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Who knew Blowing bubbles could get you arrested?

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posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 05:49 PM
After all the allegations of sexual abuse, physical violence, and verbal threats made against the G20 security forces...we're discussing THIS? A video that 100% clearly edited out what she did to get arrested? Are you guys kidding me?

She could have tried to roshambo the officer, we'll never know. But she did something, and this video doesn't show it. If sophomoric sensationalism like this video appeals to the masses, we've got bigger problems than I thought.

No offense to the OP, but:
-1 star
-1 flag

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by dlifesjrny
After all the allegations of sexual abuse, physical violence, and verbal threats made against the G20 security forces...we're discussing THIS? A video that 100% clearly edited out what she did to get arrested? Are you guys kidding me?

She could have tried to roshambo the officer, we'll never know. But she did something, and this video doesn't show it. If sophomoric sensationalism like this video appeals to the masses, we've got bigger problems than I thought.

No offense to the OP, but:
-1 star
-1 flag

I agree comletely dude.

But it makes better headlines "Girl arrested for blowing bubbles".

She obviously did something to provoke a further confrontation, which got her arrested, but people are so blind, they can't see the big "MOMENTS LATER" slide which hid the real reason she was arrested.

[edit on 19 17uSaturday10 20 by vanhippi]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by yigsstarhouse

Ok i always like to be fair so i'm going to say this in two parts.

1. The officer telling the protestor to stop is an idiot, they are bubbles, ok yeah if it drifts into someones eyes it might cause some irritation but it's highly unlikely and still this seems seriously excessive.

2. The arrest occured after we see a "moments later" message in the video. We ahve no clue what happened between the start and end and i find such things highly suspicious. If the abuse of power was so very clear then why edit the video in such a way? For all we know the protestor decided to blow the bubbles directly in the face of the officers which may have resulted in them being blinded by the soap.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 06:57 PM
"She obviously did something to provoke a further confrontation, which got her arrested, but people are so blind, they can't see the big "MOMENTS LATER" slide which hid the real reason she was arrested."

The officer was being a complete and utter disrespectful dirtbag (as commented on by another bystander) and you assume she provoked him. Some people need to get their heads out of their anal cavities. Yeah that's it, keep on empowering the Police State you morons.

Any by the way, since scores of people were arrested and unlawfully detained that weekend, I will place my bets on her being arrested for no reason whatsoever as well. And in case you missed it, the agent provocateurs, who were provoking the real violence, were the ones who got off scott free.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal

The officer was being a complete and utter disrespectful dirtbag (as commented on by another bystander) and you assume she provoked him. Some people need to get their heads out of their anal cavities. Yeah that's it, keep on empowering the Police State you morons.

Look man i'm the first to come out and criticise the police when they abus their power and act like scumbags. Here in the UK i utterly detest stop and search laws but lets be fair instead of reactionary.

This video does not show the whole story, it cuts away with "moments later". Well i want to know what happened during those moments. For all we know she punched the officer in the face! Why edit the video if the abuse of power was so obvious?

Something smells bad. Yes the officer was acting like an arse about the bubbles but the fact this video was edited suggests an agenda.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:26 PM
"SInce you hate the police, next time you're about to become a victim, and you strike me as a professional victim, call your sister, don't call the cops."

Yeah, you hear that. Next time a mugger has a knife to your back or a gun to your head, the cops will be there in a split second to prevent any harm from coming to you. And if you're really lucky, it might be a G20 cop who will arrest you and let the bad guy go.

"Bubble soap... lol. So, can an officer be arrested when they shoot tear gas into a crowd? I'm sure that there are innocent people in there, who's vision and respiratory system are adversely affected by the tear gas. Can that be considered assault?"

It is okay for them to injure and even kill innocent civilians with tear gas, tasers and guns, but the tough guy cop can't handle a bubble in his eye. Figures.

"If someone started to blow bubbles about five feet from you on the street (while the two of you were just standing there) your most likely response would be "Stop blowing bubbles or I'll have you arrested for assault!"."

That would be your response if you're an anal retentive douche.

"It's all about respect and fear. If people don't respect or fear the police, then there will be a lot more confrontation. It'll make their job that much harder and more dangerous."

Respect is a two way street. The problem is, law enforcement officials like Officer Bubbles only see it as a one way street.

"I see all too often posted and videos about how the cops have undercover bait thugs in the crowds to incite riotous acts so that they jackboots can swoop in and take them down. However, in this case, it looks like she was the one itching for a faceoff."

And boy was she ever prepared, as she came armed and dangerous to the faceoff with a bubble blower used by toddlers.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by vanhippi
What, you see one case of a police officer arresting someone for blowing bubbles in their face, and you assume every poilce officer is a pansy...

I said "MOSTLY", that means "a lot of", but not "all".

You failed reading comprehension or something?

Originally posted by vanhippi
This is a ridiculous thing to say. Police officers deal with a lot, especially on days of protest, where things can get violent and you're kinda on edge.

Having a frustrated job is NO EXCUSE for treating someone with disrespect. Do you go around an mock people at your job at McDonalds because you are frustrated from cleaning the toilets? You shouldnt...

I know what it is like to be authority. You have to deal with scum all day long, and you get frustrated, and soon enough you start treating everyone like scum because you are so used to it. That is NO EXCUSE!

These pansy officers like in the video need to learn how to deal with their frustrations in other ways, and NOT by taking them out on innocent people blowing bubbles. Pansy officers like him should be removed from the force until they become mentally stable. As it is now, he is technically unstable.

Originally posted by vanhippi
Id say most pansys avoid becoming cops, because of how much they deal with, and I could guarantee you wouldn't call a cop a pansy to their face.

I agree, lots of pansy avoid being cops.

But you are wrong, I would call a cop a pansy to his face. In fact, I HAVE ALREADY. The pansy cop didn't do anything because I was above him, and not he above me.

Originally posted by vanhippi
And if you did, maybe they'd arrest you, for verbal assualt or something.... who knows

I'd like to see a pansy cop try that. They would fail.

Only pansy cops would arrest someone for calling them a pansy.

[edit on 17-7-2010 by NineEleven11]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:48 PM
Just to clear things up...

I am not defending the girl for being arrested. I can not see what she did when the camera was off.

However, the attitude the cop gave the girl was uncalled for. He was being a pansy.. If that cop didn't want bubbles in his face he should have popped them with his hands. But he probably is too lazy and too pansy to think up such a simple solution.

Instead he wanted to take out his frustrations from his crappy job following orders on innocent people. This is the definition of mentally unstable.

If I was his superior, I would force him to go on leave until he finished anger management classes.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by NineEleven11

NOT by taking them out on innocent people blowing bubbles.

Take a couple seconds and seriously think.
Then please answer this;
You honestly believe the girl was acting innocently?

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by Genesis322
Take a couple seconds and seriously think.

Ok ill bite...

Originally posted by Genesis322
Then please answer this;
You honestly believe the girl was acting innocently?

Well before I choose what she was, let me list what she wasn't.

She wasn't;

Doing drugs.
Dealing drugs.
Destroying property.
Harming anyone.
Breaking any traffic laws.
Disturbing the peace.

If she wasn't doing the above, then what was she doing? Most likly being innocent.

I pay the police to treat criminals with disrespect, not innocent people blowing bubbles.

The pansy cop obviously has anger managment issues because he is too pansy to deal with the difficulties of the job he chose.

IF he can't dodge bubbles, then he shouldn't be a cop who sometimes have to dodge bullets.

The cop should have kept his cool, instead of showing anger. He should have politely ASKED her to stop with a polite voice, not COMMAND her to stop with a show of anger, and a threat.

I don't know what she did before or after the bubble incident, but during the bubble incident, all I see is an innocent girl blowing HARMLESS CHILDRENS BUBBLES.

Now let me ask you a question. Think about it for more than a second....

Would you react the way the cop did if someone was blowing harmless childrens bubbles in front of you?

[edit on 17-7-2010 by NineEleven11]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 08:47 PM
You know all hope has been lost on the human race when someone gets arrested for blowing bubbles. Lol. Even if it happened in Canada.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 02:15 AM
It's sad to see so many people read the title, watch the video and believe this person got arrested for blowing bubbles! Please tell me this is a joke...

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:44 AM
There's a level of situational discernment that's obviously lacking with this officer, as well as his obvious issues with anger. His psychology is more than apparent. If he's married, and God forbid has children as well, feel sorry for his family.

Alot of these guys are just mentally unable to acclimate to a free society, or what's left of it at least.

That being said, I know there are a lot of peace officers who would never act like this, ALWAYS remember that. Those are the ones that will make a difference in the end.


posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 10:11 AM
She may get off on the " Johnson & Johnson 'No More Tears' baby shampoo" bubble defense. Of course the prosecution will counter with
" The Bubble Burst Startle Effect "

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by yigsstarhouse

Well, seeing as this is a conspiracy website, how do you know there's not a super secret human engineered virus in the soap, and she is the disbursement mechanism?

I've seen stupider theories here at ATS that a lot of people take seriously.

Personally, I think the cop should've made her drink the soap, and shove the wand up one of her orifices.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
reply to post by yigsstarhouse

Personally, I think the cop should've made her drink the soap, and shove the wand up one of her orifices.

Most of us don't agree because we're all not as cool as you are.


posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 11:07 AM
OBEY. thats what it comes down to.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by NineEleven11

Originally posted by Genesis322
Take a couple seconds and seriously think.

Ok ill bite...

Originally posted by Genesis322
Then please answer this;
You honestly believe the girl was acting innocently?

Well before I choose what she was, let me list what she wasn't.

She wasn't;

Doing drugs.
Dealing drugs.
Destroying property.
Harming anyone.
Breaking any traffic laws.
Disturbing the peace.

If she wasn't doing the above, then what was she doing? Most likly being innocent.

I pay the police to treat criminals with disrespect, not innocent people blowing bubbles.

The pansy cop obviously has anger managment issues because he is too pansy to deal with the difficulties of the job he chose.

IF he can't dodge bubbles, then he shouldn't be a cop who sometimes have to dodge bullets.

The cop should have kept his cool, instead of showing anger. He should have politely ASKED her to stop with a polite voice, not COMMAND her to stop with a show of anger, and a threat.

I don't know what she did before or after the bubble incident, but during the bubble incident, all I see is an innocent girl blowing HARMLESS CHILDRENS BUBBLES.

Now let me ask you a question. Think about it for more than a second....

Would you react the way the cop did if someone was blowing harmless childrens bubbles in front of you?

[edit on 17-7-2010 by NineEleven11]

If you truly beleive in your heart of hearts this girl was innocently blowing bubbles then I cannot continue this discussion with you.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by eNumbra
reply to post by toolstarr

The video is edited so there's no knowing what happened during the "Few minutes" in between.

The preliminary that are coming out and why the investigation is being done, is because the masked ones running around weren't for the most part arrested, and there was no proof at all that they were protestors and not hired goons to make them look bad and even the NDP representative commented on that.

Also, the protestors arrested weren't charged for the most part, and when charged had not done anything wrong, nearly every case. This has been talked, published in the Niagra Falls paper, discussed with local politicians, finally made small news on cbc, and is going to a public enquiry level, which of course will not cut it with me or be enough.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Dark Ghost
It's sad to see so many people read the title, watch the video and believe this person got arrested for blowing bubbles! Please tell me this is a joke...

She did, the ones arrested had mostly charges laid and it was brought up by the reporters and local politicians that there was no just cause for arrest, they were not breaking the law so an enquirey has been demanded and it is apparently going ahead according to what they said on cbc news.

I'll provide the news article link again: here

Very good points brought up in it.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Unity_99]

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