posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by NightVision
I do apologize to you and I will begin to apologize in advance in the title of these threads.
I didn't realize that I led you, or anyone, to believe there were pictures or videos in the title or in the thread itself.
I suppose I could have waited a day, or more, and continually searched for pictures or videos of what was seen, but I didn't. I didn't, under the
assumption that those interested in such news would want it while it was still new and not a grapvine story.
I suppose I also made the mistake to think that getting a story like this into a medium for more people to see and help work on a solid conclusion was
wrong. Next time I read a story like this I will do no follow up research and I will not post it anywhere.
If what I learn in the original story I see isn't good enough then I am not going to waste one second to get to the bottom of it, I am going to wait
for the person who originally told the story to make sure that everyone in the world doesn't have to read or research any of the evidence. Forbid
that more than one person looks into something and really forbid that they ask for help from peers.
I hope this is not what you expect from the members here at ATS. I know I sure don't expect them to act this way. I am more than happy to look at
any story offering insight into what may be going on. I will definitely help anyone who posts here find legitimate answers to there questions.
This apology is real, I apologize for wasting so much time responding to you, instead of thanking the members who actually contributed something to
this thread and not those who troll through every thread they see.
Funny, I never really understood what a troll was until I came here.