WHY does the dust particle or thingy dissapear when it gets to his ear? the thingy was in front of his face, he wore black where did it go after his
ear? WIERD.
Don't know what to say about it, there is most likely a logical explanation, but not one I can think of! It almost looked like a piece of energy
flowing into him.... strange!!
I see many of them at the 4:00 mark. Most likely it's a hoax. Seems everyone believes in anything these days. Makes you feel sad when you think about
In looking for a logical explanation for the first orb, I watched it 3 times. I see the orb come down and it seems to become more faint after it gets
to the bottom of his ear and passes behind his back. Almost comes down like a feather. I am going back and take a better look at the second orb.
i saw this video when i was learning about the kundalini and noticed this too then, werry interesting this would happen on video with someone like
I see 2 of them, one to the left of the one I think OP is talking about. They seem to kind of fall symmetrically. The one on the left seems fainter as
well, making me think it could have something to do with light/the camera. I don't know what it is, but I definitely don't think it's a hoax like
someone suggested.
i dont know why you ppl are actually thinking that is paranormal (i am not a believer of ghosts i KNOW they exist so its not that i am sceptical or
somthing) cant you guys reconise dust particals when you see them ghosts do not apear in orbs any orb video you see is either an insect or dust simple
as that
plus if you listen to his voice you can hear that this video is not the best of quality and the orbs could also be anomalys from the video recorder