posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 02:17 PM
Ill go against the grain and say that pretty rocks will hold some value.
My reasoning is simple. Vainity.
Yes, should TEOTWAWKI come to pass, for awhile, it will be chaos. The other posters are right. Rocks will be worthless. Guns, food, salt, tobacco,
coffee, etc... will rule the day.
However. Things will settle down. The "haves" will seperate from the "have nots", this will be seen in larger homes or cabins or a bigger cave,
owning livestock, having a supply of sin items, i.e. alcohol, tobacco, maybe even a sort of a harem.
If society never regains a hold, there will still be small segments of people forming their own little societies. No, there will be no true currency
in a situation like this, barter will be the only way of trading. But it will come to pass when a "have not" is wearing a large(worthless) diamond,
or a gold necklace and a "have" wants it and will trade 3 goats for it, just because they can and have more than enough to ensure a stable
Mankind is vain. Thats why gold, silver, rubies, diamonds, etc... have any value in todays society. Thats why when the dust settles they will hold
value in whatever the bearer of the goods is in need of.