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U.S. marks 3rd-largest, single-day debt increase

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posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 12:53 PM

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Of course! But YOU do realize that Obama has incurred more debt in the past year and a half than ALL other administrations combined, right?

I mean, I get it... You're ready to defend "your boy" to the end. But thanks to "your boy", the end is going to be much, much sooner than later. Two wrongs don't make a right. Just because Bush spent like a complete moron doesn't excuse Obama from spending like a complete moron times ten, right?

He did promise Hopey Changies, didn't he? The result has been absolutely hopeless and the only change we've seen has been in the form of tin pennies. Sorry - The man IS A FAILURE!

kozmo and wutone and ~Lucidity
I don't care about your political leanings, I care about the future of the peoples of America. If you're a Dem, Rep or Independent, We need to VOTE for the Best Possible person, I prefer an un-none, but a business owner with real knowledge of making a payroll.
OK, So SLAM ME, I liked and voted for Ross Perot.

You are all correct and the biggest thing I've notice is, We Need To Vote All These A$$ HOLES OUT.
I mean start over and make it clear, you don't listen to the people who pays your salary, your out! HO, did I forget to tell you, your on probation, don't like it, find another job.

[edit on 8-7-2010 by guohua]

[edit on 8-7-2010 by guohua]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by guohua

I don't either. That was my point. This troll starts coming in and looking the fool. Sorry but I'm not longer going to stay silent about it. My only point by saying that was that the interest on trillions adds up very fast, and to assign that as "spending" might not be accurate.

And for the record, though it's really none of anybody's business, I voted for neither Obama nor McCain.

[edit on 7/8/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

A little sensitive are we???
Get a grip!

Projected Deficits
Another One!And One From the CBO!

I mean, shucks, I could do this all day! What's the matter... You never heard of "Google"?

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:09 PM


posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by guohua

My political leanings tend to be in favor of the government cutting itself down because they keep screwing up. This goes for the big government left as well as the big government right.

I am just amazed how anyone can be more inept than Bush however...

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by guohua

I'm an Independent Libertarian. I've no use for either the Republicans nor the Democrats. BUT... when someone comes in making foolish statements when it is apparent that they haven't taken the time to evaluate their own statement, it certainly appears as though they are defending someone or something.

All one needs to do is to look at the last link I provided from the Congressional Budget Office - look at the deficit that obama's budget's produce - It is greater than ALL previous administration combined!!! How can that be so hard to look up???

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:16 PM


posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by guohua

Their going to tax the middle class out of existence. We are now a dying class of peoples. Don't you think?

Maybe you've forgotten Obama's endorsement of the "Black Value System," and a "disavowal of middleclassness" that he endorsed.

Read his books if you want to know what he really believes.
(the audiobook versions on Amazon have been sanitized; you need the original edition hardbacks)


[edit on 8-7-2010 by jdub297]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:25 PM
I'll have to let you all in on a little secret, I've been in the service of our Government for many, many. many years and served in the Gerald Ford
Administration after the Army, in an agency I won't name. Our budget and what I had available to me in the field was never a problem until Jimmy Carter and again during Bill Clinton.

But, I can remember the Old Guys, talking about Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon.
They all had the same problem, Money grows on trees in America as long as we keep the American People Happy.

I don't know, I just had to add that, Until we get control of our Government, by controlling their time spent drawing that big fat check from us the tax payers.
We're screwed

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:27 PM


You will be post banned.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by guohua

The big problem is that the government isn't regulated itself. Well, supposedly the Constitution should do the regulation but that relies on people defending the Constitution.

When there is a big government, people want to attain positions in that government for the power and not for the service. They have no interest in the well being of the country.

It really is up to us to stand up to the government and stand up for the Constitution because it needs people to fight for it. No one else will.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by jdub297
reply to post by guohua

Maybe you've forgotten Obama's endorsement of the "Black Value System," and a "disavowal of middleclassness" that he endorsed.

Read his books if you want to know what he really believes.
(the audiobook versions on Amazon have been sanitized; you need the original edition hardbacks)


You make it sound like I'm supporting Dear Leader (Obama).
Trust me, I'm Not, I did not vote for these fool.
But that's OK.
You can be assured, I never had any tingles running up my leg, O don't know of any females that Fainted for him, I do know some that Vomited though.
No, I would like to see an end to all this spending, stop it, we don't need the Government in charge of our lives. Lower Taxes for big business and get a job.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:38 PM


posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:40 PM


posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by axiomuser
OOOOOOOHHHHHHH NNNNNNNNOOOOOOO! It just keeps getting worse! For the life of me I cant understand why the concept of creating a reasonable budget and saving money is so foreign to the Feds. The "spend money to get us out of the recession" idea is the stupidest thing that has ever been pulled off against the people of the US. Where is all the money going?

How about this. Cut every non essential program, cut taxes, offer incentives to businesses so they can hire people. Instill actual HOPE into the people, not just "HOPE we don't go bankrupt"...

We at ATS have a good idea on how things should be run, but we have 2 things against us. The disconcern of a majority of the public, and the complete negligence of public officials to rebuild the economy from the ground up. Whether it's built from the ground up, or from the top down, the purpose is sustainability. But there is a GOOD sustainability, and a BAD sustainability. We're floundering in the latter. And by the time the majority steps in, it may be a tougher and longer drawn out conflict.
I thought the same things when they were discussing the stimulus a couple years ago. If they were to split up all that money to the working class, then economics would rebuild itself at the foundation, while showing by action, the public necessity. It's a 'bubble up' economy versus the 'trickle down' economy they are now constructing. Governance by the rich. By the time that money got started downhill, it was gone before it got half way, so the little guy only got the trash that fell out of their limos

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:54 PM
Just chill out, guys. They have a WWIII in preparation that will erase the national debt. But some of you will have to die for it.

[edit on 8-7-2010 by ickylevel]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by guohua

You make it sound like I'm supporting Dear Leader (Obama).
Trust me, I'm Not, I did not vote for these fool.

No; you invited me to respond:

Their going to tax the middle class out of existence. We are now a dying class of peoples. Don't you think?

I'll stand by my post; Obama is anti-middle class and reveals his true leanings in his books. I've been saying the same since he first announced.

Funny how, as a senator, Obama had the most partisan record in the Senate, yet today uses "bipartisanship" as some sort of mantra. Pure hypocrisy.

Just look at the Congressional record and you will see that he opposed the very same immigration "reform" he now claims to support, opposed the "surge" and Gen. Petraeus for Iraq, but supports them in Afghanistan, attempted to filibuster a S. Ct. nominee and decries opposition to his nominees, faults Republican cohesiveness yet topped partisan politics by voting 95% Democrat, and eschewed public financing for his campaign only to become the recipient of the largest donations EVER from BP and Goldman-Sachs.

Pure hypocrisy.

Look what you've done to my Country!


posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by jdub297

You're correct, I miss read your post.
You are Very Correct in your opinion of Obama and the milddle class.
Thank You.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 02:50 PM
Seems like this thread is simply for the OP to bash a puppet president, which does nothing but create more hatred in America, nice job.
This is a problem within the banking elite that take control of the politicans and use them as puppets, but I wonder if the OP would vent out at the bankers as much as he does about Obama.

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