posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 08:17 PM
I saw Predators the other day, and although a fair question, you have to think about why this question was asked in the first place?
1) Futurists use their imaginations with what is available to them in scientific format at the time of writing/producing. Predators is a movie and
although shows plot, is made for entertainment and education. Does it represent real alien life? Probably, probably not. I concentrated more on the
humans with their expert training in killing.
2) Aliens think in 'alien' thought patterns. So they could destroy the human race in 9 minutes like in "Battlefield Earth", or they could have
some sort of civilised manner and try diplomatic relations. But this is too a 'human' understanding of it, im not alien, so i really can't answer
how and alien would do it. Only how I would do it, and in case of predators, how the producers/script writers would do it...perhaps.
3) In my opinion, I don''t think there is any threat to earth anytime soon. Why would they come, resources? We've destroyed the planet enough for
them not to come for that. Saving us? Could be, but what would be learn if we needed to be saved all the time.
I could only think of three things that could happen. Destroy us to prevent us from spreading and polluting the rest of the universe, let us destroy prevent us from polluting the rest of the universe, or.....become allies, to...pollute the rest of the universe...
I would like to think we can solve our own problems before any type of alien contact is the public that is