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How you know God (or a higher power) Exists.

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posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by srbouska

This is my way to look into it:

Peace love and light,
let u guide by higher i


posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

Explanation: Uhm???

reply to post by Endure


It just simply became more believable to me that there is a Creator, based on science.

Nothing in science suggests a Creator.

Then why does the laws of conservation of energy and thermodynamics say that energy can neither be created or destroyed and yet the most basic state of existence would be a nonexistence AND NOT a infinitely powerfull [hot?] singularity which then suddenly and instantly expands with EVEN MORE ENERGY i.e. Faster than the speed of light!!!

Where does that pesky Big Bang Singularity come from???

A= Nothing

What gave it the impetus to expand and from where did the EXTRA energy required to do this come from...also why did it come from there?

A= Nothing, Nowhere and BECAUSE nothing and nowhere have nearly no rules to restrict them!!!

How was this all possible???

A= Nothing and Nowhere also like Mother Nature ABHORE A VACUUM! Quantum Uncertainty came to the rescue! Unlimited Uncertainty allowed the singularity to come into instant [1plancks length/second] existence with the extra energy imparted by the impetus [flow/symmetry breaking]] of coming into existence [inflation/folding].! The God of creation is far more simple and yet sophisticated than I could of ever imagined on my own! God was a logical NOT gate and took nothing and made it everything!

Personal Disclosure: I'm in constant contact with my Omnipresent Universe/God and that makes me an Angle/Angel of the Big Bang/Birth! Neat and Messy... I'm Both, and so it is! Creation!... Its as old as I am if I look properly both ways!

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by srbouska
Feel free to dispute, I would greatly appreciate all opinions (mature only please)

I have been thinking in regards to Proving a higher power exists vs Science and such.
SO.. My thought is this...
Nothing new (original) has ever been created since the world/universe has been created. Everything we create or manipulate is using building blocks from the original design and changing it into something "recycled" but new.
There has NEVER been something new created in the existence of.. well existence.

Science proves this. You cannot create anything new you can only use building blocks of previous models of life, molecules, DNA etc etc.
So if God or a higher power does not exist or if intelligent design is not true.. Than how come nothing has ever been created to disprove it.
Even evolution uses building blocks from the original model of cells.

Btw.. I used to be 100% science believer up to about 6 months ago.
Now I can't ever follow that same faith.

Please tell me your thoughts on this. If you can prove me wrong please do, i encourage a good debate.
Thanks for your time. I look forward to your comments.

Something that doesn't know it's beginning, doesn't know it's end, so if you are told what your beginning is and believe such you will also know your end.


Gen 28:12 And he dreamed, and behold a ladder (this word literally means "spiral staircase") set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.
Gen 28:13 And, behold, the LORD stood above it, and said, I am the LORD God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed;

Joh 5:26 For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;

The nothing new exists comment reminded me of this...


posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 04:34 PM
Your question : " How you know God (or a higher power) Exist"

Before considering this question, it is important to distinguish between the two main types of believers

1)Those who believe in an all powerful omipotent being that we should be fearful of and worship.

2)Those who believe that each one of us is a spark of the omnipotent or a representation (image, aspect, part of, etc).

Then there are those who do not believe in anything.

If you subscribe to point 2) above, then it is easier to try an figure out some of the mystery. We are like remote PCs that feed information to the central core PC, through intermediary PCs. If we upgrade ourselves , we move up and understand more and thus feed the source with better data. This then comes back to us and further upgrades us and so it goes on. This is typical Eastern Mysticism , which I am explaining using our modern-day technology as a metaphor.

So we at the bottom of the pyramid; higher up are the spiritual leaders ; above them are the discarnate entities that have attained much wisdom; above them are more enlightened beings, etc. The irony is that every level is trying to understand the level above it. So , in a nutshell, God wanted to understand who he was, and therefore stepped out of himself by splitting into billions of sparks that are us.

Now to answer your question, the proof of a higher power is when you experience it.

[edit on 15-7-2010 by crowdedskies]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 04:36 PM

Then there are those who do not believe in anything.

And then there are the atheists who believe in everything

Like me.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Then there are those who do not believe in anything.

And then there are the atheists who believe in everything

Like me.

That is something worth contemplating...."Those who believe in everything". They are the most difficult category

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by crowdedskies

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Then there are those who do not believe in anything.

And then there are the atheists who believe in everything

Like me.

That is something worth contemplating...."Those who believe in everything". They are the most difficult category

I struggle with and love my idea of a spiritual atheist. I don't believe in anything but the idea that we are all part of everything that we know exists.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Originally posted by crowdedskies

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Then there are those who do not believe in anything.

And then there are the atheists who believe in everything

Like me.

That is something worth contemplating...."Those who believe in everything". They are the most difficult category

I struggle with and love my idea of a spiritual atheist. I don't believe in anything but the idea that we are all part of everything that we know exists.

More a case of a spiritual rebel. I have to agree with your point that we are part of everything we know.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by XxRagingxPandaxX

I'm curious as to why you can never go back to that faith even though science is the opposite of faith. Also you can never know for sure whether their is a higher being or if there is what it or they are so it is pointless to even wonder about, I am spiritual but not religious, religion ruins everything.

Don't you think this would be the more logical order of thought.
You say you can never know and that isn't even true.
Once you make the simple assertion that there must be a creator for all things. If he is capable of all of this. Then absolutly is he capable of
some sort of communication to us. I believe there is a book that communicates the message he wants us to have. No matter how many don't believe it or just don't want to believe it. There is only one truth out there and knowledge of it begins that simply.
The rest is up to you.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by OmegaLogos

How was this all possible???

I don't know. What I do know is that filling that gap in our understanding with God doesn't help us at all. I want the answer to where the singularity came from just as much as the next person but I will not stoop to blaming magic, the supernatural or using Gods to fill that gap.

I'm in constant contact with my Omnipresent Universe/God and that makes me an Angle/Angel of the Big Bang/Birth! Neat and Messy

That's great for you but I hope you don't mind that your subjective experience is not enough to sway me one way or another. Throughout human history people have claimed to be in contact with Krishna, Shiva, Athena, Zeus, aliens, goblins, woodland pixies, etc etc etc.

If we accepted their word we would all be believers in a thousand different contradictory deities and doctrines

[edit on 15-7-2010 by Titen-Sxull]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 09:28 PM

An even better explanation:

And one more...that man is a genius and explains things better than I ever could:

[edit on 15-7-2010 by MrXYZ]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 10:03 PM
My understanding is rapidly evolving so I have nothing definite to add until perhaps the end of the summer.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by srbouska
I have been thinking in regards to Proving a higher power exists vs Science and such.
SO.. My thought is this...
Nothing new (original) has ever been created since the world/universe has been created. Everything we create or manipulate is using building blocks from the original design and changing it into something "recycled" but new.
There has NEVER been something new created in the existence of.. well existence.

Science proves this. You cannot create anything new you can only use building blocks of previous models of life, molecules, DNA etc etc.
So if God or a higher power does not exist or if intelligent design is not true.. Than how come nothing has ever been created to disprove it.
Even evolution uses building blocks from the original model of cells.

The only thing I can really say about what you said here, is that just because something hasn't been proven or disproven yet, doesn't mean it won't be in the future. Science works on theories, which are only the best guesses so far. If one of the handful of quantum theories are ever "verified," then quantum mechanics and the whole of physics will be rewritten again, just like our understanding from Newton was rewritten or extended with Maxwell and Einstein and a few others. Acknowledging as much is only being logical.

My thoughts about whether or not "God" exists:

How do you define "God"?

I'm of the opinion that consciousness creates, experiences, and holds forms to create the entire experience of all of creation. So pretty much anything and everything exists, that could ever be imagined, and it is all linked together one way or another.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 06:41 AM
This Thread is what is known as circlular arguement which is where the conversation goes. We move through this life seeking answers, and if genesis is to be accepted and we did eat of the tree of knowledge then we are doing exactly as it prescribed, But , Is this very knowledge going to be the saviour of mankind or it's very demise.

I know not of others but i love breathing and it is something i have become quite accustomed to so when i think that there are powers that be that wish to disturb my personal balance of life through promotion of a god/deity their views on a goverment or a religion i will strongly fight against that.

If there is a so called higher power out there and it/they are allowing this earth senario to play out as such then i am saddened and i would personally like the be the one to strike them down.

But, i for one believe there is a higher power, and it lays in the power of the human race, It is upto us to make world a better place through our knowledge and understanding. We shall overcome but we need not be blind to what goes on.

There is a select few on this planet whom think they are in touch with the higher power and that they are better than the rest of mankind, But i think that through knowledge and understanding we can all overcome it, because if we let things keep going we will all meet our higher power a lot sooner than we should, dont be blindsided and just wait till it is to late, learn , understand, expand your knowledge.....QUESTION EVRYTHING..

sitting and debating wether a god/higher power exists is not the point, the point is how do you want to live your a slave...or free....and i mean globally....not as i feel safe in my country because my goverment protects one protects protect yourself through knowledge.

so keep working hard to prove if there is a god/higher power cause the sooner that happens the sooner the truth will be expose and we as humanbeings can start to live in harmony with each other rather than fighting with each other.

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