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The Angel Hair Phenomenon

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posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by Oozii
reply to post by 13th Zodiac

By anychance do you know if they contacted any local news station? Would be cool if there was a report on it. Thanks for the info

You're welcome .I know they didn't report it ,however I know they disscussed it with alot of locals that all saw the samething .There is every chance that the locals reported it . Infact I would be almost be certain , from the size of the event .Sadly I have lost contact with both Terry and Stan over the past couple of years so I can't even follow up for you .
What got me the most with this story is not the events but the fact that they told me with great integrity and without fear of riddicule .I respected Terry and his wife so much I asked them to be my sons God parents .Both Stan , Terry and I were widely known and respected in our community as we were the local licenced snake wranglers that you called when you had a problem .I miss those guys , just don't no where they've drifted too.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by SheeplFlavoredAgain
why for Pete's sake doesn't someone obtain a sample and analyze it?

Oh, samples have been taken, analyses have been performed:

• Thomas Pennant in the 1700s believed the material to be "something vomited up by birds or animals"

• Nostoc, a type of fresh water cyanobacteria forms spherical colonies made of filaments of cells in a gelatinous sheath. When on the ground, it is ordinarily not seen; but after rainfall it swells up into a conspicuous jellylike mass which is sometimes called star-jelly.

• Scientists commissioned by the National Geographic Society have carried out tests on samples found in the United States, but have failed to find any DNA in the material.

• Slime moulds are possible causers, appearing suddenly, exhibiting a very gelatinous appearance at first and later changing to a dust-like form which is dispersed by rain and wind. The colours range from a striking pure white as in Enteridium lycoperdon, to pink as in Lycogala epidendrum, to purple, bright yellow, orange, and brown.

They have identified Nostoc in some cases, and they just toss it away... Like, Oh, it's just nostoc, nevermind.

But wait. Just because it's a terrestrial cyanobacteria doesn't mean it can't fall out of the sky.

I get pissed when I see scientists saying, Look, it's just an earthly bacteria, it didn't fall from the sky, case closed. That's why you don't hear about extensive analysis. They don't want to broach the possibility that this stuff is extraterrestrial in origin.

Yes, Nostoc bacteria exists on Earth. Well, how did it get here? It evolved on Earth, right.

Is there another means of depositing Life on the surface of the Earth?

Well, we don't know, that's all theory, the Panspermia thing, ya know. That's where Science goes on the topic.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by 13th Zodiac

Originally posted by Oozii
reply to post by 13th Zodiac

By anychance do you know if they contacted any local news station? Would be cool if there was a report on it. Thanks for the info

You're welcome .I know they didn't report it ,however I know they disscussed it with alot of locals that all saw the samething .There is every chance that the locals reported it . Infact I would be almost be certain , from the size of the event .Sadly I have lost contact with both Terry and Stan over the past couple of years so I can't even follow up for you .
What got me the most with this story is not the events but the fact that they told me with great integrity and without fear of riddicule .I respected Terry and his wife so much I asked them to be my sons God parents .Both Stan , Terry and I were widely known and respected in our community as we were the local licenced snake wranglers that you called when you had a problem .I miss those guys , just don't no where they've drifted too.

Oh well, someday you'll run into them. It's a small world

Hey Doc, so do you think that the "Angel Hair", and "Star Jelly" could be the same phenomenon? Or maybe have a connection? Just wondering.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Oozii
Hey Doc, so do you think that the "Angel Hair", and "Star Jelly" could be the same phenomenon? Or maybe have a connection? Just wondering.

Yeah, that's why I posted the "Star Jelly" connection in the first place. If this stuff is falling out of the sky in a gelatinous mass, then I think it's entirely possible that atmospheric turbulence could whip the stuff around and disperse it like cotton candy, easy. Especially in those cases where the "angel hair" kind of melts into a gooey fluid state.

I'm not saying that all "angel hair" is from Star Jelly — certainly a lot of it is just misidentified spiderweb and cellulose and similar easily explainable causes. But the stuff that melts in your hand is probably Star Jelly, IMO, especially when it's found in conjunction with a meteor shower.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity

Originally posted by Oozii
Hey Doc, so do you think that the "Angel Hair", and "Star Jelly" could be the same phenomenon? Or maybe have a connection? Just wondering.

Yeah, that's why I posted the "Star Jelly" connection in the first place. If this stuff is falling out of the sky in a gelatinous mass, then I think it's entirely possible that atmospheric turbulence could whip the stuff around and disperse it like cotton candy, easy. Especially in those cases where the "angel hair" kind of melts into a gooey fluid state.

I'm not saying that all "angel hair" is from Star Jelly — certainly a lot of it is just misidentified spiderweb and cellulose and similar easily explainable causes. But the stuff that melts in your hand is probably Star Jelly, IMO, especially when it's found in conjunction with a meteor shower.

— Doc Velocity

Thanks for the reply.

I havnt found much on the "Angel Hair Phenomenon." And it seems like there's more info on the Star Jelly, so it most likely could be the same.

I'll still continue to search and post what I find.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by Oozii

Mothership study, with widely seen sighting including angel hair, at Oloron and Gaillac France, noted on page 9: CUFOS (pdf)

Another link:

Also the Fatima miracle/apparition, seen by thousands, included reports of angel hair: ATS thread by gortex

posted on Jul, 10 2010 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by 1SawSomeThings
reply to post by Oozii

Mothership study, with widely seen sighting including angel hair, at Oloron and Gaillac France, noted on page 9: CUFOS (pdf)

Another link:

Also the Fatima miracle/apparition, seen by thousands, included reports of angel hair: ATS thread by gortex

Awesome, thanks for that. Some good information. I just found this report on an incident in 1952.

Angel Hair UFOs in Oloron, France

It was the strangest sight to ever grace the sky over Oloron, France. In the early afternoon of October 17, 1952, according to one of the many witnesses, high school superintendent Jean-Yves Prigent, there appeared a "cottony cloud of strange shape. . . . Above it, a narrow cylinder, apparently inclined at a 45-degree angle, was slowly moving in a straight line toward the southwest. . . . A sort of plume of white smoke was escaping from its upper end."

Mary Evans Picture Library
UFOs over Oloron, France, dropped a cottony substance likened to "angel hair."In front of this "cylinder" were 30 smaller objects that, when viewed through opera glasses, proved to be red spheres, each surrounded by a yellow ring. "These 'saucers' moved in pairs," Prigent said, "following a broken path characterized in general by rapid and short zigzags. When two saucers drew away from one another, a whitish streak, like an electric arc, was produced between them."

But this was only the beginning of the strangeness. A white, hairlike substance rained down from all of the objects, wrapping itself around telephone wires, tree branches, and the roofs of houses. When observers picked up the material and rolled it into a ball, it turned into a gelatinlike substance and vanished. One man, who had observed the episode from a bridge, claimed the material fell on him, and he was able to extract himself from it only by cutting his way clear-at which point the material collected itself and ascended.

A nearly identical series of events occurred in Gaillac, France, ten days later.
Such "angel hair" is reported from time to time. Laboratory analysis of authentic material (airborne cobwebs are sometimes mistaken for angel hair) is impossible because the material always vanishes. In the summer of 1957, when Craig Phillips (director of the National Aquarium from 1976 to 1981) witnessed a fall off the Florida coast, he collected samples and placed them in sealed jars. But by the time he got to his laboratory, they were gone.


So I guess it's very tough to test the samples and whatnot, seeing as they dont last too long once touched, or just dont last long period.

[edit on 10-7-2010 by Oozii]

posted on Jul, 10 2010 @ 03:00 PM
Wow, very strange stuff indeed. Doc Velocity thanks for the additional info and btw, I hope you're recovering well these days.

I am glad people have attempted to obtain samples and that some were successful. Perhaps the ones shown to be sharing a nature with known terrestrial species are indeed terrestrial in origin. I imagine colonies of bacteria could be swept up into the atmosphere and rain back down on earth.

The question for me, as someone with little to no knowledge on the subject, is how plausible and how likely is it such bacterial colonies could survive the conditions of space and survive entry into our atmosphere to rain down upon us like this? The UFO scenario that was described seems to me to be the way to accomplish this. Otherwise I find it difficult to believe such a fragile substance would surive the stress of change from the conditions of space to the conditions of a fairly dense atmosphere.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by SheeplFlavoredAgain
how plausible and how likely is it such bacterial colonies could survive the conditions of space and survive entry into our atmosphere to rain down upon us like this? ...-+I find it difficult to believe such a fragile substance would surive the stress of change from the conditions of space to the conditions of a fairly dense atmosphere.

What Science has discovered, in just the last 50 years, is that bacteria are far more durable and adaptable than we ever suspected. When we see bacteria thriving in the "black smoker" volcanic vents in the ocean abyss, surviving not only incredible temperatures and pressures but saturation in hydrogen sulfide, one of the most deadly chemicals on Earth, we know that bacteria are capable of adapting to the most extreme environments imaginable.

In 1967, NASA successfully landed a probe on the surface of the moon, in preparation for the Apollo missions a few years later. This probe, Surveyor 3, sat on the Moon, taking photos and collecting pertinent data for nearly three years.

In 1969, Apollo 12 (the second manned landing on the Moon) touched down on the lunar surface about 500 feet away from the Surveyor 3, and the astronauts paid a visit to collect some of Surveyor 3's hardware for inspection back on Earth.

What the astronauts found was a colony of bacteria growing and thriving in the camera equipment. Specifically, it was the Streptococcus mitis bacteria.

Undoubtedly, the bacteria had entered the equipment back on Earth, three years earlier, and had managed to survive the deadly conditions of the lunar surface, with practically zero atmosphere and pressure and exposed to harsh solar radiation that would kill a human being. The astronauts brought the camera gear with its bacterial payload back to Earth, where it continued thriving without a hiccup.

This incident alone completely changed our thinking on the possibility of bacteria surviving space travel.

It's possible that a bacteria could ride through space inside an asteroid or cometary fragment, that it could easily survive the brief and fiery reentry, and that it could eventually exit the asteroid once it impacted the Earth's surface. There's nothing to physically prevent such a scenario from taking place.

As regards "Star Jelly" or "angel hair," I can imagine a scenario of a meteor or group of meteors entering the Earth's atmosphere, flashing brightly and briefly on entry, then breaking up before reaching the surface, perhaps releasing a gooey bacterial passenger into the atmosphere, which would rain down a while later.

Why not?

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 7/11/2010 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:15 AM
Indeed, why not. Thanks for sharing that information with me. I didn't know that about the bacteria surviving on the moon in the equipment we took up there. It gives me a whole new respect for bacteria. Not that I'm thrilled about that.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:49 PM
I've started a thread apparently similar to this one HERE because I had no idea what to call this phenomenon. I've got photos so if anyone here has seen this first hand could you look at my photos and tell me if they are the same?

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 09:29 PM

My co-blogger Keith Basterfield recently posted this piece on the Australian UFO blog at I thought you might find it of interest.


In 2001 I published a catalogue and analysis of known Australian "Angel Hair" cases at

"Angel Hair" is the name given to falls from the sky, of a substance which carpets an area of the ground. Debate has raged over whether the falls are due to spiders, or to something connected to the UFO phenomenon.

"New" old case:

While in the South Australian State Library recently, I came across details of another Australian fall, previously unknown to me, from 1963. It was reported in the Western Australian newspaper, the "Sunday Times" dated 8 September 1963, as cited in the UFO magazine "Panorama." published by the former Adelaide group UFOPIA (Volume2 number 6 of 1963.)

The details:

At 8am on 29 August 1963, a fall of "air silk" (as the newspaper put it) began, which lasted for two hours. Lengths of a substance up to about 30 feet (9 metres) glistened in the sunlight as they fell from the sky. The material fell over a wide area which included the locality of Cue, Western Australia (latitude 27deg 26min S; 117 deg 54 min E); Mt Magnet (50 miles - 80kms - south of Cue); and Big Bell (18 miles -29kms - NW of Cue.)

One eyewitness, Mr A N Deas, of Cue said the material had the appearance of large cobwebs and drifted in from the East on a slight breeze.

Other eyewitnesses, Mrs P Thomas and her three children, reported seeing what appeared to be two "balloons" moving across the sky at about 8.30am.

A public analyst, Mr P Asotoff, conducted a chemical analysis of the substance. He reported that the strands of the material measured 2.5 to 3 microns across. It was not synthetic; or plastic and not asbestos. He detected the presence of Glutamic acid, which is associated with silk compounds. Mr Asotoff is quoted as stating "it is spiders web."


In the analysis section of my 2001 paper, I wrote that the data on known Australian "Angel Hair" falls revealed that:

1. The geographic areas of falls clustered between latitude 25 and 38 degrees South of the equator.

Cue, WA, is at latitude 27deg 26min South, which fits in the above range.

2. The calendar months with the highest number of falls are May and August.

The Cue fall was in August.

3. All falls occurred with start times between 8.20am and 4pm and were daytime events.

The Cue event started at 8am.

4. An odd fact which I noted was that all falls which occurred in the season of winter, occurred in the morning; and all spring/autumn falls took place in the afternoon. Why this should be so is unknown to me.

The August 1963, Cue event took place in August, i.e. winter in Australia, and in the morning. Thus Cue once again fits the previously observed pattern.

5. All falls were of lengthy duration, ranging from 40 to 300 minutes.

The Cue event is reported to have taken place for 120 minutes.

6. In rural locations (Cue is rural) the air temperature at the time of the event was in the range 7.2deg C to 15.2deg C measured at the nearest meteorological observation site.

We do not have temperature details for the Cue event.

7. In all cases set in rural surroundings, the wind speed was reported to be "light" at the nearest meteorological observation site.

Cue eyewitness, Mr A N Deas reported a "slight breeze."

8. Cloud cover was 2/8 or less in 11 out of the 15 cases where this factor is known. It was a cloudless sky in 9 out of the 15 cases.

This factor is unknown for the Cue event.

9. "UFOs" were reported in 8 out of the total number of cases in the catalogue. Their shape was described as round (5 cases); elongated (1 case) with 2 shapes not known.

Cue eyewitness Mrs P Thomas reported seeing what she thought were balloons (presumably round) in the sky at 8.30am.

10. Falls were recorded over a large distance, i.e. 40-80kms.

The WA fall was reported to have been noted at places 80kms apart.


It is fascinating, 11 years after producing a catalogue and analysis, to have located another Australian "Angel Hair" event.

The data from Cue, closely resembles that discussed in the original 2001 analysis.

Have readers of this blog come across any other Australian "Angel Hair" cases not reported in my 2001 catalogue?

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by Oozii

LAST NITE @342AM I SEEN THIS STUFF FALLING LIKE SNOW/RAIN. N.E. usa western PA my lady thought it was fabric from someones laundry until she seen it falling from the sky. I did touch it as it was falling everywhere and when I looked at it close it resembles the santaclause dandilions seeds but it felt like cotton and looked spoked out like little 6 or more pointed flowerlike puffs. these puffs would make the irregular shapes which were all puffs sized the same but the combined puffs make differnent lint like shapes. ALSO IT FLOATES


posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 12:27 PM
ANYCLUES???? u2u me if you need to, thanks in advance.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 12:32 PM
We get that stuff here from time to time in the south. It just seems to appear overnight and then is gone once the day heats up. Sometimes it is just on the grass but sometimes its on trees as well. I always just thought it was some kind of spider or bug but have never really touched it or looked up close. I'll definitely look closer the next time I see it.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by maybee

Thank you maybee, try not to be like me and touch the stuff. When I did touch it, I just rolled it up like a peice of cotton???

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