Originally posted by kodiak60
reply to post by T0XiK
Something is going on in our solar system, i have recently seen a video of europa and the moon of jupiter is erupting geysers all over it. all the
planets are heating up and something or maybe nibiru is responsible
Actually, instead of fearmongering, you should perhaps actually read about Jupiter's moon, Europa. Like many other bodies in the Solar System,
including Titan and the planet Mercury, along with countless others, there is volcanic activity, which, rest assured, has been going on long prior to
this whole "Niburu" kick that is going on.
Listen, if there was a body this big in the Solar System that is going to end our lives in 2012, you would have noticed by now. Someone would have
seen by now (sorry, brown dwarf excuse doesn't work), and the gravitational effect on our planet and others would be noticeable in EVERY sense of the
word, we wouldn't have to look for the news about those effects because they would be so severe that we would have noticed it (and the entire race,
not just a few paranoid conspiracy theorists).
The "Earth Changes" things we're supposedly going through is also a load of tripe, we are average in terms of ecological disasters for a year, the
only thing that is different is that they are reported on more quickly and widely due to the distributions of mobile devices, allowing for seamless
upload and discussion to sites like Twitter and Facebook.
Listen, the first announced "Niburu" collision was 2003. Then it was 2010, and now 2012 because I mean, why wouldn't it happen in 2012, right?
Another interesting fact: the Niburu HOAX was started in 1997 by Nancy Leider, who ran a website that claimed she was communicating with
extraterrestrial species through remote viewing. She has never predicted anything correctly.
ATS honestly needs to have a serious discussion about moving Niburu to either Skunk Works or Hoax, because I honestly don't get why it's not a HOAX,
since this has been supposedly going to happen for over 10 years and there is absoutlely no evidence what-so-ever. Niburu is a load of crap and to
believe otherwise is delusional. Sorry.