posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 03:21 PM
(Reuters) - The first potential new prescription weight-loss pill in more than a decade works, according to FDA staff who also flagged safety
concerns that Wall Street deemed benign enough to bet the drug will ultimately hit pharmacy shelves.
OK. The Corporations, via the US Government, are attacking vitamins, organics and healthy alternatives for processed frakenfoods.
Technology is supposed to be some sort of savior for humanity but it is separating us completely from each other. Save of course the collective
unconscious known as Twitter/Facebook.
Does anyone find it odd that pharmacology companies continue to look for the miracle weight loss pill?
IMO this is required because they realize all the basterdized food we ingest is lowering our life expectancy and they know that is bad for long-term
profits. There is also the need to keep people happy and consuming the artificial food they are making for us.
We should all go back to growing community gardens and sustaining local farmers versus multi-nationals.