Hi There,
Thank you for your offer of assistance.
When it comes to picking Moderators there really isn't any big box of names or anything...more just a bit of a discussion that happens, normally
amongst the Admin/Super Mods, around any need for new Moderators - and if so, who they feel would suit the role.
What are the prerequisites of the role?
Well, many really.
Though some commonalities:
- Length of time here on ATS. Though this isn't always hugely important...quality Vs quantity will win the day
- Contribution/Posting, thought-provoking, engagement and the manner of that engagement with the ATS Community. For instance, its likely each of us at
some point will get challenged - sometimes even insulted - by other Members is discussions/threads. HOW you respond to those challenges can be a
pretty good sign as to whether or not you may fill the role of a Moderator well.
- Civility. Sure, we all at times get our 'human side' out and are sometimes less than civil with others. However, another key aspect of how we may
select Moderators is based on that potential persons civility. Eg: You can be as fantastic and thought-provoking as anything...but if you're also
essentially a condescending ego-driven rude prick with people whom you and your 'fans' may think are beneath you, then chances are you're not going
to make a Mod.
- Feel. As strange as that may sound...most of the time Mods get selected on what the majority *feels* about whether that person will make a decent
Mod or not. Hate to say it - but generally you can tell if someone will be a decent Mod or whether they'll crash and burn. Years and years doing this
role gives you a bit of an insight into who is longterm Mod-material, a team-player, someone who will know when it step up and when to step back...and
who isn't.
...another thing to add is not everyone we may approach to offer Modship to accepts it.
There are a small number who have been approached a few times now...who we think would make fantastic Moderators...but they just prefer to be
Also, not everyone we're selected before necessarily lasts or has the ongoing time to commit to the Mod role. Real life takes priority. There are
numerous ex-Mods who have stepped back into full-time Membership again.
...don't know if that answers your question...
All I can do is encourage you to just enjoy the site...stay within the T&Cs of the site...and see what happens.
Will say this though: Being a Mod isn't all its cracked up to be. It can often be a case of 'damned if you do and damned if you don't'...can't
please everyone, so all you can try to do is your best. You soon get used to insults, attacks, threats on your life and family, claims of all manner
of paranoid crap...and now and then sent pictures of handmade Voodoo Dolls with your member-name stitched into them, stuck with pins and set on
fire...I kid you not...
But yeah...just enjoy the site and see how you go...
[edit on 18-7-2010 by alien]