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Teen accuses mom of Facebook harrassment

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posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:07 PM
Could you imagine if this teenager actually wins this case???

After reading the article, please note the fact that we don't know
EXACTLY what the mother posted (it does not say)

The lawyer for the boy says they have a case of slander,
but my point in bringing this forward is the fact that the boy
(16 years old) can outright sue his mother for removing/changing
his Facebook password and locking him out? Truly scary stuff
ahead for parents if he wins

apologize if this has been posted before, it is not breaking news
due to the article being put out in April 2010......and because this
COULD be something that changes things between kids and parents
rights pending the outcome, I placed it in the gray area-please
move if needed

[edit on 13-7-2010 by rockhndr]

[edit on 13-7-2010 by rockhndr]

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:17 PM
No reasonable judge would rule against the parent. A parent is responsible for their children and can take reasonable measures to monitor their children's activity. I would assume that includes monitoring their email and Facebook pages.

I really don't see how this is any different to the parental control proxies that allow parents to track their kids online activities.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:25 PM
The article does state that prosecutors approved the
case to be filed, so it will be interesting to see just what
mom posted on his account if it is made public. If the
teenager was mis-representing himself online, I whole-
heartedly agree with the mom, but if she was being callous
or derogatory...hmmmmm.....

Interesting case...would like to know how it turns out

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:31 PM
This is just another example where technology has led society astray.

At what point did humans lose the basic coping skills ingrained in their DNA?

This kid needs a good ass-whooping and then he needs to be given something constructive to do with his time.

The only reason the US has not been invaded is because no country in the world could tolerate the whiny little, sense of entitlement generation that we have created.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:36 PM
...updated info...

...interesting points from the above article...

Clark County District Judge Randy Hill ordered Denise New, of Arkadelphia, to pay a $435 fine and complete anger-management and parenting classes.

He said he would consider allowing her to see her 17-year-old son, Lane New, who lives with his grandmother, if Denise New takes the two courses

Hill gave Denise New a 30-day suspended jail sentence, which she would have to serve only if she did not fulfill the other conditions during her yearlong probation.

Hill also criticized the mother for using vulgarities in messages left on her son's cell-phone voicemail.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

Ahhhh, I see now....Thanks for the update
I went looking but wasn't finding anything except
the same original story...

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by zroth


These little techno turds are being spoiled with ipods, iphones, xbox's, and god knows what.

My daughter has some SUPERVISED time on the pc to play her kid games and educational stuff (she's learning to draw anime). The rest of the time she's either reading, painting, drawing comics, or tormenting us

Its all about balance AND TWO PARENTS that have a pair and are not afraid to punish when necessary and hug frequently!

We have to keep them alive and be prepared for the future....then we can be their BFF.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by rockhndr

What is being ignored here is that the 16 year old boy moved out of his mother's house and into his grandmother's five years ago. It is not like she was a hands on parent. Until all information is known about the home situation, it is difficult to comment either for or against the mother.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 03:23 PM
"Denise New said Lane moved in with his grandmother about five years ago, after she went through a difficult divorce, was having mental health problems and didn't feel she could provide her son with the supervision he needed."

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 03:35 PM
Anyone think it would be acceptable for the mother to open the son's actual physical mail? Or withhold it from him? If I'm not wrong isn't that a Federal Offense?

And considering the mother didn't live with her son - well - I for one agree with the son.

On the other hand I also agree (and encourage) parents need to step up and be parents and if that means a good does of punishment then so be it.

I just don't believe in infringing on another persons privacy is/was the way to do it. (Locking him out of emails and FaceBook)...

It's also not like the young man was 10 or 12 either.


[edit on 13-7-2010 by silo13]

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 04:00 PM
When a kid is 15ish or so, parents need to try to start trusting their kids. If you've had a good relationship up to this point and have taught them about the dangers of the internet, strangers, all the stuff they should know, you should be able to trust them by now.

If you're overly supervising your kids at this age, what is going to happen when they move out at 17 or 18?

I'm glad I was able to ease up on my kid at an early age, and he made some mistakes, learned from then, and he turned out to be a good, hard working young family man.

There's a point when it's just too late for an absent parent to step in and give supervision

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 04:14 AM
Found this tidbit here

One of the Facebook messages Hill said he was disturbed by was worded to appear as though Lane New had written it: "Check this out – I went to my mom's and deliberately started an argument and called the police on her. She almost went to jail. How cool is that? Ha, ha, ha." Denise New said she posted that item because she thought her son had told two police officers who came to her home that she had hit him during their confrontation. She said she had merely pushed her son back away from a door he was approaching. That posting, the judge said, could only be construed as an effort by the mother to make out her son to be a liar.

maybe shes the brat ?

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 04:18 AM
how does a minor take someone to court? that doesnt make any sense to me. also this kid sounds like he needs his ass whooped good.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by bismos
how does a minor take someone to court? that doesnt make any sense to me. also this kid sounds like he needs his ass whooped good.

He's barely a minor, he can take his parents to court at this age to be emancipated from his parent if he wants to now that he is 16. Once he is emancipated from parental control, it's good for them too, then they don't have to support him til he's 18.

Don't know about the States, but most provinces in Canada, a kid can legally leave home by 16, but they have to have someone 18 or over to sign rental contracts for apartments.

That's why we have to teach them early about life and then learn to trust them, or their going to have problems adjusting, like this kid and his mom.

She has no right to be in his facebook. That's ridiculous. And sad.

[edit on 14-7-2010 by snowspirit]

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by zroth

This is just another example where technology has led society astray.

Uhh what? There are a lot of D-bag parents in this world who completely mistreat their kids. Quit acting like as soon as you have a kid you're automatically a great human being. There have been parents abusing children since the dawn of time, technology has nothing to do with it.

At what point did humans lose the basic coping skills ingrained in their DNA?

If the mother's at fault, then filing a lawsuit is the perfect coping mechanism. Let society decide who's right and wrong.

This kid needs a good ass-whooping and then he needs to be given something constructive to do with his time.

Where did you get the facts to the case? You talk with such authority, and we all know only fools talk like this without knowing the facts. You're not a fool, right?

The only reason the US has not been invaded is because no country in the world could tolerate the whiny little, sense of entitlement generation that we have created.

No comment, this one's too easy.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 01:45 PM
I'm trying to figure out when exactly did children get more rights then parents, this horrible story of a mother being jail, a kid with a chip on his shoulder, and the law deciding, just doesn't make sense.

IMO, this while situation could have been taken care of fairly easy. The kid didn't live their, 17 yrs old, is old enough for him to either just not visit his mother, to avoid problems, or get his own account where he was living. If she was able to access his FB then something is odd there.

We don't really know all the facts of this case, but I do know this, if you fail to raise your kids properly and they act out, then you only have 2 choices, try to gain your parental balance that you've lost, or leave it alone until both you and the child can come to an agreement, but of mutual respect when in each others company.

There was a time not so long ago, that no matter what your parent was like, they were your parents, and that was the bottom line. Now parents are being categorized by what the child feels is agreeable to him/her. IMO this should have never made it to a court in the first place. You cant raise your kids with the fear that whatever you do can get you in trouble, by a simple phone call to the police, and a FB account.

Because this has gone this far, they can never take this back or properly mend this relationship.

Peace to you...

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 02:21 PM
To everyone who is siding with the mother,

Did you even bother reading the article? The mother posted several things on his facebook profile. Here are two quotes:

"The only mistake I ever made was having a kid."

"Check this out – I went to my mom's and deliberately started an argument and called the police on her. She almost went to jail. How cool is that? Ha, ha, ha"

The second quote was posted in an attempt to make her son out to be a liar after two police officers went to her home after she supposedly hit him.

So tell me...she's allowed to do this because she's his mother? The young man hasn't lived with her for five years and she admitted to having mental problems.

Some people here amaze me...

[edit on 14-7-2010 by Adillin2012]

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 02:42 PM
My nephew has been living with my mother (his grandmother) since he was 10 turning 11. Since then my sister,(his mother) has had many drug related and mental illness related problems. My nephew is now 19 soon to be 20 and his mother has barely been a mother for the past 9 years. She gets jealous of her own son getting things bought by his grandmother for him, so what kind of mother is that.

I don’t know this woman in the article, but if she is anything like my sister, than the boy has every right to sue.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by Adillin2012
To everyone who is siding with the mother,

Did you even bother reading the article? The mother posted several things on his facebook profile. Here are two quotes:

"The only mistake I ever made was having a kid."

"Check this out – I went to my mom's and deliberately started an argument and called the police on her. She almost went to jail. How cool is that? Ha, ha, ha"

In light of these facts I still wouldn't be surprised with a bunch of know-nothings coming to her rescue. Old people always get me when they try and talk about how "their" time on Earth was so much more peachy keen, when it's pretty clear they were just as f'ed up as they are now.

So guess what old people, either get with the times or shut the eff up, nobody cares.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 03:11 PM
Sounds to me like the mother is more like the child.
If he was not under her roof, she had no business meddling in his affairs, facebook or otherwise.
I hope he goes on to live a productive life without a spiteful loser for a mother.

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