posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 06:56 AM
I can imagine what you mean, although i can't think what would cause it, other than a nerve or muscular problem.
May be worth going to the doc and get it checked out, it could be a warning that something is going on with your back.
Speaking of knees or kids kicking your want to try a 12 hour flight from Singapore to New Zealand with a little brat constantly kicking the
back of your chair! Oh how i loved that flight...almost as much as the flight i took some time after 9/11, and another kid behind me, about the same
age as the one i just mentioned, went on incessantly about 'what if there was a bomb', and Boom, bang, nee-naa, nee-naa, BOOM..haha, haha, we are
going to crash...that was another really enjoyable flight, i can tell ya!
Hope your back is ok, seriously though, don't mess about with it, go and see the doc.