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Our solar system is going to enter a million degree cloud of gas within 100 years...

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posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
I think this has already been a thread, but I will comment anyway.

Good. I wonder if we can speed it up a little. The Earth could use a little fumigation, it seems to be covered with these pesky little parasites with scanty fur and pissy personalities.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by DOADOA
i am willing to bet everyone anything including my soul that within a week this will be forgotten about and in one hundred years there will not be a mention of this. stop it with this interstellar doom that will destroy us all in the next hunderd, thousand, millions of years. if its not going to happen this year, it is not worth mentioning, especially bullcrap we know that will not happen such as this one.

how am i so certain? because every year there is a new set of doom, a new set of death from space that never happens for the past 60 years. all of you will die of natural causes, accidents or you will kill yourself.

Um, so I am confused with this post of yours.

What I am picking up for you is the typical bashers rhetoric so I am wondering if you have any knowledge on this subject matter that I do not. Do you know that the source isn't reliable or something? If you do please let it be known so this can be swept under the rug.

Eagerly awaiting your reply

Edit to Add:

My mind can't imagine... so could somebody explain to me what this would mean exactly for our world?

[edit on 12-7-2010 by EminenceofAeon]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 11:34 PM
Do any of you fear mongerers actually read????

"This might mean that the Solar System could enter the million-degree Local Bubble cloud as early as the next century. "Nothing unusual, the Sun frequently traverses various clouds of interstellar gas during its galactic journey," comments Grzedzielski. Such clouds are of very low density, much lower than the best vacuum obtained in Earth labs. Once in, the heliosphere will reform and may shrink a little, the level of cosmic radiation entering the magnetosphere may rise a bit, but nothing more. "Perhaps future generations will have to learn how to better harden their space hardware against stronger radiation," suggests Grzedzielski."

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by EminenceofAeon

Originally posted by DOADOA
i am willing to bet everyone anything including my soul that within a week this will be forgotten about and in one hundred years there will not be a mention of this. stop it with this interstellar doom that will destroy us all in the next hunderd, thousand, millions of years. if its not going to happen this year, it is not worth mentioning, especially bullcrap we know that will not happen such as this one.

how am i so certain? because every year there is a new set of doom, a new set of death from space that never happens for the past 60 years. all of you will die of natural causes, accidents or you will kill yourself.

Um, so I am confused with this post of yours.

What I am picking up for you is the typical bashers rhetoric so I am wondering if you have any knowledge on this subject matter that I do not. Do you know that the source isn't reliable or something? If you do please let it be known so this can be swept under the rug.

Eagerly awaiting your reply

Edit to Add:

My mind can't imagine... so could somebody explain to me what this would mean exactly for our world?

[edit on 12-7-2010 by EminenceofAeon]

it means that our children will not be roast to death from a solar cloud that is one million degree. rather, we will die from causes already known to man: being shot, car accident, cancer etc...these NASA guesstimates are nothing but speculation and what if's.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by DOADOA

So your point is that the ribbon in the photographs isn't really there? I am not catching a guess as to what will happen from Nasa other than that the ribbon exists and our sun will be entering it.

The poster above you actually pointed out something in the article stating that it says nothing will happen- That is the only prediction I can see ( Now that is, thanks dude it seems my tired eyes glazed over it ).

On that note I not see that you actually didn't read it or you would have pointed it out first... it seems you just want to bash and be rude for XXXX reason.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by EminenceofAeon

It's typical ATS member behavior. They roast you if you don't subscribe to their conspiratorial point of view. The funny thing is their point of view is usually based on only reading PART of the story and leaving out the important parts, you know, the parts they don't want you to know about because if you did then you would know they are a paranoid nut job.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 12:48 AM
My Real Name is Al Gore & I invented Global Warming.

Is this another one of those theories ??

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:35 AM
I'm not worried at all. Even if I manage to live to be 128 (in a hundred years) I'll be just fine. The cloud is probably extremely thin and even if it is a million degrees in temperature, the density is probably something like a single molecule per cubic meter or whatever. I'm just pulling that number out of my rear end, but it's the basic idea that I'm trying to get across. It's not like the Earth is going to travel through a million mile long geyser of concentrated plasma.

From the article:

Such clouds are of very low density, much lower than the best vacuum obtained in Earth labs. Once in, the heliosphere will reform and may shrink a little, the level of cosmic radiation entering the magnetosphere may rise a bit, but nothing more. "Perhaps future generations will have to learn how to better harden their space hardware against stronger radiation," suggests Grzedzielski.
(my addition of bolding on the relevant part)

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by pjslug
reply to post by EminenceofAeon

It's typical ATS member behavior. They roast you if you don't subscribe to their conspiratorial point of view. The funny thing is their point of view is usually based on only reading PART of the story and leaving out the important parts, you know, the parts they don't want you to know about because if you did then you would know they are a paranoid nut job.
I agree. The conspiracy theories(including those that believe them) have literally "jumped the shark". I have lurked here for ages and I have noticed a change in the dynamic of this site. Felt like finally joining to comment on this issue.

I like this site(and Rense) because you will see some legitimate news articles that the mainstream media will ignore. Also, you'll see some intelligent discussion by certain members here. Those aspects are leaving while the conspiracy nuts who see a conspiracy in everything are bogging down these threads/discussions with worthless tripe. They are obviously bored and just do it for their own entertainment. Part of me thinks they don't even believe what they are saying. The sky is falling and we're all doomed. Then they'll say they're evacuating their area to get somewhere safe. Five minutes later they're all in a new sky is falling thread with no mention of their previous evacuation plans. This is repeated daily. While I don't know anyone here by name, I can tell just by the first couple sentences of a post what the person is like so I immediately scroll past it.

This worked fairly well, for awhile. Now its getting to where to use such a tactic requires ignoring huge chunks of threads or not even clicking on them.

The sad part of this is when a member(s) jump into the discussion to bring a much needed reality check using simple logic and reason, they are immediately talked down to and labeled as "disinfo agents", which is laughable.

While I don't care about stars or any of that, what's funny is you're gonna see something else plaguing the site right now....this post will be ignored while someone posting a two sentence "WE"RE DOOMED!!!!!! GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN!!!!" post will get 20 stars from the usual suspects.

While I do believe in some conspiracies to a certain degree, people here go way overboard with it and it's obvious they do it for their own jollies with little reasoning behind it.

One minute they say NASA is covering up things like bases on the moon and that we travel all over the solar system, and in the next breath say the rovers on Mars are a conspiracy and we don't have the technology to place a miniature rover on Mars when in reality sending a probe into space and communicating with it is as easy as baking a cake.

They need to make up their minds if we have to be bombarded with it daily. At least attempt to be consistent.

There are some really smart people here and its sad that they are overshadowed by the majority who would blame a pelican farting in Monterey Bay on the Bilderberg group.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by LazyGuy
I speculate that our magnetosphere will keep the Earth safe. The Earth is bombarded by the Solar Wind 24/7 without much trouble. I'd think that the hot wind streaming from the Sun would be much more energetic than this ribbon of gas.

Right on the money.

When I read the title, I was kinda guessing the density has to be miniscule. And it is.

Even without solar wind, think of the energy deposited by the Sun, as UV, in the upper atmosphere. It's pretty significant. And we are relatively OK.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by gopher mines

Fine sir, a million degree cloud of gas is just what this planet needs- don't let it get you down.

First, you're not going to be alive in all likelihood, so it is of little import to you personally.

Second, what is it to avoid the inevitable? Would you agree? Its a waste of time.

Third, if you believe it is so, then why even let your pulse quicken- drink deep of all the joy you have right now and let the chips fall where they may.

Question is- will you have kids, or will you avoid that part of the biological process?

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