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Republican Candidate: "It is time for white people in NH and across the country to take a stand"

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posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 11:39 AM
And for the record, I'm a white guy that is sick and tired of all these white crybabys whining that the minorities are getting all the benefits and destroying white culture. As a white guy, I can still get the best jobs, best education and treatment in American culture. I'll wager that these white boys doin all the bitchin are the ones that dropped out of school and became losers because they were to lazy to do the work it takes to be a success in life. It's so much easier to blame a scapegoat than take personal responsibility your failures.

so many things here to question.

so you have no problem minorities are destroying white culture?
you have the best job? what is that?

you get better treatment than others in life?

and you believe you are a success?

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by 12GaugePermissionSlip
ATS, meet Ryan Murdough, of Ashland. He is running as a Republican for a State House seat in Grafton County's 8th District. He is state chairman of the American Third Position party, a white supremacist political group.

From a letter to the Concord Monitor he wrote on July 4, 2010, Murdough says:

We must preserve our racial identity
For far too long white Americans have been told that diversity is something beneficial to their existence. Statistics prove that the opposite is true. New Hampshire residents must seek to preserve their racial identity if we want future generations to have to possibility to live in such a great state. Affirmative action , illegal and legal non-white immigration, anti-white public school systems, and an anti-white media have done much damage to the United States of America and especially New Hampshire. It is time for white people in New Hampshire and across the country to take a stand. We are only 8 percent of the world's population and we need our own homeland, just like any other non-white group of people deserve their own homeland.
What will happen to New Hampshire once it is only 60, 50 or 40 percent white? Statistics show that areas with high non-white populations have higher rates of violent crime. New Hampshire has one of the lowest rates of violent crime in the country, but that will change as the white population percentage declines and the non-white population percentage increases. I urge New Hampshire residents to go to the American Third (riech) Position website and read for yourself what it is all about.

He sat down for an interview by the same paper in New Hampshire a week later and had some more racially charged comments for them:

Murdough says he's nonviolent, that his vision for a new America can be achieved without resorting to genocide or imprisonment.

So please, don't call him a racist. He says that's not true.

"I would ask you about your version of racist," Murdough said. "The word does not have a specific definition. ( If someone says, 'You seem to hate people who aren't white,'

I say no, so I can't really be a racist, because I don't hate them. I just don't want to live around areas that are heavily, predominantly non-white."

"Listen, just because I choose not to live in those types of neighborhoods doesn't mean I'm a racist," he continued. "I'd just rather live in a place that would be safer for my kids, and most of the those places happen to be white."

"I've even read some things where Jews are considered white because of their skin," Murdough said. "Technically, they're a different race than white people. They're Semitic; that's not white."

Even though whites weren't America's original settlers, Murdough says American Indians would have to leave, too, just like members of all other non-white races. We came, we saw, we conquered. Too bad.
"What happened with them was unfortunate," Murdough said. "But the way lands are taken over is the way it works. They were here, the Western settlers took over and the rest is history."
Ain't he a huckleberry? Good luck, New Hampshire, with that one.
Brewer/Murdough 2016?
[edit on 15-7-2010 by 12GaugePermissionSlip]

Lots of racist buzzword and propaganda. These wannabe "ultrapatriotic (un)holy warrior" nazi organizations are all the same.Ethnic fascists that want to spread thier race tiered feudalism to the rest of the world. Nahh i don't want to be a psychopath with you.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

I am worried he could take the rights way from people who are not white and cause more discrimination. This guy might have good politics in the area of freedom and pro 2nd amendment rights and 1st that I believe in, but he would cause more division of the races. The US need to unite to survive, but people like this cause division among the races. I am worried about the future of the US and afraid it would be sucked into a North American Union. I am hispanic who is a proud American.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by fooks

And for the record, I'm a white guy that is sick and tired of all these white crybabys whining that the minorities are getting all the benefits and destroying white culture. As a white guy, I can still get the best jobs, best education and treatment in American culture. I'll wager that these white boys doin all the bitchin are the ones that dropped out of school and became losers because they were to lazy to do the work it takes to be a success in life. It's so much easier to blame a scapegoat than take personal responsibility your failures.

so many things here to question.

so you have no problem minorities are destroying white culture?
you have the best job? what is that?

you get better treatment than others in life?

and you believe you are a success?

I almost missed your response. I helps if you would put what I said in the quote box.

But first... define white culture!

And I don't have a job. I'm an entrepreneur that isn't afraid to get my hands dirty and do some hard work and research, to make myself and my family successful and reasonably prosperous. Nothing was handed to me in the form of a trust fund or inheritance. My family was dirt poor, dry land farmers.

And yes I do get preferential treatment. I have a good education, I studied hard, I'm articulate, reasonably good looking, business owner, semi bilingual, and I know how to communicate with all types of people.

And yes I do believe I'm a success in life. That is not to say that I haven't suffered disappointments in my businesses[I have gone broke multiple times] personal life and healthwise but I don't blame my setbacks on illegals, minorities, evil ex wives, or anyone else other than myself. There is a lot to be said for taking personal responsibility; rather than placing blame and whining like a crybaby to sooth a fragile ego.

Now fooks, it time for you to answer all the questions you asked of me!

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by fooks

And for the record, I'm a white guy that is sick and tired of all these white crybabys whining that the minorities are getting all the benefits and destroying white culture. As a white guy, I can still get the best jobs, best education and treatment in American culture. I'll wager that these white boys doin all the bitchin are the ones that dropped out of school and became losers because they were to lazy to do the work it takes to be a success in life. It's so much easier to blame a scapegoat than take personal responsibility your failures.

Wow, replace the word white with black, ala "I'll wager these black boys doin all the bitching........." And we now have a racist statement. How come? Oh I forgot, it's only racist if it involves someone other than whites........pathetic, simply pathetic. And yet worse, heard far more often. Epic fail.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 06:29 PM
madness. Why do you keep this up? why does it matter?

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright
reply to post by tonypazzo

Blacks and whites aren't on equal ground. White people hold the power in America. Power is ownership of resources, patents, etc. Yes there are a percentage of black people who thru entertainment or sports have a little money. They have a few million, they may even have a few hundred million, but in the grand scheme, they have nothing.

Until blacks own such things as the railroad, the land electric companies are built on, patents to the latest technology...they will never really have any power.

Well that puts us all in the same boat really. And blacks dont have....around here we have a black mayor, had a black chief of police for years, black school superintendent....there may be not so hidden powers behind it all but they certainly dont have some dammed "white" agenda. Its about the green the mean green and in most cases it doesnt serve the whites any better than it does the blacks.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by whaaa

In a large way I am glad for you. But please do let some of the steam out of your head. You probably cant blame anyone because you used and ran over everyone and left many things of value along the roadside in your quest to be proud of yourself. You probably hire Mexicans not just for good cheep labor but because it makes you feel all the more like an old southern plantation owner.....and some sort of internationaly minded twit. Or one of the kind that believe all the foreclosers going on are do to lack of work ethic on the parts of the foreclosed. Hell you dont care who they blame....they should have been more like you right?

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