posted on Jul, 10 2010 @ 02:12 AM
Embedded vids can really add to an OP. Sometimes they can express points more clearly than the member is able to do. They aren't a bad
but... can we have some guidelines about reasonable use?
A couple of weeks ago a member embedded over 30 videos. The running time of the vids was over 24 hours! Every other day, we get threads where the OP
embeds series of videos. Apart from causing system lag and stalling browsers, they are often used to sidestep having an original thought.
If I post a thread and use an external source, guidelines recommend using no more than three paragraphs of the text. It's also advised to avoid using
too much external text. These guidelines make a lot of sense and encourage the member to come up with an opinion.
In the case of the guys who let YT do all their talking for them, they expect people to donate up to several hours (sometimes) of our lives and then
How about a guideline limit? One or two videos and a link to the other 20 parts?