posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 12:13 AM
Exchange books and things where you could trade with others without giving them your address information. The website would act as a broker of the
addresses and people would connect through usernames. It would be a way for people on forums to mail eachother things w/o giving up their addresses
and other personal info (except to the website who would be bound by law to protect the info). Sure there are barter websites and places you can get
things for really cheap. But you always have to give your address to the person you are bartering with. There are a few times a year I wish I could
send a fellow ATS'er a book or something of basically low value. I just want to introduce the idea, there is no way I can do this, but I want to see
it done. A barter site where the two bartering don't have to give eachother their addresses, and the site acts as the middleman - receiving and
resending the package.
[edit on 17-7-2010 by Novise]