posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 10:10 PM
you have an interesting theory there mrmonsoon, and I have to ask you; have you ever read the book "Genesis Unveiled" by Ian Lawton?
Many of his theories and beliefs about the origin of man deal with the things that you mention. I will say, that I believe that I don't think that
Homo Sapiens have been on the earth for much longer, if ANY longer than is currently accepted. However, I do not think that our ancient ancestors
were simple hunter-gatherers until around 6000 b.c. I will agree with your theory that there have been multiple catastrphes (i.e. floods, meteors,
volcanoes and such) that have repeatedly brought homo sapiens to the brink of extinction. However, I do not think that out ancient ancestors were
flying around in UFO's nuking deserts in the middle east of small villages in India.
However, one must remember that the last Ice Age could've demolished many ancient cities, landmarks, buildings, temples, burial grounds, and such.
Some people also believe that prehaps long ago, the entore earths crust shifted, and would've obviously destroyed many, of not all signs of
civilization from that time preiod and before. Also, as with everything else, I'm sure human bones only last so long before they turn to dust.
And yes the erosion on the pyramids does seem to be consistent with that of water erosion, prehaps due to a flood as I previousky mentioned...
I have also heard that the Shpinx did originally have a different face on it, but was later changed to the face of the pharaoh Cephren.