I am thinking of buying a generation 1, 1+ NVM for sky and UFO observations.
Unlike generation 2 or 3 I'd like to start with generation 1 or 1+ if it is worth it. However, if it is not worth it at all than please let me know
as to why and which specific brands I should obtain.
At the moment I am thinking of obtaining: yukon-exelon-3x50
S&F because I could not tell you one way or the other so hopefully a flag draws peoples attention who could actually tell you. Although I don't know
much about the subject it sounds like a good idea to me.
Thanks for the S&F, I guess after searching about this topic I could not find a specific thread about NVM others than binoculars. So, I hope this also
helps other who are in the same boat as me.
Gen 1 night vision is very poor quality and requires substantial amounts of ambient light to function.
I know the Gen 2,3 & 4 are rather expensive but I would go above Gen 1 if I had the money. Gen 2 is far superior to 1.
If not, Gen 1 is better than nothing.
I have a gen 111 monocular and a gen 111 binocs gen 1 is cheaper and if you didn't know any better it wouldn't make a difference. Gen 111 is the
way to go a great place to buy night vision products is us night vision.