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I Just Got Back From Iran

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posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 08:53 PM
Not me
but Stephen Kinzer the author of the article. He shares his experience to recent trip to Iran. I found it modest and more realistic without any bias than any MSM news stories we hear. I encourage you to go through the entire article. Posting little excerpts. Here we go:

This is his starting point

The reality is more prosaic. Although few Americans visit Iran, there is in fact no legal obstacle to doing so. I accompanied a group of American tourists on a thousand-mile, two-week trip through the country. We met no government or opposition leaders, but we were free to talk with ordinary Iranians, and did so at every stop. Because the government has made it difficult for Western journalists to work in Iran, traveling the country this way may now be the best way to gauge its people's mood.

His experience

The first thing that strikes Americans who visit Iran is how amazingly pro-American its people are. Nowhere else in the Middle East, nowhere else in the Muslim world, and almost nowhere else on earth do people so unreservedly admire the United States. Opinion surveys confirm this phenomenon, and I remembered it from previous visits. Nonetheless it was disorienting, in the heart of the purported axis of evil, to to be surrounded, as I was at Imam Square in Isfahan, by giddy female college students shrieking "We love America so much!" At a Persian garden in Kashan, I met a solemn elder whose only English phrase is "America very good," and who pronounced it with grave reverence.

Pro-American feeling in Iran is due mainly to Iranians' admiration for what the United States has achieved. Americans have what many Iranians want: democracy, personal freedom, and rule of law. Their desire for these blessings is not abstract or transitory. It is the product of their century of striving toward liberal democracy. Since the Constitutional Revolution of 1906, generations of Iranians have assimilated democratic ideals. Today their society is the opposite of their regime: open, tolerant, and eager to engage with the world. There is more long-term potential for democracy in Iran than almost anywhere else in the Muslim Middle East.

Pro-American sentiment in Iran is a priceless strategic asset for the US. A military attack would liquidate or at least severely weaken this asset. It would probably turn the most pro-American population in the Middle East into anti-Americans, further undermining the US position in the world's most volatile region.

The second thing I learned in Iran is that last year's explosion of anti-government protest is finished, at least for the moment. Governments use repression against protesters for the simple reason that it usually works. It has worked in Iran. Many people are unhappy -- it is impossible to estimate how many -- but no one I met predicted more upheaval soon. Life is reasonably good for most Iranians, and a possibly stolen election is not enough to force them from their homes to face beatings and arrest.

This suggests that if there are to be any negotiations with Iran over the next few years -- the amount of time it may take for the Iranian nuclear program to mature -- they will have to be with the current regime. Postponing a broad negotiating offer in the hope that the regime may fall is unrealistic.

The most important part as per me

Finally, I was struck -- though not surprised -- by the unanimity with which Iranians, even those who joined last year's protests and fervently support the reform agenda, reject help from the US or any other outside power.

"Many people don't like the regime, but they don't want the Americans to come and rule us," a shopkeeper in the Shiraz bazaar told me. "They would rather live under a regime they don't like than a regime placed in power by foreigners."

This sentiment is widespread and powerful in Iran. The reason is to be found in modern history. For most of the 19th and 20th centuries, Iran was ravaged by foreigners who subjugated its people and looted its resources. Whenever Iran has sought to modernize -- whether by building a steel mill in the 1930s or by nationalizing its oil industry in the 1950s -- outsiders have intervened to block it. This has made Iranians as sensitive to foreign intervention as any people in the world. It leads them to reject political forces that they see as sponsored, supported, or encouraged from abroad.

Some Americans would like to see Congress and President Obama embrace Iran's democratic movement vigorously and publicly. But not even the movement's own leaders want this support. Far from helping them, an endorsement from Washington would stigmatize them and de-legitimize their cause. Americans often assume that their support for like-minded friends in the world is helpful. In Iran, it would not be.

"Bush was very bad," mused a math teacher I found sitting beneath a fig tree in the town of Rayen. "Obama is a little better. But Iranian people believe that when America and England look at Iran and Arab countries, it is only because they want to steal what we have."

Sobering realities shape Iranian politics: There will be no regime change soon, and there is little the West can do to hasten it. Nonetheless, Iran may have more democratic potential than almost any other society in the Muslim world. Seventy percent of Iranians are under the age of 30. Change will come, but at Iran's pace, not America's.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 08:54 PM
Oops !! Forgot to include the link . Here you go

I Just Got Back From Iran

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 09:08 PM
wow, thanks for offering another view.

it is touching, how they feel, and it makes me even further disappointed with the US's approach to foreign affairs in the middle east.

especially the part you thought was most significant - and i agree.

we meddle far too much in the affairs of other nations!
we have done more damage than good, all told.

it is no more our right, as a nation, to butt into the affairs of another sovereign nation than it is right for me, as a person, to go into my neighbor's home and butt into their business and personal affairs!

i don't understand what kind of justification such behavior has, in the minds of the government!? how can they think it is okay?

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 09:24 PM
Nice 1 OP

Its always nice to read how the "other side" realy is. Just goes to show how much BS the governments and media are in the west.
I used to live with a guy from Iran when i was back in stinky London, Nicest guy in the world. his grandfather was an ex British officer, his father fought against the Taliban on the iranian borders. Stopping Taliban who would hop over the border and snatch kids to sell on the black market. Never said a bad word about the west, he would critisize his government sure but he feared foreing intervention in his country as he saw what happend in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Cool article, shame they have the wrong view of America.... if only they knew


posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 09:25 PM
There are decent people in all countries, people who are either enlightened and see through all the international posturing and BS, or otherwise are just trying to live their lives.

Unfortunately the rest are louder.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 09:33 PM
there is so much about iran that most are clueless about.

jews of iran

[edit on 13-7-2010 by rubbertramp]

+1 more 
posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 09:33 PM
S&F for you, nice article! Sadly most people who advocate a military attack on Iran have no clue about the country or its people.

A few months ago the Daily Show sent 2 reporters to Iran...the clip is EYE-OPENING and very much reflects what's being said in the article the OP posted!!

People who say we should bomb this country should be FORCED to watch this video! Do you really wanna bomb those people?!! ARE YOU INSANE??????

The full trip report can be watched here:

Jason Jones interviews Iranians

Jason Jones tries to find out why Iran is so evil

Jason Jones talking to the Iranian youth

[edit on 13-7-2010 by MrXYZ]

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 09:45 PM
Very nice article, although I felt a sense of shame somehow as I was reading.

I don't think we deserve the admiration.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 11:26 PM
If there is a US invasion of Iran then that will be the most retarded mistakes in history

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by starwarsisreal
If there is a US invasion of Iran then that will be the most retarded mistakes in history

I could not agree with you more and I was surprised to read the same exact words that a friend of mine told me over 5 years ago after visiting Iran.

She said that she had never been to a country that was so pro American and that they loved everything about us right down to the clothes we wear.

She also said that they had a strong fear of America coming in and trying to rule over them.

The image that the media wants to paint of Iran is one that allows for the American people to go along with any strong arm tactics that may be in the wings.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 12:52 AM
The overall theme i was getting while veiwing this film was the
similarities between the two nations in point, but unfortunately
they have one very important similarity, TPTB will do what they
want not what their constituants want. I would hate to see these
innocents harmed in any way but it seems inevitable.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 12:59 AM
Massive S & F

Americans (and other westerns for that matter) have to stop listening to Israel's BS propaganda and think for themselves. Israel wants you to hate Iran for their own gains. They want you to sick the American attack dogs onto them because they can't win by themselves.

Iranians are good, warm people.. and they make a hell of a good kebab! At least the ones who owned the shop where i used to live in Queensland did!

The world sees USA as Israel's bitch. I'm sorry if this offends you, but from an Australian perspective, this is true. Time to wake up an see who's really pulling your strings.

I am not anti-semetic.. i am anti-Israel Government.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 01:10 AM
Wow! what a great testimony as to how the peoples of the world unite in their core beliefs. Love, Life, Family. Unfortunately, for those of us with those core beliefs, the folks that own 85% of the world get to decide how life will evolve. They were in the right place and at the right time and made the right gamble and so they now get to dictate the life on the planet.

Who said Luck is as of yet undefined yet exists due to the inherent problematic determination of the winner in an outcome of a game of blackjack in a high stakes game of 50 hands.

Why? Timing is everything. When we decide to take IRAN We will be on the short string.. Bluffing the allies of Iran...Russia and China. Will they call our bluff...Time will tell...But I thinkg China wouldn't mind loosing 3/4 of its population to ease its own global footprint. That leads not to profit but to extremism
Sadly China has been fooled by the media over the past 2 decades t o belive that since they have nuckear weapons and delivery vehicles that they are indeed ...for once a Super Power.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 01:16 AM

Americans have what many Iranians want: democracy, personal freedom, and rule of law.

Now that's a good one. Real good joke.

The american democracy and rule of law are as much as a joke in Iran than in the US.

But there's more freedoms in the US... in general.

Pro-American sentiment in Iran is a priceless strategic asset for the US. A military attack would liquidate or at least severely weaken this asset. It would probably turn the most pro-American population in the Middle East into anti-Americans, further undermining the US position in the world's most volatile region.

That's what the elite wants.

"Many people don't like the regime, but they don't want the Americans to come and rule us," a shopkeeper in the Shiraz bazaar told me. "They would rather live under a regime they don't like than a regime placed in power by foreigners."

Well duh. Who wants to be ruled over by foreign scum?

Great article anyway!

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 05:31 AM
They know America is evil (don't want to be "helped" by them), but at the same time want to be like america...

Human nature.

[edit on 14-7-2010 by ickylevel]

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 05:54 AM
Thank you for sharing an experience most dont get the chance to do so. Very true most persons in the "western" world have a sad image only protayed by sensationalized media and Goverments with there own agenda to rule the world in a democratic way. Which we are told is the rite way... More people should explore the world and see and visit its public face and find mostly are not evil but more like just normal humans / families like you and i... I wish we all could just live in peace and not let our Goverments so called protect us from the axis of evil... Whos evil ?? Good post ! Thank you ! Peace

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by ickylevel
They know America is evil (don't want to be "helped" by them), but at the same time want to be like america...

Human nature.

Good point, but I think they would only exploit your political model rather than "being like" America itself. I think Chinese have a real "wannabe America" attitude while Iranians rather want to preserve Iran culture while taking good bits from USA. One thing Iranians would surely want is at least half the freedom Americans (sadly) take for granted.

Aside from corporate lobbying and generally brainwashed populace (bad education), your political model is the best in he world currently. Generally speaking, your constitution is something to admire.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 06:34 AM
If we are putting all these sanctions on their country and stopping them from pursuing peaceful nuclear energy, how could their citizens love us so much? It would seem that they should dislike our government leaders. They probably admire us American people for our patience and ability to put up with our own government.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by MrXYZ

l cant get those three vidios. lt just comes up `these videos not available in this country` lm in the uk. ls there any other way l can get to see them? Great thread.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 06:48 AM
Thanks for posting this. What really disgusted me was Hillary Clinton's whistle stop propaganda tour demonising Iran every chance she got.

Bombing for peace is like screwing for virginity.

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