posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by Phage
Could very well be, I've no idea. It's not my video, but a woman who frequents another forum not UFO related. She was rather excited and it took
awhile for her to find her cable to download the video. I'm open to whatever interpretations, as I imagine she is.
I wasn't there, and do not know her personally. So, I have no idea of scale, or anything beyond what you see.
I guess I should have also included a NSFW on the audio portion. I did mention the video reminded me in some odd way of Scarface.
As for the appropriateness for this section, you may feel free to welcome me
If you'd of invited me to your home, I'd of been sure to have brought something; a bottle of wine, dessert, etc. I figured I may as well have a
party favor in hand.
Yep, that would explain the odd movement. The second video helps with an understanding of how the color changes may have come about.
[edit on 16-7-2010 by Rapscallion]