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Centaur Remains???

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posted on Oct, 9 2004 @ 06:47 PM
hmm... cool pic, but the bone structure dont add up. The legs seem to small and short. Id say if it is real, the poor thing cant walk very well.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 07:53 AM

i believe that all life on earth was biologically engineered. not because i read zach sitch, but because of the diversity of all the life forms and their maintenace of their diversity. this is the evidence i see with my own two eyes and feel within my being. even if evolution is actually factual, i don't believe it is personally, i would still believe that some great mastermind devised a superbly intricate program that has run itself exactly according to plan.

How can you deny evolution in the light of the glaring evidence that would support it? Why are people now being born without an apendix, for example? Because we don't need them. That's evolution. And yet you'd quite willingly put your faith in something you have no evidence for rather than take the real evidence there is at face value?

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 01:02 PM
It's a very nice sculpture, and missing a few parts (the shoulder blades.) It is, however, a particular type of academic hoax.

It's what's called an "archaeological fiction" and is part of a library display. Here's a link to a catalog page about the display.

[edit on 28-10-2004 by Byrd]

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 01:04 PM
Oh yes... part of the point of the display is "how gullible ARE people."

(yes, really.)

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 09:18 PM
Don't know about the need for the heart to be near the head, as some one mentioned, but if it were in the normal "horse location", it would be about the same distance from the head of a centaur as it would be for a normal horse's head ( the long neck, remember).

A centaur would also need a large enough heart to pump blood for the horse body, so might be too large for the human half's ribcage, same for the lungs to power the horse body. Theoretically speaking of course. And a double set of each would be handy, and would possibly allow the centaur to be "superhuman/ superhorse".....weren't they supposed to be?

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by machinegunjordan
wtf was some kook doing with half a human skeloton.

Or even worse. Where is the other half of said skeleton?

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 09:17 AM
Maybe the nearest biology lab is missing half of their skeleton? Or the anatomy art class might have had one 'hanging around'.

They might have 'manufactured' one ....years ago I had a art professor that somehow (plaster maybe or fired clay) made a giant skeleton and he and some of the senior art students buried it on campus where some construction was planned.

When the planned construction started, sure enough, they uncovered the skeleton of an apparent 'giant'. It made the papers (wish I had some of the photo's to show you) and created quite a bit of excitement for a few days until the a coroner or some such expert checked it out and pronounced it a fake. Then the prof and his accomplices stepped up and confessed.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 11:19 AM
Guys... read the link...

The bottom half is the skeleton of a pony.

The top half is an old (probably 100 years or more) skeleton from India that was deteriorating badly. It was in the biology labs at University of Wisconsin.

The artist replaced the human skeleton with a plastic one in the U of Wis and turned the real skeleton into this piece of artwork.

(story time, kiddies... at one time (and I do remember this because I asked about the skeleton at MY university) they had real skeletons and most often got the skeletons from India. I'm assuming they belonged to one of the sects that, rather than burning the bodies, takes them to a special place to expose them so that the vultures can clean the flesh from them.

So, many of us who took biology before the mid 1980's had real skeletons in the lab. They were replaced gradually with the plastic ones and you'd be hard pressed to find a real one lurking around the labs now.

The lab skeletons got a lot of abuse and were the subject of a lot of pranks that the live person probably wouldn't have appreciated.

[edit on 28-10-2004 by Byrd]

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 08:01 AM
Byrd.... Maybe the sarcasm and attempt at humor in my post was misunderstood. If that is the case I apologize. I saw this pic a long time ago so i allready knew it was a fake. I was just trying to be funny

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