posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 04:37 PM
I quit the TV since summer of 1975. Watching TV affects my psyche very profoundly. It under mines my ability to think. I can see that it is in
existence solely as a method by which certain "I own you" types are manipulating everyone into being their slave population. Almost as bad as if we
are simply cattle on their ranch. I know that it sounds like I am being extreme. In deed I have been told by a psychiatrist that I am extreme in not
having a TV. The doctor believes that my phobia [un-natural fear] towards TV is a form of mental illness. They even force me to take anti-psychotic
medication, to try to get me to watch the TV again. As well as not wanting to watch TV I also avoid motor transportation. But that is not so much a
psychological matter, but more because I suffer severe motion sickness. Nausea in my head and I usually faint. TV is the same effect on me, but is
more subtle since obviously to watch TV I am sitting still. But what I detect from the TV is a psychic motion sickness. TV robs one of independent
thinking ability. TV is literally a form of hypnosis going on.
The NAZI movement in 1930's Germany was very largely possible because Berlin had installed the worlds first TV service. The NAZI propaganda
machine was obviously using radio to "educate" the population, but historians never seem to realise the degree to which Hitler was using TV in
Berlin to "educate" the population. Other countries introduce TV only because they too would like to control our minds the same like as Hitler was
doing. TV really is too much of an intrusion into the workings of the human psyche. I embrace the INTERNET, but I avoid TELEVISION. I listen to RADIO
but do not want to watch TELEVISION.
Anyone thinking to embark on paranormal research will do well to avoid TV. This is because the TV creates images in the mind which you will
later confuse with reality. Memory of reality ? Or memory of something that you watched on TV ? Dreams present us with subtle images which are
destroyed when you wake up in the morning, but even more so destroyed when you watch TV. Especially as you get into old age you will not be able to
differentiate between where the images in your memory originated.
The only TV programmes that I remember was back when it was a Black and White service. The programmes back then had strong atmosphere.
Programmes were evenings only. The rest of the day was the test card with music. Good music. After the programmes for that evening the National Anthem
was played "God save the Queen" and then the signal was switched off. On the old black and white TV sets when you turned it off, there was a white
dot left in the centre of the screen, as the cathode ray tube cooled down. At weekend there was just sports and on sunday all the programmes were
religious in nature. On thursday evenings we always tuned in to the BBC 1 service for the TOP OF THE POPS modern music. It was my favourite and my
most true favourite was watching the original STAR TREK series. DOCTOR WHO made by the BBC was interesting, but nothing by comparison to the USA
Paramount Pictures made STAR TREK series. I do go to the cinema very often, and I am avid about watching the DVD video of any films that do not get
to be at the cinema.
Advertising on the TV is a serious issue with most people. Especially in the USA where the adverts come in every ten minutes. In the UK the BBC
never transmit adverts. The BBC is completely clean. However, the other services are entirely adverts commercial funded, but the law controls how
many, and for how long, and how often, the ITV and other non-license funded TV services are allowed to advertise. There is also the controversy about
sex on TV. My opinion is that TV must never transmit sex. As far as I am concerned pornographic material must never ever be transmitted by the TV.
There might be children watching it.
[edit on 14/7/2010 by CAELENIUM]