****runs in house,.. closes and locks all doors,..draws all curtains and blinds,...****
****takes phone off hook,...peeks outside for any suspicious looking 5's,....****
***and commences to dance and sing and run around rooms in underwear!***
Well, I am officially allowed to, and
finally glad I can announce that,
YES, these Rings ARE REAL, and are Real AWSOME !
( and yes, there IS a WORD WITHIN ).
(I will be borrowing a cam and posting an image or two in the next day or two to show it off.)
***again peeking out the window for suspicious 5's***
I really need to thank the board admin and hunt admin for allowing this, for without them, none of this would be possible for any of us. Those sneaky
guys also over at
www.SportzTawk.com for hosting this stashed ring in their threads in the Billiards Room. My Mom
& Dad, the Neighbors Dog, and my washing machine for supplying clean clothes now and then.
Last but by far not least,
ALL the members of ATS. Without the members, several of the clue's would have been much much more difficult to
solve. (If I could have solved them all without your help). And the hunt would not have been near as fun without many of you. For this reason, I will
avidly reciprocate, as the hunt continues. (Sorry 5 this does not include you
This was quite a month for this hunt, as I'm sure you will all agree. These clues were not all that easy sometimes, and I suspect they are only going
to get harder. Yes there is an interesting and a bit funny story on how it all went down, and am thinking about resurrecting my blog for this purpose.
I will tell you this,..when deep.access stated I was a winner, I was afraid to touch the mouse for fear of accidentally making it all go away. But I
did, and it didnt.
And a phrase comes to mind over and over from Rare Earth,..
I just want to celebrate, yeah, yeah !!!
A ring 5 will NEVER see!