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Photo Of The UFO That Shut Down The China Airport!!

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posted on Jul, 10 2010 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by MissSmartypants

wow that is the most clearest UFO picture taken. It almost looks fake.

posted on Jul, 10 2010 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by Ben81

Anybody play EVE? It looks like one of the Amarr Industrial ships.

But I agree it is the most clear UFO shot I have ever seen.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by GobbledokTChipeater

exactly. I believe the same here. This photo more than likely wasn't what was seen and closed down the airport.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 01:00 AM

36 pages eh? ugh....well did I miss something? There is a double exposure
going on here. Didn't anybody look? hmm maybe they did

I adore artifacts!

[edit on 11-7-2010 by KIZZZY]

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by MissSmartypants

sure would be nice if china would officially acknowledge the mysterious nature of UFOs that have been sighted long before the age of aviation; maybe even call on other nations to disclose any and all information they have about the phenomenon

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by reject


I think what happened is they closed the airport down because they were reading ATS.

Then, they had to make up this story!

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

what is your personal opinion about this event? Was that a missile or smth. like that, or all this airport closing issue is a misunderstanding?

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by deccal

Well, if you want my opinion the first photo I posted in the opening post was most everyone has said...a long exposure of a helicopter. The gentleman who took the photo was outside for a walk, not at the airport, and knew nothing of the UFO incident...when he saw a bright light and decided to take a picture of it. The bright spot light on helicopters are frequently mistaken for something unusual.
And what he took a picture of was not what shut down the airport. I believe by the use of the term UFO they also included the definition to mean something man made as well as alien and manmade was what they meant. It was probably something military that went wrong and ended up where it shouldn't have been. Case closed.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 02:29 PM
I was going to start my own thread on photo analysis with respect to some of the recent posts but I'm to new, as a member, to make my own threads. Quite often I see conclusions being drawn that aren't entirely accurate in my opinion and that bothers me. I'm searching for the truth like the rest of you, whatever that may be, but that search is made more difficult if we dismiss potential evidence with inaccurate information.

With that in mind I'll offer additional information on the original photo in this thread. I've read through about 20 pages of the now 37 and there appears to be two sides of the helicopter debate. Before I comment on helicopters let me point out a couple of things with the original photo.

Several posts in this thread have pointed out aspects of the photo but without connecting all the dots so to speak. So let me explain what I see.

Within this photo there are two important pieces of information. There is the apparent double exposure or ghost image and there is possible motion blur.

First the double exposure or ghost image seen around the buildings and one of the power lines is caused by the flash going off. This probably indicates a simple point and shoot camera was used. The object was moving right to left and the flash tells us that. The first and brightest image is the point at which the flash goes off and that is to the left. As the photographer pans to his left we get the trailing ghost image. This also makes it unlikely to be a fake or photoshopped image. Most fakes don't pan an empty sky.

Second is the motion blur of the subject which is the justification for this being a moving helicopter or some other aircraft. This motion blur assumes that the photographer held the camera fixed as the object moved. By my previous explanation of the ghost image we know that not to be true. The photographer was panning the subject. This would mean that the subject image probably appears close to its actually size and shape.

Now before you jump on me yes there is an exception. We could have both happening in this photo. There could be panning and motion of the subject. In order for the subject to blur excessively however it would have to be moving at an extremely high rate of speed to outpace the photographers pan. This is certainly possible but it would have to be moving very fast and this wouldn't give the photographer much time for set up.

On the subject of helicopter photography I'm sorry I don't have much to add here. There have been some photos offered for comparison, three or four I think, and I'll offer a comment about them. First I have to assume they are actually photos of helicopters and I didn't chase the source to find out if that is true. In most the bright searchlight blur leaves light tracing down from the craft. In this photo it doesn't. As well notice that none of the comparison photos are panning the subject as evidenced by the surrounding landscape. I also have questions about the legitimacy of the helicopter photos but I'd have to analyze them a little more to form an opinion on that.

In conclusion it would be my suggestion that we should not dismiss this photo as a helicopter or other aircraft quite so quickly. Do I think it's a UFO, you bet. It absolutely is unidentified at this point.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 02:37 PM
Regardless of these photos (which I think are exactly what they appear to be, long exposures of terrestrial craft) the main point is they had to shut down the airport for SOMETHING, and not a missle test (who shuts down a busy airport for that?) so that should be the focus

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 07:59 PM
Lets start looking at what we know.

The chinese government reported that Xiaoshan Airport was shut down for one hour because of a 'hovering' object over the airport. Date 07/07/2010 around 9pm?

Now lets look at the offered explanations so far?

*Missile Test
*Returning Space Debris

If we entertain one possibility once we start asking questions all doesn't seem to add up does it?

If it was a helicopter (lets just assume they didnt notify the ATC) how come they further mention a persuit of said object and they wasnt able to capture it? They'd be able to surely intercept or identify a helicopter even if they couldn't identify it for say a couple of minutes they would of eventually identified it.. but not being able to catch it? I'm certain China has aircraft capable of catching a helicopter.

So maybe it was a missile after all? That explains why they couldn't catch the said object.. but missiles wouldn't hover in mid air around the airport would they? Like Hover in one place in the sky? A missile is a projectile fired from one position to land in another position? So then maybe if it was hovering it was falling space debris?

What if it was falling space debris? Again once they identified it as space debris how come they couldn't catch it? If its falling to earth i'm assuming its applying the laws of gravity and would only head downwards.. not actually hover and escape interception.

The photos and videos offered aren't in my opinion what shut the airport down. However I am in agreement that more information is needed in this case before anyone can draw any suitable honest conclusions.

In friendship

[edit on 11-7-2010 by Superiorraw]

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Superiorraw
Lets start looking at what we know.

The chinese government reported that Xiaoshan Airport was shut down for one hour because of a 'hovering' object over the airport. Date 07/07/2010 around 9pm?

Now lets look at the offered explanations so far?

*Missile Test
*Returning Space Debris

List is incomplete:

* Private a/c with non-filed flight plan
* Chinese military vehicle on non-disclosed mission
* Non-Chinese military vehicle on ditto
* Falung Gong spoof

and the one I think needs further investigation

* Approaching aircrew's misperception of something as a 'light over airport' that the control tower could not locate on radar, and therefore had to worry about where it might be, so incoming flights were briefly warned off.

The 'something' should be bright and clearly noticeable to the crew approaching the airport, as reported in several lengthy news stories.
It could look like an aircraft landing lights, or other running lights (less bright).

Apparently even though visible to the aircrew it was not visible to ground observers. Such sources do indeed exist -- bright objects near the horizon that are obscured by horizon clutter to on-the-ground observers but are clearly visible to airborne observers.

But what 'bright object'? Therein hangs the tale....

We need to know:

a) which direction the airliner was approaching the single runway -- 07 or 25?

b) their initial description of the sighting

c) whether that was the trigger for the radar screen examination, and its results

d) what would have been visible in the sky almost two hours after sunset in the direction the crew would have been looking.

e) the cloud conditions that could have masked celestial objects from airliner's view

It's a great pity that nobody has reported in any of the parallel threads on this subject, that they have made any progress on any of these questions.

But they ought to keep the Barnaul Airport UFO-shutdown in early 2001 in their minds (and the ironclad prosaic explanation for that intriguing-sounding case), in consideration of candidate explanations this time.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 08:46 PM
Like every other event that leaves a wake of unanswered questions
(see: JFK, Roswell, 9-11, Phoenix Lights, Norway spiral, O'Hare UFO etc)......
....this will just fall into the: don't like the official report? Then you're a conspiratorial terrorist archives!

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by Tripple_Helix

Totally agree with you re the photo - I too am a photographer. I stated here before that it was not a helicopter but I got out of the discussion so the kids could argue with each other. Thank you!

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 09:38 PM
New photo? The most recent news story has published a photo that I have not yet seen. Though I could be wrong (correct me if I am). Though the paper reporting it this time is not what we would call entirely reliable in terms of reporting, but the picture is interesting. Sorry but it would not let me copy it so you have to look for yourself

Snip bit: UFO SCARE AS FLYING SAUCER SPARKS PANIC IN SKIES - The object, which looked like a flying saucer, hovered above an airport for several minutes before beaming down a piercing shaft of light.

The airport was closed and passenger planes were diverted as X Files-style agents were drafted in to investigate.

Witnesses reported strange balls of light and a bus driver said he saw a glowing object in the sky at around 9pm on Wednesday.

He said: “It suddenly ran westwards fast, like it was escaping from something.”

[edit on 11-7-2010 by DragonFire1024]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

ahhahah you...I love the animation with the eybrows and the blinking...Did

you do it or IRM? No matter it's great!

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by dragnet53
reply to post by Ben81

Anybody play EVE? It looks like one of the Amarr Industrial ships.

But I agree it is the most clear UFO shot I have ever seen.

yea that photo is a good fake

beware of Amarr hoarders trying to jetcan mine China


posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 02:18 AM
THOUSANDS ran screaming in terror after spotting a UFO. The object, which looked like a flying saucer, hovered above an airport for several minutes before beaming down a piercing shaft of light. The airport was closed and passenger planes were diverted as X Files-style agents were drafted in to investigate. Witnesses reported strange balls of light and a bus driver said he saw a glowing object in the sky at around 9pm on Wednesday. He said: “It suddenly ran westwards fast, like it was escaping from something.” Other witnesses saw the object in Hangzhou, China, “glowing in golden light” and followed by “a comet-like tail”. Meanwhile, UFO fans on the web have gone into overdrive about the sighting 30 miles from Shanghai. Alien enthusiast Michael Cohen wrote on one website: “It is known that the Chinese Government is preparing for open contact with at least three alien races. “The Chinese are planning to build an alien embassy to welcome these newcomers to Earth.”

I think someone from Primary School written this for their English assignment?
It does go to show you though how easy the MSM print false garbage to sell papers.. hmm maybe I should start my own National Newspaper?

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by eennoo

Why do the two photos looks so different?

...something fishy is going on.

Someone is altering the photos?

[edit on 10-7-2010 by eennoo]

[edit on 10-7-2010 by eennoo]

You single handedly have solved the long lasting mistery of every single UFO picture out there.

Any average joe with basic knowledge of Photoshop or any other design program could easily modify the original shot.

Voila. Case closed, let's move on.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by MissSmartypants

more details or just extremely exaggerated sensationalism?



THOUSANDS ran screaming in terror after spotting a UFO.

The object, which looked like a flying saucer, hovered above an airport for several minutes before beaming down a piercing shaft of light
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