posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 04:59 PM
Originally posted by machinegunjordan
dude if we were saving the world why would someone leave it up to us especially on the internet all the greedy people and darkdragons to confuse
people, its a game.
Because, here on ATS we DENY INGORANCE... as you will notice, the DarkDragons and -5-`s have, are, and will be Dismissed from this site.
Simon is seeing to it that us that can really help him in this quest will. Look, Smirkley got the first one. Yes, the just shall prevail. Although,
-5- (one of the greedy ones) stole the other three.... We will get them! We will prevail! We are Denying Ignorace on soooooo many levels here. Why
would Simon not trust the board that has proven to squash the hoaxers, fakes, and debunkers. Rally, Rally, Rally Brothers and Sisters to the cause!
Simon... We will NOT let you down! You Uncle was a fine man.. We are doing this for all the men through the centuries to have died to protect the
PS: Smirkley.... Be on alert... I am sure -5- or his agents are trying to find you now.....