posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 02:55 AM
Lookit, folks, we do not ban lightly around here. Do not think for an instant that the decision to ban Colonel was made in haste.
On the other hand, if you think that those two were catalysts for the Pit, then indeed, the Pit needed a major overhaul.
I agree, the Pit has grown into a large part of ATS, but it certainly is not what makes ATS, nor is it what this site is about. Maybe a
history lesson is in order.
ATS is about conspiracies, not politics. After 9-11-01, politics started playing a part in many threads, so the Pit was created to bleed politics
away from the main focus of the board. Good threads on conspiratorial topics were being sidetracked by bickering about American politics. To make it
clear, the Pit was to bleed politics out of the main topic for which the board was designed, not to be the main topic for the board.
Now, we all know that politics is like religion, most of us have a hard time discussing either one without getting a little hot under the collar, so
the rules of "courtesy", if you will, were loosened a bit for the Pit. The problem is, people were taking that to the extreme, and Colonel was one
of them. It was never good enough to debate points of interest, it had to begin and end with insults and offenses, many times without a decent point
to pursue. Going over the top in such a fashoin does not aid in political debate, but causes many potential contributors to choose not to
participate. This was not what we wanted.
Colonel has been the source of many complaints in this regard, he led the pack in that respect. Many of you think he did a swell job, but be honest,
was it because he contributed much, or is it because he either attacked those who you wished to be attacked, or maybe was it because you enjoy a good
sideshow at the carnival, and liked the entertainment? Eitehr way, that is not what management wanted as it knew that this kind of conduct attracts
the wrong element and keeps the good element at bay.
The decision was made to rein in the Pit, not for bandwidth reasons, but because it was out of control. Colonel refused to be a part of this, would
not agree to play in accordance with the rules, and basically, he canned himself. Anyone can be an offensive individual at will, that takes no
talent, and is nothing to admire. Being a member in political debate that contributes good information and represents their side of the debate with
enthusiasm coupled with respectable manners, that is one to admire. Not that I'm that good, but I agree to abide by the stricter policy, and I can
do better as well.
Nobody learns in a negative environment, nobody is receptive to someone's views when that person states things like you are a member of an evil party
and you are going to go to Hell, or statements of that ilk. As a matter of fact, you know as well as I do, the insults don't even have to rise to
Colonel's level to shut one's mind completely.
I regret that Colonel made the decision he made, but nobody can make a decision for another. We have to make our own. I, for one, want to be a
productive contributor to this particular forum, and I hope the rest of you, no matter what your political viewpoint is, will do the same.