posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 09:15 AM
Schizophrenia hits a person when they are in their late teens and early 20s, and when it does, it hits like a bomb and never goes away. Not likely
that an apparition at such a young age would be caused by shizophrenia. That mental disease completely takes over your entire personality. It's not
just about seeing things. It is a full immersion into delusions and insanity that only heavy meds can even hope to address.
As far as red eyes, I see all kinds of messed up stuff when I'm in low light. Shadow movement, light arcs, ambient lighting increasing and
decreasing by up to 50% with no rational explanation for such changes, and full color anomalies that have definite shape and seemingly intelligent
movement, and I have no mental illness whatsoever. The human vision interpretation system is complex, and you need to allow for a certain amount of
"slop" in that system. Your eyes are the camera lenses, but it's deep in your skull where the images are intepreted, and where internally
generated images can bleed through if there is a little slop in your system.
I know better than to trust my eyes in low light, since I've been this way since I was a child, and there's never actually been anything "there"
when I've seen things that startled me.
That said, I do know that if an astral entity does pester you, all you have to do is realize that you can simply get rid of it, and that the entity
knows this. Every culture has its own unique rituals for getting rid of astral pests, and if the ritual itself had the power, then there'd be only
one effective method. What these rituals do is convince YOU that you have the power to get rid of these idiots when they come around, and they
convince you by allowing you to firmly believe that your ritual is giving you that power. In truth, you always had that power and just needed to be
convinced of it to be able to wield that power.
The truth is that these astrals are nothing more than you are, only they haven't got the corporeal body attached as you still have. In other words,
instruct your astral self to kick them out if you don't want them around, and it will. Yes, the entity will try to fight it and may even try to
convince you that you haven't got the power, but it's lying to you when it makes that claim. Just focus on your own radiant power and "push" that
pest away from you in no uncertain terms, and it will leave.
In the end, it's just another human being, and not even as physically capable of impacting this realm as you already are. Even if it can turn on
lights, so what. You can too. It moves a chair, then you throw the chair across the room and laugh at it. It can't throw a chair. Trust me. The
most it can do is scratch and that's only if it's extremely powerful. Meanwhile, you have the same capacity in its realm as it does, but you need
to realize it before you can have that capacity.
And now you do realize it. Have fun.