posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 09:03 PM
Originally posted by zatara
And what is the local police doing to help the farmers catching thse vandalists?...What is the UK government doing to protect their citizens from
....'foreign' forces?
I usually ask those questions too. People are illegally trespassing private land, destroying private property and causing some upstir. For decades.
Sometimes farmers are so angry they instanly destroy the designs when they discover them and they are not so gentle with the CC admirer that is trying
to access the field. Others buy expensive alarm systems to protect their fields and crop.
But it's not of concern for the police apparently... It should be easy to investigate though. It's a long planning, many people involved, travelling
by night in the quiet country, always the same areas, sometimes the very same fields. At some point, someone would talk and give it away. They are
only artists after all, not the badass guy hard to break.
The only man arrested I've heard about is Matthew Williams ten years ago, too long a story. And then there was
this farmer arrest
Well, not that funny actually...
Maybe it's simply the helicopter pilot guy that is bribing the local police office not to investigate. And he is giving compensations to the farmers
too so they shut up. All this and charging only £85 by person, it's a genius entrepreneur. He should drop his business and give courses. Less
hassle, less dependant on outside factors and revenue all-year long.
I don't believe in the UFO origin of CC but that they are all man made is not a satisfying explanation to me.
I admit I have no clue what's going on. Admitting ignorance, not a popular trend.