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Is God testing me? Does he allow demonic attacks?

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posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by LightofLiberty

Hello LightofLiberty-

I was pondering the old saying "Believe nothing you hear, and only half of what you see." — Mark Twain

The quote is only half right. It should read, believe half of what you hear, and half of what you see.

Everything has an opposite, so if you believe in "good" then there has to be "evil." The reason I say believe half of what you hear is because when you read or think to yourself, you are still hearing. Next time you are thinking to yourself try and understand all the thoughts that come to you and decide which are "good" thoughts, and which are "evil" thoughts and make your choice on which you would like to be. If you choose "good" thoughts, then more "good" thoughts, and less "evil" thoughts, will come to you. The more "good" decisions you make, the more "good" choices will come to you. The more "evil" decisions you make, the more "evil" will come to you as well. You must also be careful because "evil" is to deceive, and sometimes a choice we think is "good" actually turns out to be "evil" if we don't truly listen to ourselves.

The only half you see part is this. In my opinion everything we see is an illusion but we need to be able to see the illusion to understand it. Our illusion is that that we need to "see" ourselves to believe we exist, and that somehow we no longer exist once we stop "seeing." We are all energy connected together and that energy, will never go away.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by prophecywatcher

Nice post generally, but nothing in the material world can 'stop God from entering' (home, life, soul etc) - he maintains and upholds the creation remember..?

If you mean stuff like Ouija boards, dreamcatchers etc - those things only have power to bring demonic beings into your life if you ascribe value/ reverence to them. It's basically another form of idolatry. NB - Booze, lechery and drugs can all be idols too if you place them on the pedestal of 'my life would be worthless without...(x, y or z)'

OP - Yes, is the answer to your question - God will allow demonic attacks as part of the process of bringing you to a deeper knowledge and understanding of Him and His universe. You never doubt Him once you've seen both sides of the coin.

The way forward is to commit yourself anew to the Almighty. Read the following and see if it helps - be warned that it's a lengthy manuscript, but it will help you to understand the way God is actively involved with His creation, and with you personally - and how He speaks to us TODAY through his divine Word:

Swedenborg's "Heavenly Secrets"

NB - Swedenborg started out as an emiprical scientist back in the 1700's, and progressed on to an almost shamanic journey of self/universal exploration, under the direct guidance of the Lord. He was a true Christian mystic, and well worth reading if you can handle his weighty style of writing.

Get involved with Christians who preach Christ as Lord, who don't stifle the movement of the Holy Spirit (by being materialistic/humanistic etc), and who do acts of charity on a regular basis. CHARITY under Christ is the key to unlocking your 'freedom potential' and for beating schizophrenia (PS - Schizophrenia is a tag which psychologists place on people who have unwittingly/ willingly unlocked the doors to other worlds).

All good things come from the Lord.


posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by Trudge

Trudge - your response to the OP is the sort of thing that puts fragile people into an even worse condition than they already were in. It depressed me to read it, and I know that it's a load of rubbish!

People who don't know, shouldn't give advice.

Full stop.

Sorry Trudge, but even your screen name's a bit depressing. Look on the bright side..!


posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by NoahTheSumerian

When I'm talking about Christ entering your home, I mean asking him for protection. You cannot serve two Gods. You will serve one and reject the other.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

God did not create demons. He created angels. Some of these angels rebelled against him under the influence of Satan. They are given free will to follow Satan just as people do.

We invite demons into our lives through the things that we do. God allows demons to interact with people because we invited them into our lives. Its based on free will again. Demons are not allowed to kill people however.

I hope this answered your question.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by Regensturm

I see you did some research, either that you are older than I am and you have personal knowledge on the subject. I bought the tape on a discount rack, I believe it was labled "Greatest Hits."

Anyway, did you do some research on the band itself? You may be surprised on what you find, or maybe you will just choose to leave those facts out.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:13 AM

(James 1:12-13) . . .. 13 When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone. . .

No, we should not say: “I am being tried by God.” God is not trying to induce us to commit sin but is sure to help us and give us the strength needed to endure trials if we remain steadfast in faith.

(Philippians 4:13) 13 For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me.

God is holy, so he does not place us in circumstances that would weaken our resistance to wrongdoing. If we get ourselves into an unholy situation and commit some sin, we should not blame him, “for with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone.”

Though God may permit a trial to discipline us for our good, he does not try us with evil intent.

Satan may tempt us to do wrong, but God can deliver us from that wicked one.—Matthew 6:13.

(Matthew 6:12-13)  And do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the wicked one. .

Having said this, If you know you suffer from schizophrenia, the logical conclusion is that these "attacks" are not spiritual in nature, but rather, a physical symptom of your disorder.

Talk to your Dr. and do not be quick to assume that you are so special that you have been singled out for an attack by wicked forces in the spirit realm.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by prophecywatcher
reply to post by Regensturm

I see you did some research, either that you are older than I am and you have personal knowledge on the subject. I bought the tape on a discount rack, I believe it was labled "Greatest Hits."

I have personal knowledge because I appreciate good music when I hear it.

Originally posted by prophecywatcher
Anyway, did you do some research on the band itself? You may be surprised on what you find, or maybe you will just choose to leave those facts out.

Do you mean as opposed to the lack of research you did on an ELO song, the lack of facts you left out, to go as far as claiming it satanic when in fact it was ironically created to poke fun at those who claimed ELO used satanic backmasking?

Well, I must say, I am intrigued as to what you imply in regards to what I might find. Perhaps you would enlighten us on what facts on ELO you have.

ELO members slaughtering firstborns perhaps? Offering the blood of fair maidens to some horned fellow with a forked tail?

I've already heard one of your claims regarding an ELO song, let's hear some more for me to ponder whether to laugh or cry at.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:10 PM
Demons are everywhere during these days.

Try and read this about demon possession:

Here is full book link:

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by prophecywatcher

Okay, but considering we're addressing people who may not be aware of the technicalities, maybe you should have been a bit clearer in your explanation.

My point was valid, in that there are Christians who try to put limits on what God can and can't do according to certain situations. That's the fallacy of applying human reasoning to super-natural problems.

So anyway, it seems we're in agreement (or close enough for jazz at any rate).


EDIT TO ADD: I would also say that you need to be careful with your tone in applying the comment 'serve one reject the other'. My understanding is that the OP is unaware of why these things are happening, and hasn't ascribed and idolatrous reverence to any demonic principles or objects etc. Therefore, he isn't 'serving two gods', he is simply seeking to understand why the One True God would allow a demonic attack against him. And I hope we're helping to answer his concerns with our replies.

NB - I also hope you weren't insinuating anything about my own condition with the comment - but this is what I mean; your tone is a bit ambiguous. Be careful not to come across as judgmental. Unless of course you are being judgmental. In which case I need say nothing further, 'cause you know where that's at..!

PS -

The wink was just an emoticon. I know the proverb, and I can assure you I'm not.

(That was a 'Christian in-joke' in case you were wondering. There's a prize if you can give me chapter and verse!)

[edit on 21-7-2010 by NoahTheSumerian]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Sparky63

EDIT TO ADD - My response below criticises an aspect of your post. However, I must say well done for the bulk of your post, which is a timely and thoughtful injection of God's Word into the discussion. We must never 'blame' God, you are correct. And we are never to assume that he will put us in situations that will bring evil to bear. That's not because we'll be punished for believing these things, but simply because it isn't true. And as you said - it comes down to free will. I share your general understandings by the look of things, so please don't be disheartened by my continuing comments below.

This is a delicate and sensitive subject, so the old: "...see your doctor, because there's no way Satan would have any interest in you" routine isn't really appropriate.

What if the man's being prepared for a position as a great evangelist to lead people to the Lord? Or as an apostle? Or even for a 'lowly' ministry, serving the needs of his Christian brethren? Surely any of those would merit Satan's attention? He despises it when anyone considers turning to the Lord..?

Luke 22:31 (New International Version)

31"Simon, Simon. Satan has asked to sift you[a] as wheat.

NB - to those who don't know the context, this is where Jesus is preparing Simon Peter's heart to endure the tests of affliction that Satan will bring to bear against him as he conducts his ministry. Simon Peter was one of Christ's disciples, and is commonly credited as the head of the first church - Catholics regard him as the first pope.

And so -

Schizophrenia is terribly misunderstood. Satan loves that fact.

Medical professionals (in general), and the wider public have an extremely limited and prejudiced impression of the (many) conditions that tend to be 'blanket-labelled' as schizophrenia. More professionals than would admit to it (psychologists/ psychiatrists / law enforcement officials etc) are keenly aware of the influence of demonic spirits - and the ways in which they can affect/ manipulate people labelled as schizophrenic...

That's not to say there isn't an organic explanation for many forms of 'schizophrenia' - just a word to the wise about how erroneous conceptions are often laid out as gospel truth by pretentious academics. The brain is vastly complex, and currently we as a race are NOWHERE NEAR understanding it, or its relation to the soul/spirit, or how it interacts with the alternate dimensions of our universe.



[edit on 21-7-2010 by NoahTheSumerian]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by NoahTheSumerian

That comment was for you, because you have understanding of biblical principles.

I'm not sure about your spirit. No offense, but even Satan knew the scriptures. You seem to have a bad spirit.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 06:03 AM
Well folks, it's been fun, but I am not into talking about demons everyday. So I'm off to a more enlightening thread.

I really enjoyed having this discussion with each and evey one of you. Those who disagree, serve the purpose of keeping me sharp and on my toes. And I absolutely love it. No lie! I live with one of the best debaters on the face of the earth and I have not yet met a person who could ever top it. But please keep in mind that I always debate in what I believe to be the truth. I'm very passionate about it.

To all my adversaries: I'll see you around to debate on another day, another subject.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by prophecywatcher
Well folks, it's been fun, but I am not into talking about demons everyday. So I'm off to a more enlightening thread.

But you've repeatedly told someone who has Schizophrenia and fearful of demonic attack that she is indeed suffering demonic attack and also that there is no such thing as mental disorders! It looked for all the world like you loved talking about demons everyday and how scary they are.

Off to a more enlightening thread are you? Having very well endangered the OP's life by feeding their fears caused very well likely from their mental illness?

Your work is done, your fear-mongering complete. Off to cause more harm.

Originally posted by prophecywatcher
I really enjoyed having this discussion with each and evey one of you. Those who disagree, serve the purpose of keeping me sharp and on my toes. And I absolutely love it. No lie! I live with one of the best debaters on the face of the earth and I have not yet met a person who could ever top it. But please keep in mind that I always debate in what I believe to be the truth. I'm very passionate about it.

If you say what you believe to be the truth, having seen your posts and in consideration of the potential consequences of them in this thread, then it is correct what another poster said about you:

You're dangerous.

Specifically, you are a danger to yourself and others.

That is what I believe to be the truth.

Originally posted by prophecywatcher
To all my adversaries: I'll see you around to debate on another day, another subject.

And there I was eagerly looking forward to more facts about the Evil and quite Satanic ELO.

Could not be any better than your last claim about an ELO song, surely.

Quite frankly I'm disappointed but unsurprised.

[edit on 22-7-2010 by Regensturm]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by prophecywatcher
reply to post by UmbraSumus

I personally don't believe in mental disorders. I believe in demon cohabitation. Mental disorders were made up by disbelievers who had to come up with an answer.

Just because YOU believe in demon possession (or cohabitation) does not mean that it actually exists. I hope you can accept that is a staple of how reality works. As to whether demonic possession does exist, I would have to be able to expand the definition of what a demon is to be able to entertain such a notion, but I could never assert absolutely one way or the others, since I know better than to declare my own beliefs to be hard truth.

As for making such a declaration to a person who is (very likely) beginning a battle with schizophrenia, you need to sit with this god of yours and let it have a chance to tell you how amazingly irresponsible you're being with your assertions. If it does talk to you, then it should (if it is God and not just some sort of delusion of your own) be very direct in its disappointment with what you've done here. This is extremely serious stuff that the OP is dealing with, and feeding into a possible delusion can have catastrophic consequences.

Here is a link to a news account of a tragedy that occurred on January 19, 2009.

Dupont/Peeler Murder

The woman who was murdered was a very dear friend of mine, and grew up across the courtyard from me. I knew her son well, as she and I stayed very close for decades. We'd parted ways by the time he showed up back home with his illness, and after his friends had goofed on him when he was beginning his descent, inventing a 9th dimensional portal for him to obsess over, since it was fun to watch him get all worked up over it. The news account speaks for itself.

Ryan could've used some help based on compassion and on trying to teach him how to understand what was actually happening to him while he might still have been capable of incorporating that help in some sub-conscious manner. By the time he came home, it was way too late for Rhonda to help bring him out of that 9th dimension narrative. Now she's dead and he's in a prison psychiatry facility forever. He was such a good kid. He could've used better friends when that disease began taking ahold of him.

Faith is great, but it's faith. It's personal and the narrative is not provable (hence the nature of faith as part of that narrative). Just be responsible when suggesting literal possibilities to anyone who is struggling with a clearly stated mental disorder. You can't predict the ultimate ramifications of the influence you might have.

[edit on 22-7-2010 by NorEaster]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by prophecywatcher

This sounds a lot like schizophrenia. Seriously.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by prophecywatcher

Wow. I am staggered.

Erm... Okay, despite my attempt to keep the peace you seem to want to make all Christians look like divisive halfwits.

Keep your thoughts to yourself now please.


Get involved with Christians who preach Christ as Lord, who don't stifle the movement of the Holy Spirit (by being materialistic/humanistic etc), and who do acts of charity on a regular basis. CHARITY under Christ is the key to unlocking your 'freedom potential' and for beating schizophrenia (PS - Schizophrenia is a tag which psychologists place on people who have unwittingly/ willingly unlocked the doors to other worlds).

What part of that makes you think I have a bad spirit? Seriously, you need to check yourself. You're not demonstrating any understanding of the correct way to relate to your brethren... Anyway, bless you - but please don't bother to reply unless it's to apologise. I took offence when you compared me to Satan.


SECOND EDIT TO ADD - Going back to your original 'point': Where the heck did you get the idea I was serving two gods..? I seriously think you might need to adjust the measure by which you judge, lest the same measure is applied to you.

[edit on 22-7-2010 by NoahTheSumerian]

[edit on 22-7-2010 by NoahTheSumerian]

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 06:39 AM
Speaking of demon possession in the corrupted clergy, see hear from the Lady Salette prophecy:

12) "Several religious institutions will lose all faith and will lose many souls...A great number of priests and members of religious orders will break away from the true religion. Among these people, there will even be bishops" (La Salette). On May 31, 1978, Our Lord told Ida: "They [priests] have ravaged My Church and chased My followers into wilderness...Watch well." Now Ida is shown a vision of the seminaries and universities. "From all these buildings I saw priests and clergymen coming out. I got frightened because their faces looked like heads of foxes, wolves and hyenas. They came along skulking and moved around searching like these animals." Then Our Lord interjects: "They are those who have led My people into wilderness and have broken up My Church."

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by prophecywatcher
reply to post by UmbraSumus

I personally don't believe in mental disorders. I believe in demon cohabitation. Mental disorders were made up by disbelievers who had to come up with an answer.

The origin of an attack is traditionally from the outside in while a mental disorder or defect is from within. Both can co exist.

A disability is like an MS which has nothing to do with The Supernatural Realm as what major capital offense did or could've a 2 yr old have committed to warrant being justifing striking the kid with a mental disorder? What did a young mother who lives her life relatively sin free and not to mention one whose kind to everyone she encounters and isn't hateful to anyone do to deserve getting hit by a drunk driver and has a mental disorder as a result?

Mental disorders, defects only exist to make us never forget our humanity and to make sure we remain in cheque. Schizophrenia is a legimate condition whereas the person is trapped internally by items beyond their own control. These unfortunate souls reminds us to not be greedy and to make sure we don't get to be too good for our own good.

God will send the brigade but only if a simple prayer or edict fails to work.

I care not your political leanings, holy faith no one deserves to be attacked especially in cases where no clear law or crime has been committed, broken or violated!

I can stop attacks cold as in 70% of cases I've worked on ended up in the person doing nothing to warrant it. 5% was to see the person sweat and the rest had actually done something vile and disgusting to someone else and that paved the way to justify the strike.

I'm sending you a fresh quintuple shot of positively charged karmatic white ligght and you should have it sometime before mid week.

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 10:11 AM
The universe gave you some dumbells to train and become (spiritually/mentally) stronger, there's no test. If you don't want them for whatever reason, just take the pill and leave them be. See, the universe is full of choices, it's up to you to make yourself happy.

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