posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 04:58 PM
Originally posted by ghostsoldier
Those who can do little should do little
Those who can do much should do much
Between this post, and Maria_Stardust, The good points are made, imo.
But the question then becomes how does one become motivated to assist in situations and with people who need assistance?
Where is the drive to be charitable? Does it lie in tax deductions, or are there other motives? What motivates a person to do acts of kindness?
Some people seem naturally predisposed to such acts of kindness and charity, while others may acquire it over a period of time due to having gained
and developed compassion, or simply from personal experience.
I'm not speaking from a personal standpoint here, as I am in fact, generous in the charity department with both my time and money.
Some people will gladly give their time, but not their money, while for others, the opposite is true.
For many, neither type act ever occurs to them. I've also known people, who, when embarrassed or somehow coerced into giving to charity, resented it
I do believe compassion can be taught, and learned at any age, but it seems to be a subject which is often neglected.