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The Truth Behind The ET Conspiracy.

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posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by hornum

Can you at least release a snippet/trailer of some sort?

A screen shot, something that lets us know you aren't pulling the ole chain?

posted on Nov, 14 2010 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by hornum


posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 07:31 PM
Once Again We Are Graced With This Typical Mickey Mouse Mental Masturbation...

At Least The Thread Has Finally Been Moved To The GRAY AREA: PERSONAL STORIES Forum.

In All Seriousness; HORNUM, I am certain you have your reasons for leading us down this twisted path. I dare not even venture a guess at what it may be your looking for...All I can say is I sincerely hope you find that which you seek, as your words in the OP and beyond seem to be a sad, lonely and desperate cry for help. Coming clean is always the first step towards brighter horizons.

Sorry to all of you who are waiting but please know, I will not let you down.

A Short Comic Relief Clip So Hornum Can Celebrate Himself:

“Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.” -- Arthur Miller (1915-2005)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” -- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

“Nine times out of ten, in the arts as in life, there is actually no truth to be discovered; there is only error to be exposed” -- Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956)

Finally my quote. Although not original, carries with it tremendous weight:
"Apologies go a long way"

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 01:06 AM

You have made a very brave move... You decided to go against me and everyone else waiting for you to post. You gave an exact date. You promised to not let us down.... you are always going to let us down. I do'nt have forever to wait for you. I will find the truth and post it. I just saw something amazing myself on the 18th but i have no proof...

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 10:17 PM
I guess keep checking on this thread is useless....

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 11:37 PM
Have any of you ever read Mark Booth, "The Secret History of the World"

He touches on the ET phenomena similar to the OP.


Mark Booth's "Secret History" went very mainstream. You can find it on the topshelf in the "history" section at borders/barnes and noble book stores.

Although Booths book and the OP were fascinating reads... something screams "misinformation" to both.

edit on 28-12-2010 by TheGiantPeach because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by hornum

Nice story. My granddad told me of similar stories also, as he is a 33rd degree masonry, and has been to the moon many times also, for special missions. He also has photo's and material he has brought back with him, Pretty interesting stuff. He says I can have it when he passes on, to show who ever I wish. But he said people still won't believe me, because of the ignorance of people. But told me it's not there fault, it is only because people have been conditioned this way by a handful of people in charge of this world. Spreading confusion amongst the people so no one knows what to believe. Good tactic, and seems to be working great, by looking at some of the comments here. He says you could take people there, and show them and they still won't believe. Mainly because there minds are not ready to believe such a thing. I cant wait to here the rest of your story. It's like listening to my granddad speak lol. My granddad is German, so I call him Opa, not granddad, I just use that so people know who I am talking about. Don't mind the Neigh Sayers, like I said you could show all the proof they wanted and still disbelieve you. Funny thing the human mind, it does that to some people. Usually called EGO lol. Some people love there mind to much lol. Keep up the great work on trying to tell people the truth. My granddad is 82 and still fit as a bull, So I guess that's a good thing, especially after reading your story, I have a lot of questions for him now
I never really thought too much of it, until reading your story, at least I know now, there is some one else with a similar story also. Thanks for sharing, Brave man
Take care

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 12:54 AM
Well, it is to be expected

This also is one of my many theories about unexplained phenomena in this world.
Then again, only people in the know know what is true and what is not.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by hornum

After reading your post Hornum & opening my mind to the subject, I do believe in what you have written has truth to it. I do have a question hopefully you can answer for me and others. You wrote that it was explained to Terry "that man was being manipulated into thinking that a god of good and dark does not exist" but growing up as a child, religion has taught me/us that a good god and a bad god does exist. Now at 27 years old I no longer follow a religion but still believe that a good force & bad force exist based on things I have seen and experienced. My big question is if it was revealed to you, what exactly is the agenda of the so called gods of darkness? and also do you have any information on the so called gods of light?

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 09:50 PM
Sorry everyone new to this thread but Hornum has not been on this site since November 14...He may come back...I've been waiting for his video...

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by WantingToHelp

Nice story. My granddad told me of similar stories also, as he is a 33rd degree masonry, and has been to the moon many times also, for special missions. He also has photo's and material he has brought back with him, Pretty interesting stuff. He says I can have it when he passes on, to show who ever I wish.

Oh really Robbo , maybe you should speak to ol horns then maybe you can get a starring role in his epic movie that is gunna shock and ore all of us.
his claim not mine

Please wanting to help. if you really want to help, ask your Opa if you can have this evidence now, why the hell not after all he is 82 right and you have nothing to loose in asking ,he may just say yes. If you aint gunna ask then dont post it to big note ya self, You dont want to labelled as another hornum


posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by hornum

Hello hornum.
I very much enjoyed reading the OP of this thread.

Although your story in unfalsifiable and lacking proof, it fits right in to what I already believe.
I believe life exists elsewhere throughout the cosmos, but that none have yet visited earth... except microbial life on meteors.
I believe humans have risen and fallen... we've had more than one stone age and more than one nuclear age. To me, this explains our ancient megaliths, monuments, compounds, and structures around the world.
And personally, I believe in a false-flag alien invasion. That TPTB have human, man-made technology far beyond our knowledge and/or comprehension. That we are being conditioned to believe in aliens.
Although I can't necessarily say I believe your story... I do believe in the principles and ideas within it.

By posting this information, have you risked the life of Terry? If all of your story is true, I'm sure some government or shadow government officials have tracked your IP Address. And by now have back-tracked your communications and travels. So I'm pretty sure they (authorities) know who you are and have figured out who Terry is.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by auswally
reply to post by WantingToHelp

Nice story. My granddad told me of similar stories also, as he is a 33rd degree masonry, and has been to the moon many times also, for special missions. He also has photo's and material he has brought back with him, Pretty interesting stuff. He says I can have it when he passes on, to show who ever I wish.

Oh really Robbo , maybe you should speak to ol horns then maybe you can get a starring role in his epic movie that is gunna shock and ore all of us.
his claim not mine

Please wanting to help. if you really want to help, ask your Opa if you can have this evidence now, why the hell not after all he is 82 right and you have nothing to loose in asking ,he may just say yes. If you aint gunna ask then dont post it to big note ya self, You dont want to labelled as another hornum


Yes Really. And I did ask him, and that was his response? You seem to know nothing of germans do you, actually he is Austrian to be more precise, Most are very dominating people, and are always right about everything. In other words it's like trying to get blood out of a stone lol. I don't know this person that wrote the OP, I simply said that his story is similar to the one my opa has mentioned. All I know, is I know a troll when I see one I.E YOU, just in case your ignorant/ego mind does not know who I am talking about. Learn to get a clue, There is just many things you are not meant to know, and there are people out there, that like to keep it this way. But I will add this, I would listen to my opa any day instead of the likes of people like you. All people like your self, like to do is, dis-credit anything other people have to say, because you have no understanding of what is going on your self. Never mind your feeble little mind will be opened one day. Oh, then you probably still won't believe. Oh well, enjoy all the crap that gets fed to you, by people on here. Judging by the amount of crap that gets posted on here, this site seems to be a very large dis-info site. You should be very careful with the people that run this site, they are not who you think. I have been banned from this site 4 times now, for posting information about the owners of this site, and who they work for, and yet I can still keep getting back in, trying to warn you people. But hey, ignorance is bliss. Enjoy your dis-info site
. They only let you see what they want you to see, they are no different than any main stream media. And yes they will probably ban me again, But you know what, I can still get back in lol. I am gonna take this site down, once I can get a post up long enough before they remove it again and again. I guess the truth really hurts these guys. Well GOOD. All dis-info sites should be shut down, They love to spread confusion, to keep you people even more dumb down than you already are, lol. Maybe its time you people do a back ground check on these people yourself, You might be very surprised on what you find. Only problem is when you find the interesting stuff, they wont let you post it. Funny about that.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by WantingToHelp

Nurse, nurse, the cheese just fell of the cracker

You know something WantingToHelp. please dont try and help anyone i suggest you ask someone else for help


posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by WantingToHelp

Could you please tell me a bit more about those germans? I'm really interested in it, because I am german.

It's always funny to hear, what people have to tell you about yourself.

Ok, got to leave now, got to take my "Vril"-Disc down to Neuschwabenland / Antarctica to celebrate new years eve!

Happy new year to all of you!

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by hornum

not to sure what to think. although if your claims are to be true they are quite frightning. none the less its a interesting story.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 02:13 AM
Most of the aliens are from this solar system. Humans live in a particular time-zone, and technology that bridges dimensions results in a polarity of light and dark.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by WantingToHelp
You seem to know nothing of germans do you, actually he is Austrian to be more precise, Most are very dominating people, and are always right about everything.

Gosh........really?? That doesn't sound at all like the germans, when have they ever tried to dominate anything?

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 07:14 PM
Well so much for Honorums Major Motion picture

Looks like he really bit off more than he could chew, or should i say he can only muddy the waters so much. This is one of the biggest FAIL's i have had the honor of observing on the internet. Seems Honorum has faded in to obscurity since his rants, oh well I still think you are a funny guy Honorum.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

No No Nooooooo....

I just know our intrepid Hornum will never let us down.

It's because of the Aliens, you know!

He is going to come through for us at great peril and then when he delivers the Ultimate Be All- Tell All Über Documentary he will bring me my pony and a Ferrari.

He swore it.

Hornum, Hornum He's Our Man. If He Can't Do It Then Blame Dem Der Damn Aliens. Or Terry

God Forbid He Ever Take Any Responsibility Himself. Gasp!!

See You In Hell OUT

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