A man is undergoing a medical assessment at Royal Perth Hospital after climbing on to the top of a billboard near Perth's main train station
yesterday afternoon, naked and armed with a gun.
And an alleged video of the man walking around in search of an entrance to the billboard.
I knew about this yesterday when it was happeneing but I delayed posting it up for you ATSers; I wanted to wait to see what the News said about it
first... but, there was nothing, they didn't even hint of a situation.
Which I found weird, things like this hardly ever happen in Australia and it was much more interesting/important than our Prime minister speaking
about an upcoming election in 3 months time.
Thank goodness no one was hurt, But it does make for an amusing story.
p.s This is my first thread post ever on ATS, hope I did well.
EDIT: I fear I may have posted this thread in the wrong place