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A Unification of Conspiracy Theories!

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posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 11:09 PM
A unification of conspiracy theories:

I am writing this because I read. I read all your posts. I try to read all your replies. I am a naturally curious soul who apparently can not take in enough information. There have been many posts which have piqued my curiosity, and I have done as much research as possible into the individual topics and subjects, that I only strive to go forward. (apparently not enough fluoride intake as a child). In my job and in my life I have always looked for patterns, therefore it would be a natural secondary point to put some, or all of your ideas together in a giant “connect the dots”. Please understand I am not conceited or bragging. I fully realize I am a full blown nerd, and simply want to put my thoughts on paper (internet) before the build up makes me go insane. This is one of three posts I will put out today. I don’t know any better than any of you, and in fact strive for your feedback, so that I can understand reality that much more. I hope that is the reason we are all here.

1. It is important for you to know that I am non-religious, This does not mean that I am an Atheist. It simply means that the specific defined religions have not appealed to me as a whole.

2. I believe through extensive research, and personal experience that extra-terrestrials have in the most distant past, the recent past, and our current day visited us, and continue to visit us.

Therefore I pose my first question:

How would actual disclosure effect the people of Earth?

It is fairly common knowledge that 90% of the human populace are a part of a religion. Whether it be Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, or many, many others. These religions in many cases are not only a simple belief. It is the entire basis for how these people live their lives.
Let’s say that full disclosure, not only revealed that there were entities in this universe, who were not only far older than us, but they also can prove that they were the ones behind our creation?

How would thousands of years of programming, coming to a train wreck of a halt, effect the over all psyche of the planet? Is disclosure a good thing? Should disclosure remain a decades, or centuries long process, to bring this change on gradually and peaceably? Or should disclosure be now, and damn the consequences? Though maybe we don’t have a choice, which brings me to my first tie-in.

December 21, 2012.

For the last decade I have done, quite possibly, too much research into this pending event. I have looked at all the Mayan mythology. I have looked at the promise of Nibiru. I have searched and searched, and researched even the most outlandish of statements, to try to come to a practical reality of what can actually happen in this period.. THE ONLY fact out of all this research it that the Earth, will indeed, pass through the galactic equator on this day. I might need any physicists on this sight to help me out on this one, although anything will be speculation.

To get very simple, If you are north of the equator, and you flush a toilet, the water runs counter clockwise down the drain. If you are south of the equator, the opposite is true and the water runs clockwise. The question being: If this is true on the small scale, is it true on the large? Once we pass the equator of our galaxy, will physics cause things to reverse on a grand scale? Is the reason our planets revolve in the same direction, and travel around the Sun in the same direction, simply because we are north of the galactic equator? When we pass through this equator, will things reverse immediately because of physics alone? Will Earth stop spinning in its current direction and start in the opposite direction? Will the Sun after a stall, rise in the west? Will the Sun, and all the planets, immediately stall out and then begin turning in the opposite direction? If you look it up this has apparently happened in the past, where there has been “three days of darkness, or light” (depending on the culture) Then the sun rose in the opposite direction. Not to be a fear monger, but the last time we passed through the galactic equator, is roughly the same time that the Neanderthals went extinct.

Which brings me to my next tie in:

Is disclosure not only necessary but imminent, because getting off the planet in extraterrestrial ships, is the only way to assure the survival of our species?

Next tie in:

Are TPTB trying to kill as many of us as possible, before this becomes a reality? Would we go to war with extremist Muslims, if we knew they were going to be the greatest threat to this story? What about North Korea? What about anybody else that would throw a monkey wrench into this scenario? Iran? If a country was not a nuclear power, or for that matter close to being, we would not worry about them. They would not be able to defend their religion and stop the ET ships from saving us. They will either go with them, or possibly die on a massive scale on Earth.

Next tie in:

The “New World Order”. Yes this scenario is talked about quite frequently, and I believe it is a reality. I think the problem is that people have not broken up the words, to understand the true meaning. Based on my theories the “New World Order”, becomes the “New World’ order. Yes, if in-fact the rest is correct, than TPTB are planning for a way to return “Order” on a “New World” that we eventually return to. In other words, “we’re not about to give up control, NO MATTER WHAT.”

I would like as many responses to this as possible, whether positive or negative. It is the only way I continue to learn.

Thank you ATS for allowing me to empty my brain in script..


posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 11:18 PM
Nice post.... I wouldnt worry about TPTB trying to kill us all off, The invasion of Chinese Lanterns from Sirius should be your main concern.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by Master Shen long

I love the "Goonie's" based avatar. Seriously though, what do you think of each individual part, much less the whole thing? Am I as nutty as fruit cake, or does this even make a little sense?

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by dreamwalker74
reply to post by Master Shen long

I love the "Goonie's" based avatar. Seriously though, what do you think of each individual part, much less the whole thing? Am I as nutty as fruit cake, or does this even make a little sense?

There is too much "parts" to comment individualy but no your not nutty, maybe fruity but defo not nutty.
Your thread makes perfect sense and i believe your on the correct trail. Although you thread seems amphetamin laced it is worth a S&F.
Im not realy well known for intelligent posts so that is the best i can do..... But yea you get a

Goonies rock

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by Master Shen long

Thank you my friend. Trust me that anphedamines are not my thing, although made me laugh, because I can see your point. No it's just working 70 hours a week at a truly repetative job, where this is one of my only outlets. Lets just say, I am a very hard case slave. I still want to think for myself. I am disconetent with the world, and I want to make things clearer if not better for everybody. P.S. Your reply is far more intelligent that 70% of what I read, and you kept me entertained, THANK YOU.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by dreamwalker74

Well if true archeology is revealed the people will know that the Gods of this earth are inter-dimensionals and extra-terrestrials that basically indulged in hubris and bull#ed us,for example,'built the universe in a week Moses me old china,in fact took the Saturday off' this knowledge hopefully should shut down most religious paradigms as the worlds masses come to understand its all been one sick practical joke.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by anglodemonicmatrix

Don't get me wrong, I've wanted this to happen for as far back as I can remember. Though lately, Ive started to wonder what the consequence would be of tearing down the reality of 90% of our population in one fell swoop? I suppose after all he homicides and suicides, there would be a level of peace the world has never known. But how many people go to the afterlife in this process?

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:01 AM

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:03 AM
You state that you are not religious, but that you are spiritual?

Point of contention, for me anyway, all people that believe in a greater being have to believe we are not alone. Period.

The LAST I heard, 85% of the world believes in a superior being or God so to speak.

So, if there was actual proof of this, would this not PROVE the existence of a God?

For reasons I do not indulge in the alien or other components here, I am all about the political.

Choice, we all have a choice to make. One way or the other we either become the solution or we are the problem.

To force anyone to your point of view is the problem. Period.

Like I said, you have a choice. Period.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by dreamwalker74

Well let me amuse you with Gnostic knowledge 101,lets call the top dog,wizard of oz of this planet Yaldobath and his lieutenants archons,these beings have superimposed false matrixes over the 99 percentile of the species,each major religion has its own major false matrix which we can 'tune' into by downloading the software such as the bible quoran whatever and the well meaning but evildoing spiritual guides in conjunction will get the ego to invest so much time,effort and energy into the paradigm that the false reality will re-inforce it say via visions,dreams or synchronicities which convinces us we have 'the truth'.

Unfortunately once programmed it is very difficult for a human to admit they are wrong in the unlikely event of full disclosure our stupid mind controlled species would probably headed to 'trusted' sources such as Preachers etc for whatever spin their trusted source tells them.So thats my answer for the most part people will not wake up with such an event and take on board whatever lies the powers that be tell them without discarding whatever fairy tale they believe.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:17 AM
I looked this up about the Earth going through the galactic equator, and this is what I found:

"Earth will pass through the galactic plane in 2012. But that’s nothing out of the ordinary. As seen from the sun, Earth crosses the Milky Way’s galactic plane (also called the galactic equator) twice a year, every year."

So, does that mean that what you're saying wouldn't actually happen? It seems that it happens at every solstice, according to this article. Or, I might be misreading it. What do you think?

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by endisnighe

Very simple reply. I believe far more than 85% believe in a "superior being". The majority of the 15% who are not "religious", are still able to comprehend the possibility of a species in this universe, out of the billions of planets, who are in fact superior to us. The only question is who is superior to them? and then again "who is superior to them". If anybody follows this path, they eventually end up back at God. Though many will take the first "what being is superior to me?" as god, I will only accept the last. If you did not create all life, all existence of all matter and life, If you did not create time, or for that matter the entirety of this universe and all others. You may be superior to me, but you are not God, and therefore you, also were created.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by beebs

Thank you for the post. I've actually seen these, but anybody who hasn't should. Although I would still preffer a textual reponse, I will take any respoinse I can get. The more info the better.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:39 AM
If 30% or more of the people of this planet have bin exposed to alien abduction that would like 2 billion people so discloser would not affect 90% of the people of this planet.

Just saying.


posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by anglodemonicmatrix

First, Where do you get your info? I would be very intereted in reading more. Secondly, Fairy tale or not, it has become the backbone of the human reality. If it ceases to exist, and people fail mentally, do you care?

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by jsettica

Whoa! Are you actually saying 30% of the people of this planet have been abducted? Where are you getting this info? Is there any quantifiable reports regarding this anywhere? If so I would greatly appreciate refferences at a bare minimum. You do realize that you are talking about roughly 3,000,000,000 people who have not come forward?

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by spacekc929

Read the replys on your own post, you might find them very contradictory. Do more research than just one sight. This is the trap I fell into many years ago, and have learned to study MANY resources. My theory, take 100 different sources. Take the view that is over 50% of proffessionals, then toss out all the information, then look for the most obscure. Look for the information you should not know, it is most likely the truth. You are fed information, most of it is untrue. Once you discover this, you either go insane, or you search for the real truth. CAUTION: You may not want to look.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by dreamwalker74

Stick 'demiurge' and 'gnosticism' into wikipedia for an introduction then maybe read the book of Enoch,Gnostic gospels and dead sea scroll material you know the stuff left out of the bible on purpose,as for me if Christianity,Islam and Judaism the three major ET religions vanished from the face of this earth I wouldn't shed a tear,Buddhism however I'll allow to stay.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by anglodemonicmatrix

Thank you for your reply. I agree with you in theory. Yet once again, I'm not talking about the religions themselves. I'm talking about the billions of people who's whole lives revolve around these beliefs. Yes I believe we are talking about mass suicides, and an entire world in a type of chaos which neither of us could begin to comprehend. Humans are fragile mentally. If we tore down their base beliefs over night, the majority of the population would not silently convert into the new reality, they would go mad.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:30 AM
The answer to 99 out of 100 questions is: Money.

In the "grand unified conspiracy theory" all roads lead to bank$.

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