Obama is not going to pay your mortgage or rent or car payment and utilities.
OK, I know it's hard for some of you, BUT HE LIED!

The only thing people hate worse than Democrats? Republicans. So far the democrats have done 95% of the same things republicans did and would do... Bailout? Started by George W., continued by Obama. Wars? Started by George W., continued by Obama You can basically say that about everything except for health care, and it's not even Obama's healthcare plan, it's Clinton's that was passed. And what's it doing? No one knows. Probably just funneling money off to the super wealthy as always.

Government goes on as it has... independent of who's "in charge".

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