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The Truth Behind The ET Conspiracy.

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posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by hornum

You say that as a child you used to go camping with your father ...

out where the Bee’s would fly. My father refered to them as bees. They were triangular craft capable of amazing things, he would tell me that he helped design them

... that they flew to the moon and beyond etc. You've seen them with your own eyes, you used to watch them with your father and you believe what he told you about them.

So why did you need to post a thread here asking for proof of UFOs back in April last year?

I need proof

I read so much about encounters with ufo's and their occupants and am always left wondering why there is still no hard evidence. I mean show me some genuine evidence that what exists is extra terestial or terestial for that matter?

Why did you want hard evidence when you already knew what the deal is? That they exist, that you've seen them, that they're man made and that your father helped design them.

I don't understand how so many people can be so convinced of these things with so little evidence, prove me wrong? I am not convinced but truely want to believe

Well I have problems with the whole "I want to believe" thing. That sounds too much like blind faith to me. I prefer to say "I want to know" because I prefer facts/certainty to belief/faith (but that's just me).

So you say you can't understand how people can believe stuff without any evidence - yet in the first paragraph of this current thread you say -

many of you will ask for proof ... you will just have to accept my word for the moment..

I'm sorry but I don't think your word is good enough at the moment.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 07:24 PM
LOL busted. I knew my psychic powers wouldn't fail me.
It's going to be funny watching the OP writhe around trying to claim he 'forgot' that he regularly witnessed the UFO's that his dad built when he made that other thread.

[edit on 12-7-2010 by Arkady]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 07:47 PM
Seems to me that he has combined several different stories/theories and made up his own story for #s and giggles.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by Crazy Man Michael
reply to post by hornum

You say that as a child you used to go camping with your father ...

out where the Bee’s would fly. My father refered to them as bees. They were triangular craft capable of amazing things, he would tell me that he helped design them

... that they flew to the moon and beyond etc. You've seen them with your own eyes, you used to watch them with your father and you believe what he told you about them.

So why did you need to post a thread here asking for proof of UFOs back in April last year?

I need proof

I read so much about encounters with ufo's and their occupants and am always left wondering why there is still no hard evidence. I mean show me some genuine evidence that what exists is extra terestial or terestial for that matter?

Why did you want hard evidence when you already knew what the deal is? That they exist, that you've seen them, that they're man made and that your father helped design them.

I don't understand how so many people can be so convinced of these things with so little evidence, prove me wrong? I am not convinced but truely want to believe

Well I have problems with the whole "I want to believe" thing. That sounds too much like blind faith to me. I prefer to say "I want to know" because I prefer facts/certainty to belief/faith (but that's just me).

So you say you can't understand how people can believe stuff without any evidence - yet in the first paragraph of this current thread you say -

many of you will ask for proof ... you will just have to accept my word for the moment..

I'm sorry but I don't think your word is good enough at the moment.

Firstly the B’s are not Unidentified Flying Objects they are ZBW3’s and what I posted in “I need proof” is very simple, I wanted proof that the UFO phenomenon was ET, I have seen none. Back when I wrote that thread I was not aware of what I am now. The phrase “I want to believe” is from the XFiles and I thought it suited the thread, nothing to read into there. Reading back through that thread now, in retrospect I could have written it better, but I don’t profess to being a good writer at all.

As far as evidence is concerned, well I have seen it so I am convinced and that is all I have to say about that. If you take the time to go through my previous threads you will also find “Objects near the sun, what are they”, “Poltergeist caught on camera, real deal or CG” and “Strange object in the sky, very weird” These were posted for the pure reason of finding out peoples opinions.

The object I filmed in my backyard for instance was strange and was a UFO as it didn’t resemble anything I am familiar with. If you look even further you will also find “Is this some kind of alien craft with satellite” this was posted before I was made aware that ET’s don’t exist. Hope you enjoy reading them and thank you for your interest in this one.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 08:25 PM
It certainly appears so. I don't think this even qualifies as a hoax, its just a lie.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Arkady
If this was true *it's not* you have provided MORE than enough information for terry and yourself to be tracked down and killed......................phew.....lucky it's just a big load of bulls**t!!!!!
I know this because I am a psychic with a verifiable 100% success rate of accurately calling BS on hoax 'I know the truth' ATS threads. Check it out, I have NEVER been wrong and we get like a million threads almost identical to yours every week! my psychic powers are undeniable.
Your next move is going to be to claim that you 'won't' provide evidence because all the mean grown ups have been rude to you

Nobody with an IQ higher than a house brick is buying this kiddo.

EDIT - Oh yeah and by the way I AM a disinformation agent. We know where you live and agents are coming for you. You should have kept your trap shut son, now you're going to be fed to the 'dark gods' or some such nonsense.

[edit on 12-7-2010 by Arkady]

How many fingers am I holding up? Oh and could you also tell me where Jimmy Hoffa is, that would be great, thank you in advance.

[edit on 12-7-2010 by hornum]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 09:32 PM
The things that are give aways to the agenda of whoever is giving this information all begins with his bloodline/masonry. The gods and goddesses, not ets, just gods and goddesses idea, bringing it all back to religions as usual. The new Battlestar Galactia which shows humans in a another place locked into a battle with ai? The humans are following a religion of the mystery schools preference for gods and goddesses, their opposition is of the "one true God", which is an entire give away to what this is about.

To begin with, we are literally the Family of Light, the Many in One, but in a cosmic sense, we're all Ets, and this Universe is densely populated. All things lead to ET. The gods and goddesses of old are ETs, some very egotistical controlling ones acutally. Ra, Isis, not our friends. Sumar and the Hopi, though an ocean apart and both cut off from each culturally, cross referenced their detailed information on the annanuki, enki/enlil, and Ets, including with the Hopi references to Greys and reptilians and Orion. Also and understanding that they, along with many other natives, came from or were associated with Pleidades.

I too am an experiencer and some of the information, the moon, for example and the mining/bases, mars....this is accurate. But this is also in cooperation, with ET.

Someone else mentioned Transhuman. I'm sure this is also a part of the puzzle as well.

Telepathy is very well established with humans by the ETs for they are super psi, in fact they can take over your input signals completely.

This is one of the goals, completely blanketing information and knowlege, compartmentalizing it, and lying to and keeping the human race ignorant. They really think they're bringing forward gods, do they? lol.

[edit on 12-7-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 09:39 PM
Their were/are what I call nazi's on the moon, even in the 60s and 70s, which surpassed ww2 thats for sure. But they operated with other groups, greys, insectoids, and nordics. There was an enormous difference in the psi of these beings, and there was a division of loyalty and understanding given to the ones on those programs via that enhanced ET communication, in other words you ended up on ETs side not the ones destroying the planets side, kind of filled in, so to speak.

Edit to add, the hive? Like an astroid hollowed out?

[edit on 12-7-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 11:10 PM
Well Hornum, I do seem to believe what you say. Alot of things I have seen and heard lean towards a reality that you write about.

I find it funny that Robert William Cooper changed his thoughts on UFO's/Aliens, shortly before "they" killed him. Whitly Strieber's belief in Communion, that his visitors are not necessarily from another planet.

My personal belief is that the only "Aliens" from other planets are "souls" that remember for whatever reason, the afterlife/universal phyisics. They are here and have helped in many ways through evolution and have the universal understanding how it doesn't matter if we know. We need to figure things out on our own.

By the way, can you ask Terry if he knows what the object I saw was? It happened in 1999. It was approx. 50-100ft in diameter, perfectly circular and was green with no radiating light. It moved speratically but swiftly in the air, in a slow manner. It didn't zip off but vanished. I've always wanted to know more about it, Terry help would be awesome!

Also can he indulge in the bloodline theory involving abductions? Without ridicule or having to answering questions from negative souls, I have reasons to be concerned about my daughter. What happens to me doesn't matter I'll deal with what comes. It's like going through an ordeal like rape, and then being mocked and called crazy for mentioning anything. It sucks to be involved with phenonomen sometimes, but atleast I get a positive proof that somethings do exsist.

Feel free to read my thread for a better understanding of my UFO sighting.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by Spaxz

I agree with you on the soul, that is truely who we are and that is my understanding of what the gods are. Our bodies are just vessels of flesh and bone which enables us to operate in this plane.

I will certainly put those questions to Terry and hopefully he can shed some light. I wish you and your daughter well. Thank you for your contribution.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 11:52 PM
And in the great circle that I'm finding the ATS "Aliens and UFO's" threads to be...

it seems we are led right back to...

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 11:57 PM
If I may ask, how were people able to see on the dark side of the moon? Isnt it pitch black?

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by Toxicsurf
And in the great circle that I'm finding the ATS "Aliens and UFO's" threads to be...

it seems we are led right back to...

Interesting thread, whats your angle in relation to this this thread?

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by kingneptune117
If I may ask, how were people able to see on the dark side of the moon? Isnt it pitch black?

I believe thats a misconception, I think that now its called the "other side" of the moon, as the moon orbits earth, i'm sure as much light gets to the other side from the sun as this side..... Perfect example would be the easter island solar eclipse recently, since the sun is on the otherside of the moon directly, then surely the sun will brighten the otherside whilst keeping this side dark.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by kingneptune117

The darkside of the moon is not dark, to my knowledge it recieves equal amounts of sun as the near side. The farside is often refered to as the darkside which is wrong but accepted. To my understanding the darkside is when the moon is not full.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 01:36 AM
I'm interested in this Zodium you speak of and the other elements... Your story is rather hard to believe, but I think the truth is probably some crazy thing that no one would believe..

You should try to get Terry to vaccum seal you a small amount of the so-called Zodium, and then record a video of how it apparently disappears but still takes up mass when exposed to the open air... Also maybe try to find out about these other elements and why they would have been kept secret from us... I think the more you can prove about your story the more people are going to believe it, but for now I'll just speculate on it...

This would make a good movie you know, even if it's just a fabrication, or fact..

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:12 AM
If your telling the truth, if I were you I would get proof via any means. But, at the same time, if you are telling the truth, I would assumed it would get you killed. If we are mining stuff on the moon, I guess that would explain why we get away with a 14 trillion dollar debt(well, that, plus the whole global government thing). The concept of a dark god and a light god actually makes sense to me in a way and is something Ive thought about. Anyway, Im not saying I am taking your word for it because of past hoaxes, but as far fetched as your claims sound I'm not going to deny it outright. Im guessing your familiar with Project Bluebeam? Sounds like some of the stuff you posted about "the great deception". Also, if your familiar with the "Hidden Hand" interviews, would you say they sound authentic compared to what you've heard?

[edit on 13-7-2010 by CREAM]

[edit on 13-7-2010 by CREAM]

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by BigOrange
I'm interested in this Zodium you speak of and the other elements... Your story is rather hard to believe, but I think the truth is probably some crazy thing that no one would believe..

You should try to get Terry to vaccum seal you a small amount of the so-called Zodium, and then record a video of how it apparently disappears but still takes up mass when exposed to the open air... Also maybe try to find out about these other elements and why they would have been kept secret from us... I think the more you can prove about your story the more people are going to believe it, but for now I'll just speculate on it...

This would make a good movie you know, even if it's just a fabrication, or fact..

I am working on that one believe me. I will be finding out more early next week. Watch this space.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by CREAM
If your telling the truth, if I were you I would get proof via any means. But, at the same time, if you are telling the truth, I would assumed it would get you killed. If we are mining stuff on the moon, I guess that would explain why we get away with a 14 trillion dollar debt(well, that, plus the whole global government thing). The concept of a dark god and a light god actually makes sense to me in a way and is something Ive thought about. Anyway, Im not saying I am taking your word for it because of past hoaxes, but as far fetched as your claims sound I'm not going to deny it outright. Im guessing your familiar with Project Bluebeam? Sounds like some of the stuff you posted about "the great deception". Also, if your familiar with the "Hidden Hand" interviews, would you say they sound authentic compared to what you've heard?

[edit on 13-7-2010 by CREAM]

[edit on 13-7-2010 by CREAM]

I understand where youre coming from but imagine being in my shoes, Terry is a very good friend and I am worried what will happen. I will be discussing this with Terry next week and hopefully the evidence can be shown publicly. I have to say I am not overly familiar with bluebeam or hidden hand, I will check these out now. Thank you

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 03:23 AM
2012 being "The Grand Deception" would come as no surprise as far as I'm concerned. However, I just can't comprehend to what end all of it is for. There are too many holes:

· Would the "gods of light" allow the "gods of darkness" to implement The Grand Deception?

· If they can create artificial beings to do anything they want, why do they need us?

· If they can create artificial beings, could they not manipulate the genetic structure themselves to create what they want?

· If "aliens" do exist out there, would they allow us to become a slave race, or would there not be a single race out there that would care and try to stop it?

· Why are there limitless stories about the end of the world, the ascension of mankind, etc., during 2012, with all the tellers of such believing in what they're saying 100%?

· If they have been deceived, is it not possible that you are being deceived (not by your friend, specifically, but your friend passing on info that has been passed down through countless people by a disinfo agent)?

· Again, I emphasize: What's the point? Where is it all going?

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