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Oil cap is closed no Oil leaking as of now

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posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by DerekJR321

I don't doubt that one bit.
I don't think the integrety will hold for 48 hours.
Somthing else will blow out.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by SWCCFAN

Don't get me wrong. I sincerely hope that it doesn't. I've just learned over the last few weeks to not trust ANYTHING BP or the MSM says.

But I seriously do hope the leak is stopped so they can really focus on clean up (even though it will take decades).

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by DerekJR321
reply to post by changetheworld

It would make the whole press blackout make sense. As much as I hope it is really capped, I hope that it doesn't let BP off the hook.

What I mean is, lets say this well is capped and no longer leaking, but 10 miles away there is a gigantic fissure spewing oil out. Obviously it would have some correlation with the DWH drilling. BP should be on the hook for that problem too (even though if it were the case, nothing could be done).

If this is in fact "it" and there is no more oil going into the gulf, then the next step better be BP cleaning up the mess. As it stands now I read the gulf stream is all out of whack, and oil has reached down to Mexico. Its still a big big problem.

Oh I definitely agree with you. I'm almost positive that Simmons was referring to exactly what has been talked about; a leak way far down that IS related to the DWH, so of course one would hope that BP is still responsible but you raise an interesting proposal. All about the $$$.

I don't see how and who they could divert their blame onto anything else if this huge leak is exposed... unless lies continue and they claim it has nothing to do with their DWH... hmm.

Either way HOPEFULLY someone recorded the DR show today and I'll definitely keep searching for the clip so there is more reference to what I've posted because I'll admit I'm not expert on deep water drilling, BOP's, you name it.

One thing I will say is that what scared me the most was his mention of the methane that "could kill many humans" (paraphrased).

Now I know what methane is but could someone explain how a huge leak like he mentioned brings about methane from the leak and then creates deadly effects to humans?

[edit on 15-7-2010 by changetheworld]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by changetheworld

I would look at Matt Simmons investment portfolio if i were you - the leak and fear is in his interests.

He supports up and coming 'big oil' - BP stands in the way and dominates his market.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by stellify
reply to post by changetheworld

I would look at Matt Simmons investment portfolio if i were you - the leak and fear is in his interests.

He supports up and coming 'big oil' - BP stands in the way and dominates his market.

Thank you for posting this I am not necessarily aware of his credentials I just wanted to post what he said on MSM. As with a lot of people his credibility should probably be taken with a grain of salt. I'll read up, thanks!

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 04:03 PM
I don't think they are BSing.

I was watching the live cam views and saw the oil stop.

Check it out.

Whether it holds or not is a different story, but it has stopped.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth
I don't think they are BSing.

I was watching the live cam views and saw the oil stop.

Check it out.

Whether it holds or not is a different story, but it has stopped.

I agree they aren't BSing about this. I believe what we are seeing are live ROV's right now at the cap and THAT leak has stopped for now.

What I'm more worried about are damages further down in the casing and that there is a possibly leak somewhere that we are not being informed of (on purpose of course) but there is nothing to 100% confirm this just speculation. It would definitely be in BP's benefit to hid that there is damaged casing and/or a much bigger leak further away.

EDIT: *** Here is a Source that has the video of Matt Simmons on the Dylan Ratigan Show earlier today. This is the clip I mentioned in my earlier post.

Here is a link to the YouTube video if someone could please embed it as I cannot get it to work

EDIT: Sorry for all the edits, finally got the embedding to work

[edit on 15-7-2010 by changetheworld]

[edit on 15-7-2010 by changetheworld]

[edit on 15-7-2010 by changetheworld]

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[edit on 15-7-2010 by changetheworld]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 04:13 PM
Wouldn't it be best to finish the relief wells ASAP while this thing is holding? A capped BOP is not meant to be permanently left on the well. If it's stopped for now, better get at least that first relief well done. Has anybody heard yet what valves or rams will be opened when they try to do the bottomkill? (I'm assuming they have to let some out the top to let the mud and concrete rise up the shaft.)

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 04:18 PM
If the well is capped and the leaking has stopped...

Then now is the time for Obama to take charge and clean this mess up.
Show some cajones and GET SERIOUS!

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 04:19 PM
Hmmm there's an awful lot of holier than thou anti BP BS pervading ATS over the last few months. Some of which is just total lies....sorry sorry.....mistaken assertions!

According to ATSers the world should have blown up by now with a rupture in the gulfs seabed. Let me guess it will still happen ..... doom gloom.

For some strange reason BBC reporters have had access to the area but nobody in the US has......according to ATSers.

Here's a fact:it was a very bad spill, worst yet, but not unexpected. Being in such a hostile location any fix was incredibly difficult. Even small spills affect vast areas and take years to clean up. THAT'S THE PRICE OF OIL ADDICTION. This just happened to be on highly visible US soil.

I hope the next oil spill (not on US soil) attracts the same level of outrage. It should shouldn't it? Oh hang on there are already spills attracting ZERO outrage from the US consumers..... hmmm.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 04:30 PM
Well BP has removed the Viking feeds from their feeds page, but they are still active as BP just turn on ROV1!!! Looks like it is doing a ground survey and they don't want people to see it.

Here is the link to the Viking ROV1:

Here is the link to the Viking ROV2:
(not turned on yet.. but I'm sure it will be soon)

I'll be adding these back to my all-in-one pages later tonight:
small ROV feeds
large ROV feeds

Edit: fixed links

[edit on 7/15/2010 by Morpheas]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 04:47 PM
Who says it isn't leaking?
don't they mean it isn't leaking AS MUCH?

Shows stuff leaking out... either that or it's about to blow...

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by Morpheas

I was just watching ROV 1 and there were suddenly a lot of white flecks moving quickly in the water. Then it looked like a small oil vent on the far left of the ROV, but they didn't keep going in that direction.

If there is no oil stream to produce current, I thought everything down there would move very slowly because of the depth and pressure?

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 06:40 PM
Is it just me or is BP killing the ROV feeds so they can go look at the cracks in the Sea Floor?

I know they have cracks I have seen pic and video here on ATS.

Anyone else notice this

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 07:06 PM
IMO, they shut most of them off way too quickly. And the one ROV that is monitoring the cap stack, Skandi 2, is so far away you can't see Jack. What would have been best is, before shutting off the pipe flow, to already have a couple of ROVs at the vents we saw previously (days ago), and keep those cameras there till the end of the test.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by SWCCFAN
reply to post by DerekJR321

I don't doubt that one bit.
I don't think the integrity will hold for 48 hours.
Something else will blow out.

Oh please, hope for success ... what they are cooking up in Canada scares the bejeebies out of me!

BP readies "super weapon" to avert escalating Gulf nightmare .. Plasma item powered by "small" Atomic Bomb

There are Black Smokers down south of Cancun and Cuba .. hot ones, if a tsunami pushed the methane cloud or the methane river over that area there would to Two explosions!

What we really need now are chemists who understand how to bind methane in the water and in the air; (and co-wrecks-it in the air especially before it falls on crop land)!! ...

Let them get to work on grabbing this nightmare and precipitating it right back down onto the ocean floor in a non-nightmare form. It is popping up everywhere and short of baking us all to death, it is going to make life miserable for many, many people (esp. if the ice really accelerates it's melting).

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 10:35 PM
2nd ROW, 2nd CAMERA!


posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 10:42 PM
I am beginning to think that those white specs are either garbage or millions of dead fish parts. But why is there so much motion at the bottom of the sea floor? That makes no sense.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 10:45 PM
Back when the whole thing started, two Oil Men from a US company pointed out the Oil Spill some 6 miles away and that there was a huge lake of Crude on the floor of the Gulf waiting for pick up (or turning slowly to asphalt, as big hunks of it are wont to do). It is now bigger than Maryland and Delaware combined (last I heard). It may become a new diving attraction, if asphalt loving plants can grow there in abundance and attract attention!!

This spill six miles away, has gone on and on, and those two guys were not the only ones talking about it; and the research vessel (the ONE which was allowed first .. I guess now a second is out there and others will join it) found the big plume, and then re-validated it. It also has more than comfortable amounts of Methane associated with it.

How much oil is on top, is how much the Gulf's waters will warm because of that oil floating; = how much more likely methane will be to surface.

Any Explosive Methane Releases do pose a breathing hazard, because like a cloud they will envelope life forms as they move past, and they will move to low lying areas. No Oxygen, = not feeling very good about breathing!

So it is true the Gulf is a mess. But it was a livable mess until Corexit.
Now, now the toxic rain is as far North as South Dakota and will likely move down wind with prevailing summer weather over the US crop lands.

That is why it is essential to get the chemists on this and get something which can be sprayed on land being polluted, or into rain clouds over lands about to be polluted.

It takes YEARS to become "Certified Organic" and the testing to proudly have that label on your crops is not cheap, either!! For Organic Growers this is a very, very bad situation!!

This chemical "denatures lipids" ... Lipids hold your cells apart as distinct entities -- while they hold the cell together as a unit: ... When they break down the cell is essentially dead. It is why bleeding is a first sign of too much exposure. The red blood cells are exposed in the lungs.

I don't think I will feel neutral about Petroleum for a long time to come.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 05:07 AM
Here's a ROV showing LIVE eruption of gas and oil (?) at irregular intervals from the sea bed.
(And, no, it is not sediments being stirred by turbulence in the water due to the ROV propellers. Vertical streams of red material spurting upwards can be seen from time to time)

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