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Stephen Hawking: This is what aliens look like!

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posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by AlphaANDOmega
anyone can sit down and draw an alien out of there imagination..

I hope you can back that up?
you know the motto...

Will you be posting your picture here or in your own personal thread?

let me know when you've finished I'm really looking forward to seeing it

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 11:16 AM
I tend to agree with Hawking's Alien ideas and I really liked his Europa Squid-like Alien I really could easily see something like that evolving somewhere but at the same time I agree with a lot of the previous posters his opinion is really no more valid than anyone else's.

Stephen Hawking has never won a Nobel Prize either which has been mentioned in fact I believe he has never had a proven theory he's most famous for his work on the big bang and his opinions on black holes I disagree with both of these personally but I do believe he is honest and believes in them himself.

I do think he is a very smart man and has done incredibly well given the bad hand he was dealt in life although my opinion is he's really he's more a public propaganda figurehead for physics than a new Einstein.

In summary very intelligent man but when you get right to it everything he says is just speculation and on the subject of Alien life no one can be considered an expert but I tend to share his beliefs on this subject.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by Seventytwo

...You want me to prove i can draw an alien?
Does this make it plausable, that if people can draw them.. then that certain drawing of that alien excists?

I can draw... cant be arsed to prove it..

[edit on 07/11/2010 by AlphaANDOmega]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 11:31 AM
he is just playing with the media
As a fellow scientist i am having a great laugh

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 11:33 AM
Hawk is on the government payroll
he knows how they look like, he is just playing abit with media and checking what "regular" humans respond on the alien topic.

Besides, we must be really certain of us humans not going bananas when the aliens actually reveal themselves.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by AlphaANDOmega
You dont need Steven Hawking to tell you this.. anyone can sit down and draw an alien out of there imagination.. Disney Pixar has done it for a long time. This is just science trying to bring things down to earth, when we should be thinking out of the box.

LOL I very doubt Stephen Hawking should be qualified to pass through a drawing test that is required to get in to Walt Disney's Animation Education

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by WickettheRabbit

I would rather see designs thought up by biologists, particularly those biologists who specialise in the area of extremophiles, that is creatures born to , and adapted to environs so harsh , that science once thought that life was impossible there.
I personaly think a great deal of Mr Hawking, however I dont believe that he is the best person to ask about matters which have only the most tenuous of links to his field.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Anunaki10

Not saying he actualy drew the picture of the aliens.. but i think hes reeaaly jumped the gun with this one, he could make a good contribution to disney pixar tho with this, maybe he should of help'd the making of Avatar?
...Im not being serious.. i just cant take hawking seriously with this one.

HONESTLY.. maybe hes got a mortgage to pay, and thats why hes gave the media such ball hockey.

But yes martians such as the ones he describes can excist in places.. But who the hell wouldnt of known or guessed that? its like saying there could be bacteria on the ice in mars.... well DUH its h20! and bacteria lives of h20.. and h20 lives of bacteria.. so OF COURSE!

[edit on 07/11/2010 by AlphaANDOmega]

[edit on 07/11/2010 by AlphaANDOmega]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by Archirvion
Hawk is on the government payroll
he knows how they look like, he is just playing abit with media and checking what "regular" humans respond on the alien topic.

Besides, we must be really certain of us humans not going bananas when the aliens actually reveal themselves.
No need to worry

Interview with EBE-2: March 5th, 1983 at Los Alamos National Labs:

"I asked the Colonel who was being interviewed and he told me a guest from another planet! The Colonel left. The other two people set up a table with a microphone and recording equipment, including a camera. About five minutes later, in walks a 4' 9" non human looking creature. It was dressed in a tight fitting cream colored suit. It had no hair and was identified to me as EBE-2.

EBE-2 sat in a chair across the table from two civilians and the AF Colonel. I did not know the identity of the three. LANL-1 came into the room and sat next to me. I listened while the three asked EBE-2 a series of questions pertaining to its home planet. First question was about the temperature, climate and weather. EBE-2 responded in perfect English but sounded like a machine generated voice. Very hard to explain but it was either coming from a device that EBE-2 had in front of him or from something in its body.

EBE-2 explained the weather of its planet which was dry, varying temperature between 65-90 degrees. There was 35 hours of constant sunshine and three hours of darkness. Rainfall occurred only during one of its months each year. The day lasted 38 of our hours. They did not have months but did have years which consisted of approximately 600 of our days. They used a society cycle which I understood to be similar to our months. During this society cycle each Eben worked a certain time and conducted business. There was also a rest cycle which consisted of a regulated period of sleep. I don't recall the exact number of hours or sleep/rest. EBE-2 discussed weather patterns and how they were formed. I don't recall the exact words. However, EBE-2 seemed very intelligent and fully explained each weather pattern in precise detail. He used Earth's equivalents for Meteorology terms.

The interesting part of this interview was that I didn't hear any questions being asked by the three humans sitting across from EBE-2. Either the questions were already given to EBE-2 or the three humans were "thinking the questions" and EBE-2 would respond in English."

What is claimed to be a transcript of a 1981 intelligence briefing to President Ronald Reagan about UFOs and extraterrestrial visitation to Earth was posted on the Web site on Oct. 30, 2007:


In the transcript, Casey begins the briefing. "Mr. President, good morning. As we discussed in February, this briefing contains some very sensational and some very, very classified information. I am not sure, oh, well, I'm not going to make a decision on who you want in the room. That will be your decision, Mr. President."

"This will be a real tough one to follow since the briefing starts back, historically speaking, that is, and runs up to recent times. I believe we have prepared a good chronological order of events. I'm sure you, Mr. President, will have many questions," Casey reportedly stated.

After a discussion to determine who in the room had a "need to know," the proper security clearance or had not previously been briefed on the matter, Casey continued, according to the transcript.

"…as you will see Mr. President, this stuff is pretty high up on the food chain. We call it ATS or 'Above Top Secret.' This stuff has its own classification and markings. We have a special container, special printers and copiers for this stuff. Every word of this material is printed on special paper then placed inside special covers."

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:05 PM


Picking up on an implication within a statement from Casey, Reagan asks, "Are you telling me there are different races or species, as you said, visiting Earth at the same time?"

"Can you tell me how many different species have visited us?" Reagan asks.

The Caretaker states, "At least five."

Reagan: "Are they all friendly?"

"Mr. President, that is a very difficult question to answer. There are many parameters that we follow to evaluate the threat. However, we have little intelligence on four of the five."

"We have plenty of intel on the Ebens ... gee ... they've given us everything we asked for! They have also helped us to understand the other four species. I'm afraid to say, Mr. President and please don't misunderstand my words, but we think one of the species is very hostile."

Reagan is clear about his position. "I'm the President of the United States. I should know if we are endangered by some threat from outer space. If you have something to say about a threat posed by this one species of aliens, then I want to hear it.

Casey explains. "Mr. President, we have intelligence that would indicate this one species of aliens have abducted people from Earth. They have performed scientific and medical tests on these humans. To the best of our knowledge, no humans have been killed."

"We have captured one of these hostile aliens. This gets into some very, very sensitive areas, Mr. President. I strongly suggest we end this discussion and move on to any further questions you might have and then get back to this. I don't think we are prepared to provide you with accurate answers to your questions about the potentially hostile aliens at this time," Casey reportedly says.

Reagan: "OK, but expect this to be given to me as soon as possible. I want to know everything about these hostile creatures so I .... or I mean we should start forming policies on how to deal with them … do we have operational war plans on this?"

Presidential advisor (name redacted): "Yes, Mr. President, we have war plans on all potential threats to our country."

The Caretaker explains further, "We call the hostile aliens simply that, HAV, meaning Hostile Alien Visitors. MJ-12 placed that code on them back in the '50s."


The Caretaker: "In order to protect all this information and the fact that the United States Government has evidence of our planet being visited by extraterrestrials, we developed over the years a very effective program to safeguard the information. We call it 'Project DOVE.' It is a complex series of operations by our military intelligence agencies to disinform the public."

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:06 PM
Judging from the multitude of creatures on the Earth alone, alien life forms could look like almost anything, depending on their environment.

It seems pointless to me to try and narrow it down to anything in particular.


posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:07 PM
Thanks for posting this, very interesting.

Although this is still just guesswork by Hawking, it's nice to see someone appreciating that an "alien" may not be confined to the typical grays we hear about all the time.

I've always thought that we'll find out one day that there is already alien life living here on earth.....or at least underneath it thousands of feet deep under the sea. Some of the creatures down there in the deepest parts just defy belief.

Everyone is waiting for contact to come in the shape of intelligent beings communicating with us and teaching us amazing techology...and all along we could have been diving among them for years.

Just a thought.


posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by DeReK DaRkLy

Originally posted by DeReK DaRkLy

Judging from the multitude of creatures on the Earth alone, alien life forms could look like almost anything, depending on their environment.

It seems pointless to me to try and narrow it down to anything in particular.

Thats adsactly what ive been trying to say! well done for keeping it Very simple.

[edit on 07/11/2010 by AlphaANDOmega]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:50 PM
I am extremely sad by the way ATSers have acted in this thread. It seems that MOST of you who came here talking crap HAD NOT even watched the entire show. You might wanna do that before you run your fingers next time.

VERY informative film. Especially the ending, which kind of creeped me out a little bit. (harnessing energy from suns to create wormholes and such). Not only that, but the millions of years of advanced technology they would have over us. He described it as what a rocket ship would look like to a caveman, would be the same as what their ships would look like to us now. We probably couldnt fathom it.

-This video wasnt just about anteater looking creatures, but since nobody here likes to review the whole case before they give their "im smarter than you" opinions, I guess it really doesnt matter.

Great education I recieved because of this film, made me open my eyes a little more.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by AlphaANDOmega
reply to post by Anunaki10

Not saying he actualy drew the picture of the aliens.. but i think hes reeaaly jumped the gun with this one, he could make a good contribution to disney pixar tho with this, maybe he should of help'd the making of Avatar?
...Im not being serious.. i just cant take hawking seriously with this one.

HONESTLY.. maybe hes got a mortgage to pay, and thats why hes gave the media such ball hockey.

But yes martians such as the ones he describes can excist in places.. But who the hell wouldnt of known or guessed that? its like saying there could be bacteria on the ice in mars.... well DUH its h20! and bacteria lives of h20.. and h20 lives of bacteria.. so OF COURSE!

[edit on 07/11/2010 by AlphaANDOmega]

[edit on 07/11/2010 by AlphaANDOmega]
I don't take Hawking seriously either. Actually, he makes me laugh at him.

I also think he could make a goooood contribution to Disney Pixar, and yes, he definitely should help the making of Avatar2

I agree, any average person is able to do "lectures" about how possible bacteria on Mars, or how bizzare alien life forms might look like on other star systems. We don't need Hawking to do that

[edit on 12-7-2010 by Anunaki10]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 02:25 PM
I am researching this stuff and am very interested in the human looking Aliens that have been visiting Earth,they will be very intelligent thats something we all must agree on,its only the intelligent alien races we can make contact with not some thing that crawls around with no arms hands and can not walk upright.?

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by Common Good
I am extremely sad by the way ATSers have acted in this thread. It seems that MOST of you who came here talking crap HAD NOT even watched the entire show. You might wanna do that before you run your fingers next time.

VERY informative film. Especially the ending, which kind of creeped me out a little bit. (harnessing energy from suns to create wormholes and such). Not only that, but the millions of years of advanced technology they would have over us. He described it as what a rocket ship would look like to a caveman, would be the same as what their ships would look like to us now. We probably couldnt fathom it.

-This video wasnt just about anteater looking creatures, but since nobody here likes to review the whole case before they give their "im smarter than you" opinions, I guess it really doesnt matter.

Great education I recieved because of this film, made me open my eyes a little more.

I apologize. I just couldn't help to have a laugh for a moment.

Yes, the film is informative.

[edit on 12-7-2010 by Anunaki10]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by senttofind
I am researching this stuff and am very interested in the human looking Aliens that have been visiting Earth,they will be very intelligent thats something we all must agree on,its only the intelligent alien races we can make contact with not some thing that crawls around with no arms hands and can not walk upright.?

Hi there. I'm an amateur UFO/Alien researcher myself, and will do what i can to provide with some informations.

14) "A photograph purported to be of EBE-1:" (an alleged picture of a EBE-1 might look like)

12) "What the Ebens may look like, taken from Wendelle Stevens' book UFO Contact from Reticulum." (no alleged picture of this Eben)

Alan Caviness was once in the Navy at Puorto Rico were two F-14's were reported "missing in action" , and he is now a UFO reseacher.

Puorto Rico seems to be one of the most "haunted" places on this planet when it comes to reported encounters with UFOs/Aliens.

I don't know how many alien species have visited Earth and how many unofficial names these Et's have.

I will see if i can find more info...

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 05:03 PM
people on ATS are just haters, and haters are going to hate

they have on everything

so, its obvious that they were going to hate on this guy

about the show, we all know aliens exist, so he is probably creating life based on the elements on the planet and the conditions, taking earth as a "guide"

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by Seventytwo

I'm not taking sides here or saying that anyone is wrong. I am not very good with a pencil in my hand, my means of expression are in sculpting with clay. I have studied animal anatomy and paleontology for many years and I know about skeletal and muscular structures. Here is one example of my own work.

Hybordarian Water Dragon.
This creature is among the only living creatures to have survived the Ice age of the planet Hyboria. Hyboria has in the last few years begun a warming process that has led to open seas. Water dragons live on the edge of the retreating ice shelf's and hunt in the arctic waters. This aquatic creature is a piscivore, as it survives on a diet consisting only of fish.

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