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The "Well Integrity Test" Is a Sham

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posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 05:24 PM
Everyone needs to read this quickly for readings sake. While it may not be accurate BP have done nothing but lied to the people of the world and cut corners so therefore I have no reason to so far doubt this article's message.

I have heard that if the well casing is compromised under the sea floor so many experts have come to this conclusion now), stopping the oil flow from the BOP may subvert the intense pressure to the leak's below and blow the entire well out.

Open up a hole or holes in the sea floor. It's a theory that makes sense. Like a faulty leaky garden hose with a nozzle.

The first story talks about BP's attempt to stem the flow from the main leak in order to cover up how much oil is leaking, as under the Clean Water Act fines go by each barrel emptied into the Gulf waters.

"They shouldn't be doing this at all," he suggested. "They should be continuing with the relief well to get this thing killed."

(Cavnar believes that BP's true goal is to make it harder to measure the flow of oil from the damaged well, because under the Clean Water Act, it will be liable for civil penalties of up to $4300 for every barrel spilled.)

Read these stories and stand by people. I have plenty of reason to doubt any "good" news coming from BP. We'll have to wait and see.

[edit on 15-7-2010 by Nomad451]

[edit on 15-7-2010 by Nomad451]

[edit on 15-7-2010 by Nomad451]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 06:03 PM
My worry is the people at the top are just concerned about protecting the shareholders.

If the leak continues at a certain point, BP will not have any more assets. I'm not sure what point this will occur or on what day but I bet someone at BP has already calculated the date.

So from a strictly financial point of view, it would be in their financial best interest to risk a mega disaster to stop the leak sooner.

Because if you know you will lose everything on the 200th day, if you just care about money, you will risk everything to stop it sooner. After all, it's a corporation, once all the assets are gone, it doesn't matter to the stockholders if they unpaid debt is 2 billion or 200 billion.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Nomad451
Everyone needs to read this quickly for readings sake. While it may not be accurate BP have done nothing but lied to the people of the world and cut corners so therefore I have no reason to so far doubt this article's message.

I have heard that if the well casing is compromised under the sea floor so many experts have come to this conclusion now), stopping the oil flow from the BOP may subvert the intense pressure to the leak's below and blow the entire well out.

Open up a hole or holes in the sea floor. It's a theory that makes sense. Like a faulty leaky garden hose with a nozzle.

The first story talks about BP's attempt to stem the flow from the main leak in order to cover up how much oil is leaking, as under the Clean Water Act fines go by each barrel emptied into the Gulf waters.

"They shouldn't be doing this at all," he suggested. "They should be continuing with the relief well to get this thing killed."

(Cavnar believes that BP's true goal is to make it harder to measure the flow of oil from the damaged well, because under the Clean Water Act, it will be liable for civil penalties of up to $4300 for every barrel spilled.)

Read these stories and stand by people. I have plenty of reason to doubt any "good" news coming from BP. We'll have to wait and see.

[edit on 15-7-2010 by Nomad451]

[edit on 15-7-2010 by Nomad451]

[edit on 15-7-2010 by Nomad451]

You are correct. There was a reason why the top kill over a month ago was stopped prematurely. And it was because they detected the pressure wasn't getting as high as it should, meaning that excess pressure was going somewhere else and this usually means the concrete casing of the well has been penetrated. The amount of mud they pushed down into the top kill and the length of time should have shown results but it didn't because the mud was going out. Also theres alot of reasons to believe that the casing is shattered in alot of places, all you have to do is look at the 9 to 12 degree (I think it's closer to 30 degrees) tilt of the original BOP connected to the floor of the ocean. That thing weighs 450 tons and for it to have been forced sideways at that angle it had to have pulled and torqued the pipe and casing in the well enough to have shattered the casing in alot of places. Also ad to the fact that you will get cavitation which will vibrate the whole pipe from the unrestricted flow and the leaking into the side of the well as it carves out it's way into the ground and also along the whole length of pipe but on the outside of it.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by Daughter2

Yeah I've been thinking along those lines myself. I guess my thought were a tad more sinister in nature.

I can't help but think BP know the casing downhole is wrecked. So if they cause a seafloor/ riser collapse by shutting off the main oil flow (something everyone wants seen done, rightly so) then how can they be blamed for the incalculable damage that might be about to unfold, resulting from a process everyone wants to see done?

Pretty sinister and probably totally inaccurate. I hope

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 06:13 PM
What gets me is they are like **BREAKING NEWS, there is NO oil going into the Gulf!** BULLS**T!! There are cracks and fissures in the seabed with oil coming out of it......I have seen it with my own eyes on BRITISH PETROLEUM'S OWN ROV!! Also, there is the possibility that the well head could explode, making it worse! So the fact that they stopped the flow of oil from the WELLHEAD is no reason to celebrate.....there IS still oil leaking into the gulf, and the damage has been done to South Louisiana....and the worst could be yet to come. Sorry BP...I don't share your warm fuzzy moment.

[edit on 15-7-2010 by StealthyKat]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 06:18 PM
It is typical of any situation that would be a conspired driven topic to have an impossible chance of elevating from such negativity.

I think no matter what BP does with this issue,. there will be some reason to doubt their actions,..

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by StealthyKat
What gets me is they are like **BREAKING NEWS, there is NO oil going into the Gulf!** BULLS**T!! There are cracks and fissures in the seabed with oil coming out of it......I have seen it with my own eyes on BRITISH PETROLEUM'S OWN ROV!! Also, there is the possibility that the well head could explode, making it worse! So the fact that they stopped the flow of oil from the WELLHEAD is no reason to celebrate.....there IS still oil leaking into the gulf, and the damage has been done to South Louisiana....and the worst could be yet to come. Sorry BP...I don't share your warm fuzzy moment.

[edit on 15-7-2010 by StealthyKat]
Is anyone really sure what they are looking at?
what,.. cause it is on the camera BP owns, it is fact?
Guess the point here should be is there are only a select few that know the truth. be it good or bad

[edit on 15-7-2010 by Lil Drummerboy]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 06:29 PM
I live in south Louisiana, and yes, we are very down on BP.....we DO NOT trust them. I wish everyone could come here and see this first hand. You would see how bad it really is and how BP is trying to control everything so that the rest of the country does not get the full scope of what they have done.....this will affect us for many years, and some places may NEVER be the same.....we are tired of the lies from them....there IS still oil leaking from other places other than the wellhead.....but they say NO oil is flowing into the Gulf of Mexico....

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 06:36 PM

I want this answered.. Please if someone can answer it.

There are at least 3 leaks from the BOP.

I remember before the junk shot BP released a graphic of the BOP showing where all 3 leaks were. Now I cannot find this picture. Can someone please help me find it?

I have read other stories talking about more than one leak like this one:

But If I search I find very little about more than one leak now.

If there is 3 leaks on the BOP then why is CNN saying there is no oil leaking into the gulf when BP only capped one ???

Did they think the World would just forget about the other leaks.

Perhaps the world has. perhaps I am crazy.

Does anyone else remember the other leaks?

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 06:45 PM
To safely cap the first wellhead would require that the relief well project has already worked very well.

I knew they were close, but were they close enough, depending on the strength of the surrounding rock, to set off a conventional blast to plug the well with rubble, and then inject some of that long carbon fiber-filled fast setting cement to plug it up below where the casing ruptured to the seabed? Or are they slowing it down a bit... in preparation for sealing at the relief well intersection?

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix
I confirm, I saw the feed list where there were three leaks:
One from a curved pipe; another from the main BOP leak; and another from most of all bolts below the main BOP leak.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 06:53 PM
Yes....there was more than one leak....When the well was being drilled, there was enough riser to reach from the seabed to the surface to contain drilling mud. The drill pipe is run and rotated through the riser & the casing would have been run through the riser as well.
After the blowout, the Deepwater Horizon melted and sank, apparently still attached to the riser. The riser is kinked over at about 1500 feet off the seabed. There is a leak from drill pipe where it is lying on the seafloor and another leak venting from the riser itself further along the riser path.
One problem is that the BOP's (blow out preventer) sitting at the well head on the seafloor, seem to have failed to operate as designed. If they had, there wouldn't be any continuing leakage from the riser or drill pipe.
These depths are too deep for most diving. The surface crew observes what's happening in deep water with ROV's (remote operated vehicles) which are basically tethered, unmanned submarines with video feed. This is where myself and many others have seen what looks like fault lines or rifts.....and cracks with puffs of oil coming out of them.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by Lil Drummerboy

Originally posted by StealthyKat
What gets me is they are like **BREAKING NEWS, there is NO oil going into the Gulf!** BULLS**T!! There are cracks and fissures in the seabed with oil coming out of it......I have seen it with my own eyes on BRITISH PETROLEUM'S OWN ROV!! Also, there is the possibility that the well head could explode, making it worse! So the fact that they stopped the flow of oil from the WELLHEAD is no reason to celebrate.....there IS still oil leaking into the gulf, and the damage has been done to South Louisiana....and the worst could be yet to come. Sorry BP...I don't share your warm fuzzy moment.

[edit on 15-7-2010 by StealthyKat]
Is anyone really sure what they are looking at?
what,.. cause it is on the camera BP owns, it is fact?
Guess the point here should be is there are only a select few that know the truth. be it good or bad

[edit on 15-7-2010 by Lil Drummerboy]
I just know what I saw, and it was a crack in the seabed with puffs of oil coming out of it. If you check around, there are may people who have seen this. You're right though....there are only a few who know the truth...and they aren't we are left here to speculate LOL!

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 07:04 PM
They are reporting it as no oil is leaking I just heard on the radio, but we know it is now coming out some where else. That can't have been stopped this way so this is simply lie a bility control...

OH man I fear the cost to the peeps on this one is gonna sting.

[edit on 15-7-2010 by Danbones]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by star in a jar
reply to post by JohnPhoenix
I confirm, I saw the feed list where there were three leaks:
One from a curved pipe; another from the main BOP leak; and another from most of all bolts below the main BOP leak.

Thank you. At least I know I'm not crazy. Er.. well I could still be crazy but not from that.

A few more questions Please.

The main leak was at the riser and that got damaged.. then they cut it off flush.. but that is still not the well head. The well head is way at the bottom of the rest of the BOP that is half buried in the sea floor.

Only a part of the BOP sticks out above ground as I remember it.. is this correct?

And it is this riser they are now capping.. Is that also correct.. not the main well head?

I haven't watched the video feeds every day but I don't remember them removing the rest of the entire BOP. - So the other two leaks must still exist.

[edit on 15-7-2010 by JohnPhoenix]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by Danbones
They are reporting it as no oil is leaking I just heard on the radio, but we know it is now coming out some where else. That can't have been stopped this way so this is simply lie a bility control...

OH man I fear the cost to the peeps on this one is gonna sting.

[edit on 15-7-2010 by Danbones]
It's true...and I'm really worried. The tests they are doing now are dangerous....and they are doing ANOTHER seismic test....hmmmm....

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 07:43 PM
DP ( BP,I mean... oops
)knows full well what is the most likely situation beneath the sea floor. Companys that big have the most advanced technology in their field, much of it proprietary in nature and they assess every risk and possibility before making a move. They low ball the important numbers on important permits and signables. They feign ignorance and project confidence when it suits them. They have teams on their payroll whose sole purpose is to game the system and game it well, they are called senior management. Our government has departments dedicated to greasing the Corporate wheels in the name of stimulating the economy. And our politicians feign disgust and surprise when given an opportunity to proclaim that they were on the side of the people all the while cashing checks from the lobbyists hired by the Corporations in return for making sure that the proper palms are greased so that they can stimulate the economy.
You'll notice that you and I aren't in that equation. We aren't in their thoughts either. But sadly that seems to be the way it works.


edit for relevance.

I too saw the reports of three leaks on the sea bed....saw the plumes also.
[edit on 15-7-2010 by stopthathurts]

[edit on 15-7-2010 by stopthathurts]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

There were three leaks from the riser, none from the BOP as far as I could tell. The riser was 1 mile long and fell over when the rig sank. The biggest most obvious leak was from the bent riser attached to the top of the BOP. When they finally got around to cutting off the riser then no more oil traveled down it the the other holes in the damaged pipe.
They then put the loose cap over the cut off riser. Finally, they took off the flange adaptor that attached the riser to the BOP, which gave them something to work with where a real seal could be made attached in essence to another blow out preventer.

The real question to be asked is why did they wait 2 1/2 months to attach a new BOP to the failed one.


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