I'm as interested in hearing the thoughts and opinions of our members on this as I am hearing if anyone else experiences anything similar. Much of
what I'm bringing forward is based on personal experience and I fully acknowledge that the phone's themselves are not to blame nor the company that
produces them. The issue rests with the individual that uses the product. So please, don't read into this as some critique of the company's that
produce the product and a failure to accept responsibility for decisions that I make myself.
I currently own an iPhone 3GS.
With this phone, I am connected all of the time. If I need to send an email, I send it. If I'm waiting on an email, I get it immediately. If there
is a sports update I'm waiting on, I get it. A political news story breaks? Within seconds I'm informed. As amazing as the internet is and was,
having to "log on" from a computer just isn't quick enough anymore. To have it with me in my pocket at all times is a luxury that I've never
understood until I've experienced it.
I've become just what I never wanted to be.
If I don't have my phone with me, I feel "unconnected". I'm convinced that I might miss something. Having to "wait" just doesn't feel like an
option anymore.
But the real problem, as I see it, is my ability to focus.
My phone is usually in my hand or in my pocket. If I'm stretched out on the couch and watching television, every few minutes I usually pull it out
and check my inbox or a few favorite sites of my own. I'll then put it away and do the same thing in a few more minutes. It's like I'm never
doing "one thing" anymore. I'm always doing several things at once and it's almost necessary to keep me sitting idle or focused.
I've noticed that when doing "one thing" at a time, I struggle to focus.
The last two or three weeks, I've had a few trips to make. Each trip one way is about 4 hours. I struggle to focus at times and keep alert with the
task at hand. My mind wanders and I'm not as aware of what the cars in front of me or around me are doing. This was never an issue for me in the
Reading this as I type it, I think I'm likely sounding like a crackpot who shouldn't own a phone or have access to the internet. This likely sounds
worse than it is. But I am curious if others, who have smart phones and use them daily, have struggled to stay focused on certain tasks?
I do believe that in the not too distant future, attention deficit disorders will be connected to smart phones and other similar forms of technology.
Agree, disagree? Either way, I'm interested in hearing what you have to say.