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What evidence do you have UFOs are all fake?

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posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 04:27 AM
What evidence or proof can you provide to explain away the mountain of evidence that is available to proof aliens, ets are real.

post your non-believer evidence

please match the calibre of high quality evidence the believers are showing.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 04:44 AM
I believe in UFOs. I just don't believe what is posted here on ATS due to the stock pile of fraudulent hoaxes.

I use to not believe in UFOs until I actually saw them. Not saying that they couldn't be gov't aircraft. I KNOW that there is other consciouses and intellectual life. But most threads on ATS about UFOs are complete hoaxes.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by Paradigm2012

This is a very specific question to you the OP - why the need to create this thread? There's another thread going on, essentially discussing the same thing:

Maybe you're in there, maybe you're not making points good enough to be taken seriously, you've offered nothing here other than rhetoric and a snappy title that will garner interest from those that agree with you.

Sorry, but I find the whole counter-thread thing terribly weak and attention-seeking, it also becomes divisive and makes any attempt at getting closer to the truth more difficult because the arguments become scattered across the forum.

It's not to say I disagree with your point, I just think you're an attention whore.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by Paradigm2012
You can't prove a negative and neither you or I can 'prove' what UFOs are. We can't 'prove' aliens are here either. That mountain of evidence is very persuasive, but falls short of being proof.

I'm not sure if you have some diagnosed condition like Aspergers that effects your capacity to get along with people? If so, it might explain why your posts are hostile or just plain unpleasant. If you have an abnormality that causes your lack of social skills, perhaps you could provide a warning or explanation in your signature? Give it a try

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 05:20 AM
What evidence do you have that they are NOT real?

[edit on 11-7-2010 by Gentill Abdulla]

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by jokei
There's another thread going on, essentially discussing the same thing:

It's not to say I disagree with your point, I just think you're an attention whore.
Some people don't like that other thread, but at least the request is theoretically possible to fulfill. The other OP is asking people to prove that something DOES exist, aliens visiting Earth.

This thread is asking for the impossible. As Kandinsky said, you can't prove a negative, that is, you can't prove something doesn't exist.

Kandinsky, yes there's a lot of evidence but the only thing it really persuades me of, is that there are a lot of UFOs. As much as I would like to find even one case that would persuade me aliens might have visited earth, I haven't found it yet, just some cases I can't explain.

OP, as MUFON says, most UFOs are natural phenomena or manmade objects. Even when I can't explain a case, it's hard to completely rule both of those out. And notice neither of those is "fake". I would like to think hoaxes are the minority of cases.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by Paradigm2012


I think this thread is a bit silly.

Here is some nice music instead.....

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 06:52 AM
I don’t think the burden of proof should be on the non-believer it should be on whoever is posting the evidence and it is the responsibility of the non-believer to have an open mind. UFO’s pictures and videos should be scrutinised before going on ATS other than the UFOlogists racing to see who can post it first. Also i think it should always be backed up with other evidence such as photos and video form multiple sources, multiple eye whiteness reports, reports from the mainstream media and this is just for a start. I have a thread that has a critique of all UFO sightings.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

Agreed, there are plenty of threads I don't like and I ignore them. However, if there's a thread I dislike or disagree with and I believe I can counter-argue or introduce a valid point then I think it should be said there - not just start up my own (private club type) thread.

Maybe that's just me, but I come here to learn new things and find it more useful to discuss a topic in one thread as opposed to creating a divisive counter (troll) thread. Even if I'm wrong, I'm happy to have changed my view and/or expanded my knowledge. For my money this is what's wrong with ATS, the us Vs them idea. People would be better off trying to be constructive and not competing for stars/attention.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by Paradigm2012
Hello to those reading the counter-thread to Olddraggers thread, which at least asks for proof positive, not proof of a negative!

I seldom see eye to eye with Old Dragger, but this time he has it right!

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 09:08 AM
I believe in aliens, but there are no proof that they are here, but I agree that it i possible that they are

but videos and pics can be so easily faked that IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to prove alien life with one of those

so, I prefer to ignore all those wannabe evidences, since its a waste of time

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