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My Raw Food Experiment

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posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by Tifozi
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

Did i ever say that a multi vitamin should be used alone?

No. But what is the point of defending that is he is only eating the basic elements? You're saying "just eat supplements", when he actually only eats that.

No i have never said "just eat supplements" and i have repeatedly told him to change various things in the diet while at the same time rubbishing the diea of a "detox".

I won't bother replying again if you can't even comprehend what i'm saying, you are reading into something that is not there because you seem to want to argue for the sake of arguing.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

Don't disturb the truth.

This is the CORRECT discussion order of what YOU said to me, and why I replied the way I did:

Originally posted by Tifozi
reply to post by Brentnauer

Dear Bretnauer, you should do this, you shouldn't do that. Yada yada yada...

It's not enough, you need a balanced, normal healthy diet...yada yada yada

(my first post)

YOUR reply to THAT:

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
reply to post by Tifozi

A one a day multi vitamin/mineral complex is perfectly fine, won't cause harm and making sure your body has the full spectrum of micronutrients seems sensible.

As for healthy diets, the longest lived people tend to be around Okinawa. Plenty of fish and low fat meats, whole vegetables and restricted calories seem to be some of the key parts of a healthy diet.

What you have been stating this whole thread is that he should take supplements. That's fine, except that you've been doing it in the wrong order, and in the wrong hierarchy of importance.

The problem is, he ONLY takes supplements. The fruits and vegetables he ingests are used as supplements. So why are you putting your finger in the same button, arguing that you are giving some enlightening advice for him to improve his health?

He doesn't need supplements. What he needs, is to stop completely what he is doing, introduce simple, easy to cook meals with every element in the food pyramid and then use this healthy supplements as a boost for energy.

He doesn't need to take supplements like you so proudly state.

What you have been saying, is for him to "take supplements dear...use them because you are not getting enough".

You know what happens when people like you talk? He feels insecure, so he gets those supplements, and instead of having a bad diet, but actually keeping the right levels, he gains excess of vitamins and minerals.

For example, instead of 3 oranges (which, by itself is too much), imagine that he eats 4 or 5.

Nice, excess of Vitamin C.

Now you clap your hands and say "there you go, you have your supplements", without even thinking that although Vitamin C excess is mostly washed away in urine, in long terms of excessive absorption it can cause things like nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, vomiting, and a lot of fun things.

Not to mention, that unbalanced diet's are a open door for some diseases that focus on lack or excess of nutrients, proteins, minerals or vitamins.

The human body can withstand a large amount of vitamins and minerals, but overdoses can and will occur if not handled with care.

He is pouring basic elements into his system, and a smart guy like you, who "reads papers" comes here and says "take some supplements, you are not getting enough of everything".

Who is going to be responsible if he actually gets an overdose? What are you going to do, if he confuses the excess Vitamin C diarrhea with a detox symptom?

I didn't say "you guys don't know how the human body work" for show-off.

From what I've been reading, you don't even understand the BASIC functions of the body. It's just "eat this, eat that, drink this, blend that".

If he is losing body fat due to his hardcore diet, extremely low on fat, do you know what can happen?

His body loses fat, so all the vitamins that are fat soluble and actually NEED fat to be absorbed or stored....won't. So he has an excess of Vitamin A, for example (which needs fat)..

You know what is one of the fun causes, that is actually common in vegans? Anorexia.

Most of you can't even grasp what is the chain of events and consequences for this things, and yet you all try to look like you actually know what you are talking about.

Just the freaking oranges can get him killed ffs! If he has too much vitamin C that can cause kidney problems (like kidney stones), which lead to lack of absorption of minerals and other stuff. So instead of one problem because you have too much oranges in your diet, you can end up dead. But hey, if you take your supplements....

What are you going to do if he actually dies from bad nutrient/vitamin/mineral balance?

This is not a playground for you to show how good are your paper reading capabilities.


There is a SERIOUS reason why this health forum has a warning concerning the ability of ATS members to judge and advice on health issues.

Gladly (and hopefully) he isn't following nobody's advice to the letter. Because if he would, 3 days would be enough for him to fall to the ground.

[edit on 20/7/10 by Tifozi]

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Tifozi

Thanks for taking my quote out of context with the rest of what i have put here. I have stated quite clearly he needs a more balanced diet and only recommended the vitamin complex as a backup, an added extra but hey you keep telling the lie and maybe it'll be believed.

I also stated a one a day complex, not excessive doses. When you talk about side effects you are talking about large doses. Unless he has a medical condition (liver problems, kidney problems etc) he is fine and safe with a one a day. And once again i stated this is merely a backup, a little extra helps to try and cover what he isn't getting.

That does NOT mean he should ignore his diet and become lazy about what he eats in the expectation the vitamin pill will give him all he needs and i'm quite sure i made that clear.

Now how about you stop lying about what i said and stop derailing the thread, theres a good chap.

[edit on 20-7-2010 by ImaginaryReality1984]

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Tifozi

Your concern and well thought out post is greatly appreciated :-) Enjoying the discussions my little thread has started very much!

Just so everyone remembers, my first post states that I'm trying for a 75 to 80% raw diet. If I eat four meals a day, one of them could be Twinkies and Tab soda if I wanted. Obviously I'm not going to do that, but my point is that I'm not eating ONLY raw fruit and veggies.

I'm definitely not insecure about my diet or health and have not taken anything anybody has said without a huge grain of salt. I appreciate the input and ideas, but ultimately I'm paying attention to my body for instructions on what to put into it.

My first three days of an essentially 95% raw vegan diet has worked out well enough, but now I feel like I need some animal proteins and grains to feel "satisfied"... Which I have eaten today.

Aside from the light headache on Sunday and short-term feverish feeling yesterday (maybe caused by shock in the sudden dietary change?), I feel awesome today. Woke up earlier than usual, I've neither gained or lost weight and my complexion has improved a little bit.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
reply to post by Brentnauer

Cooking is important as it allows our bodies to more easily absorb the nutrients in food. We have adapted to accepting food as cooked, our bodies just can't break down vegetable matter like rabbits and other animals. Because of this i would suggest you take a standard multivitamin/mineral to cover your nutritional bases.

Other than that well done on making a choice to improve your health and good luck with it.

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984


Anyway back to the OP, it's an excellent idea to eat healthy, i think the raw food diet is a fad and not the best way of staying healthy but it will hands down beat the junk food you were eating. As i said earlier, you should supplement with a one a day multivitamin because the human body isn't built for raw food and you might end up deficient in something or other. Not dangerously deficient just lacking the optimum levels.

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984


The "detox" effect is a myth. It's more to do with your blood sugar levels. Without the constant peaks and troughs your body basically goes a little crazy until it evens out so you will probably suffer from some headaches and serious sugar cravings. If you start to feel a little wooly headed that's also a sign of low blood sugar.

The only way to counter it is just keep going and wait for it to sort itself. The idea that your body detoxifies as she puts it is ridiculous. If your body did not eliminate toxins you would be dead and going a lovely yellow colour.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by ImaginaryReality1984]

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984

I would like to recommend that you abandon the juicer and stick with a blender. When you juice something you basically remove a ton of good nutrients along with the soluble and insoluble fibre which are both very good for you. Also juicing tends to separate out the simple sugars from the complex ones so basically the fruit juice spikes your blood sugar in the same way as a can of soft drink.

Blending is better

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
Oh and if that is the entire daily consumption then you are woefully under consuming, you need more calories than that. Some protein would help as well.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by ImaginaryReality1984]

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984

Sorry man but raw fooders are an odd group of people who read books by nutritionists, not dieticians. Anyone can call themselves a nutritionist and that's why you should be careful with their advice. All i can tell you is that i've been eating healthy since i was 12-14, i was a martial arts instructor for a number of years and did some decent bodybuilding. I know a hell of a lot about eating healthy and i researched it with proper scientific papers.

Detox is a myth, if your liver wasn't detoxing your body you would be dead. The headaches and other symptoms are your body dealing with the changes in blood sugar and the various hormonal changes which will occur with a lower meat intake.

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
From what you have posted you are eating far less than you need each day. I would again suggest a good multivitamin/mineral complex and also you should include more protein. If you don't want to eat meat and fish then get some soy protein from your local gym of health food store.

Some casein protein may be more suitable as it will keep you full longer.

What is a lie?

[edit on 20/7/10 by Tifozi]

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by Tifozi

Please explain why the bolded parts in my statements are untrue? Recommending a blender instead of a juicer is deemed unacceptable to you? Calling detox diets a myth is unnacceptable? Saying a one a day multivitamin complex might be of benefit to someone on a restricted diet is wrong?

Man you need to step back, calm down and drop it. My brothers doctor recently gave him some vitamin/mineal drinks because he was on a terribly restrictive diet and insisted on keeping to it.

I guess my doctor is also wrong, damn him that medical professional prescribing drinks which are given on the NHS by prescription to various people who don't consume enough vitamins and minerals.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

Since you edited your post:

I also stated a one a day complex, not excessive doses. When you talk about side effects you are talking about large doses.

Large doses? Do you even know what measures you're talking about?

We are talking about 0,02 milligrams too much.

You do know that, right?

Unless he has a medical condition (liver problems, kidney problems etc) he is fine and safe with a one a day. And once again i stated this is merely a backup, a little extra helps to try and cover what he isn't getting.

So now you know his medical condition in order to give advice? Are you his doctor? The only thing you do is trying to stay healthy and read scientific papers (which do not guarantee you that you actually understand what is being said, and the ones "sold" out there with explanations, depend on the person explaining them).

He may even have something that he doesn't know about for all you know. Yet you are advising him to take backups (I'm even using your words, since I'm a liar).

He doesn't need backups. He already eats the major suppliers of minerals, vitamin an proteins. Get that into your mind!

You're saying to "put the things that you're not getting", but you fail to understand that he already covers all his bases. Telling him to take "backups" is telling him to take extra vitamins.

An extra, that can cost him dearly.

That does NOT mean he should ignore his diet and become lazy about what he eats in the expectation the vitamin pill will give him all he needs and i'm quite sure i made that clear.

This is where you fail.

You are assuming he is either taking one, or the other. And on top, your advice to take backups, supplments, complements, whatever...

The danger is if he takes too much of something, and then takes "supplements" like you advise.

I'm actually not saying you're entirely incorrect. I'm just saying that throwing stuff like that into the air hoping for someone to listen, is dangerous.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

Please explain why the bolded parts in my statements are untrue?

I will in the next post.

My brothers doctor recently gave him some vitamin/mineal drinks because he was on a terribly restrictive diet and insisted on keeping to it.

You see the little detail in there?

In the case of your brother, he was restrictive on some stuff, but he was lacking other. So your doctor gave him what he was missing!

The issue here, is that Brentnauer already has the full spectrum of what he needs, just not in the form he is supposed to.

His problem isn't the amount, is the process in which he gets it. Telling him (like you did) that he needs supplements and backups is idiotic, to say the least.

I guess my doctor is also wrong, damn him that medical professional prescribing drinks which are given on the NHS by prescription to various people who don't consume enough vitamins and minerals.

See how you actually sound true when you use your brain?

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by Tifozi

Unless he has a medical condition (liver problems, kidney problems etc) he is fine and safe with a one a day. And once again i stated this is merely a backup, a little extra helps to try and cover what he isn't getting.

So now you know his medical condition in order to give advice? Are you his doctor? The only thing you do is trying to stay healthy and read scientific papers (which do not guarantee you that you actually understand what is being said, and the ones "sold" out there with explanations, depend on the person explaining them).

No but being half way through a biology degree does help me understand them, it just sounds as if you hate anyone who is smart. Studying fitness for years helps me understand them as well as listening to doctors who actually know more than you do and going by their advice. Neither did i comment on what conditions he has i was merely giving examples of conditions where taking vitamins can be dangerous. Once again you leapt on this, misread it and sent out an attack.

It's kind of funny really all i said was that certain conditions can be made worse by taking vitamins and you think i was saying i knew what conditions he has. Learn to read then come back

Just not bothering with you anymore because quite simply this thread has been derailed enough with this personal nonsense.

Last response from me to you so feel free to post some badly misinterpreted reply to something i've said as i won't bother correcting it.

EDIT just saw this after i posted so gotta clear it up

Originally posted by Tifozi

My brothers doctor recently gave him some vitamin/mineal drinks because he was on a terribly restrictive diet and insisted on keeping to it.

You see the little detail in there?

In the case of your brother, he was restrictive on some stuff, but he was lacking other. So your doctor gave him what he was missing!

My brother diet was pretty much the same as the OP's but the doctor still gave him a broad spectrum multivitamin/mineral drink because he believed the raw food intake my brother had could lead to deficiency and it was best to protect against that.

And that my little friend is all i was saying.

[edit on 20-7-2010 by ImaginaryReality1984]

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Tifozi

The reply to your quotes:

Because of this i would suggest you take a standard multivitamin/mineral to cover your nutritional bases.

If he already covers his bases, a "standard multivitamin/mineral" extra could, in those "multi(various) vitamin", excess in the dose he already had... Don't you think?

As i said earlier, you should supplement with a one a day multivitamin because the human body isn't built for raw food and you might end up deficient in something or other.

This is true when someone is lacking in some sort of element. He isn't. Again, telling him to "cover his bases" with supplements, when he already has his bases covered, means excess.

You case you haven't figure it out by now, excess is bad.

The "detox" effect is a myth.

This just made me laugh. This almost sounds like one of those commercial for snake oil that solves all peoples problems. "You don't have toxins in your system! just take this magic pill and you'll be fine!".

Wrong. There are toxins in your system, always. Some are even good. But detox doesn't stand only for toxins. It always stands for detoxication , which is also the process to get rid of the bad things in your system, toxins or not.

Again, Vitamin C isn't a toxic. Neither is A, B, E or any other form of vitamin. But in excess, they become toxic to the system.

If he has a bad health, his body is full of toxins, and those can even englobe fat for that matter.

Detoxing your body is getting rid of various forms of elements that are in excess. Excess being the key word here.

And honestly, your explanation about the blood sugar... Is pathetic, and I'm trying to not be offensive.

You don't even know the side effects of various forms of minerals, vitamins and proteins, and yet, you assume all symptoms are associated with sugar levels as if he was diabetic.

The only way to counter it is just keep going and wait for it to sort itself.

The danger of this statement is so painfully obvious that I don't even need to explain.

I would like to recommend that you abandon the juicer and stick with a blender.

First of all, juice isn't bad. It gives a rest for a digestive system in order for the other to continue to function correctly. For example, in some missions, if we only have a orange or two (example), we drink it in the morning, and we eat it whole in the night.

Why? Because juice is absorbed as a liquid, is easy to digest and has energy. But if you are low on your water levels, in case of a desert, you can't eat it.

Although the orange has juice, either way, the act of eating produces saliva, which may or may not be replenished by the juice, which can cause you to even lower more your water levels and...well...die.

But the difference between juice and blender isn't a mistake. He should jump from eating whole, juice and blend. Not blending only because "cleaning the juicer is hard lol".

Eating whole gives you the hardcore elements of the food. Juice gives you the ones that are more abundant in liquid form and blending gives you 50/50.

But blending also destroys elements. That's the problem. That's why you can't do only with the blender.

That's a gym myth.

Oh and if that is the entire daily consumption then you are woefully under consuming, you need more calories than that. Some protein would help as well.

Again. Risk of excess.

The headaches and other symptoms are your body dealing with the changes in blood sugar and the various hormonal changes which will occur with a lower meat intake.

Or maybe it's his system saying "stop this, I can't handle it any longer". Have you thought about that?

He went from a bad diet, to another. Of course he is going to feel effects. But the problem is in overlooking those symptoms. It can be from withdraw of elements that were in excess earlier in his life.

But it can also mean that his system isn't being able to coop with it all, and possibly even kidney failure. Sadly, those are only detected when he wakes up in a hospital.

I would again suggest a good multivitamin/mineral complex and also you should include more protein. If you don't want to eat meat and fish then get some soy protein from your local gym of health food store.

The fact that you are here flagging that you are only helping and that you know that you have knowledge in this area, and then advise him to go to the local gym in order to get his food supplies or proteins or whatnot, is at the very least...... laughable.

You do know that the very large percentage of products in gyms are synthetic, right? Just because a label says "natural" or "raw", or something like "extracts of...", doesn't mean it's good or even natural.


reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

My brother diet was pretty much the same as the OP's but the doctor still gave him a broad spectrum multivitamin/mineral drink because he believed the raw food intake my brother had could lead to deficiency and it was best to protect against that.

Your brother went to the doctor. Your brother measured his levels. Your brother had his system analyzed and a prescription based on those levels and on this anatomy.

You don't know the OP from anywhere else but the forum.

I find a bit intriguing that someone that "studies" biology fails to actually understand such a small leap in logic.

As for the rest of your jiberish... You don't answer because you don't have the knowledge. You are commiting your responses on complains about how I talk, instead of refuting what I say. Which, you didn't at all.

Cya later, and watch out for those gym fibers.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by Brentnauer

I saw a friend die in a practice mission because someone talked to him like the nutrition gym-genius over there.

We all have excesses in our body through all our lives. But it's also amazing how thin the line between life and death becomes when you go to the extremes in diets, especially all the sudden.

I'm trying for a 75 to 80% raw diet. If I eat four meals a day, one of them could be Twinkies and Tab soda if I wanted. Obviously I'm not going to do that, but my point is that I'm not eating ONLY raw fruit and veggies.

Well, like I said earlier, you should search for other dishes, not other diets. You should adopt the other way around. 75 to 80 cooked meals, but healthy and balanced ones, with the rest being the (very good) elements that you already have.

You are doing everything perfect. But I'm concerned that this change is too much of a slap to your system.

I appreciate the input and ideas, but ultimately I'm paying attention to my body for instructions on what to put into it.

To sleep better at night, I advise you to buy one of those sugar level machines that the diabetics use. I think they are cheap, but you also have chemical quick kits to measure your blood.

That will put your mind to rest about your levels, and if you have reasons to concern or not.

Aside from the light headache on Sunday and short-term feverish feeling yesterday (maybe caused by shock in the sudden dietary change?), I feel awesome today. Woke up earlier than usual, I've neither gained or lost weight and my complexion has improved a little bit.

This diet is good. The problem is if your body can handle the change that quick or not.

I do think that the headaches can be from the sudden lack of abundant sugars and other elements that you had with the junk food, but that can also be a consequence of your fast physical change.

Elements play a key role in your anatomy, and simple elements changes can change how your body is working. Your heart may be beating faster or stronger because your cholesterol level dropped, and so on..

The fact that you didn't lost any weight is concerning. Your body fat (whatever level it is at) should reduce, because you provably had more "bad" fat than "good fat".

The sign that your weight isn't dropping at all should be an alert for you to keep an eye for.

If your weight drops slightly, that's a good sign. That means that your bad fat is being consumed or "expelled" and that the good one is felling it's place, since it's a bit lighter.

I think I might have the toxicity levels of vitamins and minerals that we use in recruit around here at the office. If I find it, I'll send it to you through U2U.

That way you can make calculations for how much you are consuming, and even adjust small doses of what you need, avoiding the limits.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 01:47 PM
I have been following this thread with great interest as I have many times debated on whether or not I should go with a mostly raw food diet, still eating a cooked meal every day or every other day.

I don't know if I could give up my coffee though :shk:

I guess the best way to start is to stop buying coffee, except I have 3 new bags of fresh beans hah.

What got me interested in this topic in the first place was this thread:
Detoxification, Amazing Results

Anyways, keep posting updates, this is very interesting.

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 10:38 PM

Considering I've always contemplated trying something like this, I'd love to hear how the experiment went?

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by LOLZebra

Originally posted by LOLZebra
I have been following this thread with great interest as I have many times debated on whether or not I should go with a mostly raw food diet, still eating a cooked meal every day or every other day.

I just found out about this on-line book:
THE FAST - Nature’s Best Remedy by Albert Mosséri.

Except for the fasting part which I've never done for more than 30 hours, the first case history is pretty similar to my story. I've just passed the 1 year point having seriously cut back on processed foods, sugar, salt, caffeine, alcohol and making every effort to improve my lifestyle and the quality of the food that I do eat.

I've seen lots of benefits from this and definitely noticed when I went against nature's rules. I lost serious weight, right down to the bottom of the established weight range for my height but after a while I noticed that several of my age-related complaints had disappeared as well as sports/exercise related ones.

If it weren't for being so skinny, I and everyone around me would be happy. Because of my wife's concerns, I tried eating a lot of meals with sauces, combining foods that shouldn't be eaten at the same time such as meat and potatoes as well as cutting down on the amount of raw food consumed. However, this didn't make much difference other than making me feel bad.

Because of this book (and supported by many others that I've read about Natural Hygiene,) I'm now inspired to keep going and trust that when my body is ready it will resume normal weight without having to resort to bad dietary habits.

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 12:17 PM
If you feel powerless realizing that chemical contamination found in food and first necessity products has reached its highest level of pandemic proportion, causing calamities in the world such as Cancer [20,000 deaths a day], Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Disease, because public health has been sacrificed on the altar of profit by those who are poisoning the food industry in complicity with the irresponsible leaders in power...

This is part of the full text available at Go to this site and you will find your way out of this necessary evil inflicted on the world.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by Fidelios

I agree completely with this post. The Algae's are your friend. These foods are showing up in more products in the markets, and it's a good thing! One of the better sources of proteins and nutrients available for people, whether on a raw diet or not.

I read through a lot of posts, and saw several comments about this whole thread being a 'waste of time' or 'where's the conspiracy' type questions. Take a look at the food pyramid, and what is being taught to our kids, drummed into our heads about what's good and healthy today. That's the conspiracy! One needs to question everything we know about nutrition and understand that most of what we can buy in a given store or restaurant really isn't good for us - it may be habit, consumer demand, cultural, or whatever, but it doesn't make it healthy.

Just because something is unhealthy doesn't mean the body will immediately react to it in a visible manner - many of the unhealthy products we eat and toxins we take in can take years and years to finally cause the immune system (which is very robust) to break down. The whole premise behind many of the raw vegan proponents is that most (if not all) forms of aging can be slowed and reversed by subscribing to a plant-based raw diet.

Look around you - I'll bet the majority of your friends and loved ones are suffering from some form of aging and if they eat cooked foods as a matter of course, they are probably also suffering from weight gain and other ailments. If they go to the medical community, they will be given drugs to help 'control' these symptoms, which does nothing but mask the symptoms. Lowering something like cholesterol with a drug is not solving the issue of why the cholesterol was 'high' in the first place - it is akin to putting tape over the light on your cars dashboard when the oil is low.

Having been on a raw plant based diet for about 2 years now, I have seen exactly what the many books and online references state. Lower weight, healthier body! Blood pressure - lower, cholesterol - lower, energy - higher! White blood cell count - lower. Aches and pains - dissapear. Ability to exercise - increased. Muscle pulls and normal wear and tear on the body - heals faster.

"Proof is in the raw chia pudding!"

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 06:02 AM
I've been raw for 15 days now and I can't believe I've never though of trying this before. Excellent results so far.

Im interested in how the experiment went?

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 01:07 AM
Just because you eat raw, doesn't mean you're healthy.

That being said, just because you're not healthy, doesn't mean it is because you're not eating raw.

I think it is ok to try different lifestyles to suit what your body reacts to. Use bio feedback to scale your progress.

A great instant measure of health is to take a thermometer measurement in the morning when you wake up and haven't done anything yet. If you're under 98 degreesF, you can't exactly say that you are 'healthy' even if you have abs and can run the LA marathon, that doesn't mean anything if your internally inflamed or metabolically damaged.

But whatever the case is, as long as you're not obese, you're typically safer than if you were...

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:31 PM
I've decided to experiment a little. I want to eat a food that I usually eat cooked. I've decided to go with an onion.
I've never eaten a substantial amount of raw onion, just the occasional ring on a burger or sandwich.

T+00:00 I'm eating a raw onion right now. It is silghtly sweet and very spicy. So much so that my ears are tingling, albeit not in an entirely unpleasant way. It does however, taste like burning.

T+00:05 I estimate I have consumed about 80 grams of onion. Which in this case, is about 1/8th of an onion the size of a small fist.

T+00:15 I think raw onions must have an expectorating effect. I can breathe more freely, and mucous was expelled from deep in the airway. I am producing saliva at a rate of 280% higher than my control rate.

T+00:20 I have redosed. The onion tastes mostly sweet now, with an occasional burst of spicy. This time my sinuses are burning now; my ears do not burn. Had to stop eating after another 80 grams, my tongue is burning. My sinuses feel more open. I have no nostril dominance. I forgot to check for dominance before I began the experiment d'oh.

T+00:25 So much saliva. My instict tells me to swish it around my mouth, but this feeling could be do to me having read about how saliva transports minerals to teeth. My belly feels warm.

Overall I liked eating this raw onion. Normally when I eat something, I'm only thinking about how it tastes and specifically I am wanting it to taste "good". Eating this raw though made eating a real experience. It stimulated many more senses than just the ones that react to something I normally think tastes good. I do eat a lot of cooked spicy food though, especially thai. That definitely made the raw onion more bearable.

I feel really good, much lighter and more alert. I'm definitely going to be eating a lot more raw foods. It turns eating in to a real sensory experience.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by JohnnyTHSeed
I've decided to experiment a little. I want to eat a food that I usually eat cooked. I've decided to go with an onion.
I've never eaten a substantial amount of raw onion, just the occasional ring on a burger or sandwich.

T+00:00 I'm eating a raw onion right now. It is silghtly sweet and very spicy. So much so that my ears are tingling, albeit not in an entirely unpleasant way. It does however, taste like burning.

T+00:05 I estimate I have consumed about 80 grams of onion. Which in this case, is about 1/8th of an onion the size of a small fist.

T+00:15 I think raw onions must have an expectorating effect. I can breathe more freely, and mucous was expelled from deep in the airway. I am producing saliva at a rate of 280% higher than my control rate.

T+00:20 I have redosed. The onion tastes mostly sweet now, with an occasional burst of spicy. This time my sinuses are burning now; my ears do not burn. Had to stop eating after another 80 grams, my tongue is burning. My sinuses feel more open. I have no nostril dominance. I forgot to check for dominance before I began the experiment d'oh.

T+00:25 So much saliva. My instict tells me to swish it around my mouth, but this feeling could be do to me having read about how saliva transports minerals to teeth. My belly feels warm.

Overall I liked eating this raw onion. Normally when I eat something, I'm only thinking about how it tastes and specifically I am wanting it to taste "good". Eating this raw though made eating a real experience. It stimulated many more senses than just the ones that react to something I normally think tastes good. I do eat a lot of cooked spicy food though, especially thai. That definitely made the raw onion more bearable.

I feel really good, much lighter and more alert. I'm definitely going to be eating a lot more raw foods. It turns eating in to a real sensory experience.

This was a great post, thanks for sharing! although at first I thought you were being sarcastic.

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