posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 09:19 PM
Casanova, the world-renowned romantic, became a Mason in Mystic Brotherhood Lodge in Lyons, France in 1750. He appears to have also been a member of
the Rite of Perfection and Rite of Strict Observance. He never expressly mentions these writes by name in his memoires, but does mention that he had
received �higher degrees�, and gave his opinion that they added nothing to the degree of Master Mason. Due to his friendship with Cagliostro, he also
may have been a member of the Egyptian Rite. Goethe even vaguely hinted that Casanova had belonged to the Illuminati of Bavaria (Goethe himself was a
co-founder of the Illuminati, and his statement is probably accurate).
Cagliostro has gained the reputation of a swindler, but that reputation is not deserved. There was a misunderstanding that concerned a an expensive
diamond necklace belonging to a Countess that went missing. Cagliostro was accused of theft. He was, however, later exonerated after the necklace was
found, but unfortunately, he is still sometimes mislabeled as a thief and charlatan.
Fiat Lvx.