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I am Enlightened.....i think

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posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by TheOracle
welcome to the 'club' if I may say

You got it right, we are only consciousness and life is only a step, a trial for things to come. I don't find others, like that businessman, funny, I only feel sorry for them. They are stuck in their act, as you put it. I believe they may not reach the higher spheres of consciousness, rather get stuck in a loop of blindness and despair.

[edit on 8-7-2010 by TheOracle]

I don't know, I don't think anyone on earth is too far removed from anyone else. The "best" person is only a hairsbreadth away from the "worst". All of our actions generate the work to sustain greater actions, a person has killed some one, but so have your taxes.

I want to clarify that I was more referring to the business mans position and actions in life compared to your own more-so than a killer. Though do we not kill by allowing someone killed? If we can stop the killing, but don't, is that killing them?

[edit on 8-7-2010 by depth om]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:19 PM
enlightenment is the goal of all
i beleive a boy named "Ram Bahadur Bomjon" aka the buddha boy
you can go read his story on wiki ... very nice story

have almost acheiving it or already has ...
when you achieve enlightenment then .. it speak for itself
you know everything and your past lifes
you would have extreme knowledge that was once lost from you
the step you are now in .. is only a fraction step before being fully awoke

so i advice you continu to questions everything
do not side yourself with evil intentions... like having fear of dying..hatred in your heart..jalousy..centering yourself around materialistic false values
continu to live as a modest kindfull person
smile to people dont give them angry eyes or a finger
consider your self to be egual to any living things
exemple: consider yourself deeply... you are not superior or inferior from a little poor HIV 5 yrs old african boy living in a mudd house
thats the problem today many consider themself to be superior to others
make the real difference from good to bad
many people have more then you .. do not think that way
think that much more people have less(almost nothing) then you

hope that can help you advancing another step

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by ExPostFacto

What a post. I couldn't have said it any better myself. Let me ask, if you don''t mind how old are you? I only ask, because if you're as young as I am(early 20s) and we're at the same spot (basically in understanding this world. The next step might just be, about yourself, and let time reveal what's up and it could just be around the corner. All I know is this place is a trip...

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:27 PM
Maybe something to do with this:

Small steps towards greater and greater understanding and wisdom

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by orrite??

You've only visited a stage on the road to real enlightenment. There are many stages, visions, experiences, activations within....

The final one being ...there is no longer the sense of I anywhere for you. So it feels as if you are no more ...and that everything is ...but without 'I'

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by fordrew

Something can be unknowns but still true.

While its great to admit nothing can be known 100%, it is also important to know that at a certain point, knowing 99.9999.... is essentially knowing 100% in some fields.

And as to lies in religion, I really don't see how. I've lives a happy blissful life as a Christian, pretty damn epic. I can tell you how to build a warp engine or how to plant tomatos. I may not know these things 100%, nor will I ever, I know enough to make them work.

For just as the blind man does not see the current, but knows it is there from water flow, so too do I on these subjects know the truth through indirect observation.

Saying God is not true or nothing is true is the most primitive step before accepting what CAN be knowns and what CANNOT be knowns. And those are relative still as you can't fully know everything, but you can know enough to say you do.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:51 PM
This sounds very similar to the teachings of David Hawkins. He has several books out regarding this topic. One of the things he really pushes is the fact that everything is an illusion. It takes some time to understand it but in reality, our "world" is created in our mind and is almost alway erroneous. The ego is probably our biggest detractor from seeing reality as it really is. Once we can put aside our ego and simple be an observer, things begin to appear more clearly.

As you progress, the physical world will be more and more meaningless. Material goods and possessions lose their value and you gain insight to what is truly important...

It sounds like you are on that path...keep it up!

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:59 PM
To the OP I would agree with almost everything you said and I think you are on the right path of awakening to your true self. The only point I would make is to stear away from the man made term of God. The creation/infinite consciousness/awareness is what we are all a part of and I don't think assigning it a human term helps. Putting a label on something only limits it.

[edit on 8-7-2010 by Namaste1001]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

I used to be an ex Catholic so I have listened to many sermons from priests/speakers. All too many times priests and speakers claim to know the will of god, and they claim to understand jesus christ. The thing is they don't. There is no truth because the will of god is not understandable. People, though, LOVE to say their own intentions and substitute it in for god's intentions. Example: "god wants you to stop stealing. " translates to "I want you to stop stealing." "Jesus Loves You" translates to "I love you(r money)."

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 02:20 PM
Congratulations on your journey. Our paths sound similar and through the aid of good teachers and God-given intuition, I have come to realize that to acheive enlightenment as the Buddha stated, requires a mind that holds no attachments, no preconceptions and no fear.

Understanding the illusion of this plane and that we are experiencers of it and at the end, seperate from it, not of it, is crucial to move forward. We are eternal spirit, all physical manifestations will change, or end in some fashion, but Spirit is eternal, indestructable, Infinite and free from this temporary plane, in our true essence. Many of us are now awakening to how limited this expereince is in relation to our true being. Christ, the Buddha have both taught us that enlightenment, Nirvana, the Kingdom of God is found within, not externally. This is the Truth. No book or other soul can provide this to you or I, it takes the "ah-ha" moment, the Epihany and that must come from within.

Peace and Friendship to All


posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by fordrew

But do the wrongs of the leader make the faith wrong or the people wrong?

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 02:32 PM
Once one becomes "enlightened", you will no longer spout the "everything is love, spread unconditional love" bs that constantly gets thrown around. That is a pure lightsider motto and shows a lack of spiritual maturity. You must shed all polarity conflicts. You must strive for balance. Love those who are truly deserving of it, while hating those that deserve it. I'd suggest reading Matrix 5 - Quest of the Spirit if you really want to spiritually progress in your current incarnation.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by fordrew

But do the wrongs of the leader make the faith wrong or the people wrong?

People of course, but what do you do when 99% of the people in that religion is putting word's in god's mouth? They seem to be all sure what god wants and they seem to know exact of god's intentions. I can't name a Christian who actually admits that they do not know what god's intention is except for "his intention is to save mankind" or some bologna like that. That is the intention of what Christians want to do... but it is really the intention of god?

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 02:41 PM
When I read through all of the posts I kept wondering one thing:
enlightment and awakening, are they the same thing? Are these two words to describe the same? And should it be a pleasant experience or can it be abrubt as well?

Back in 2004, I was 27 at the time, I started talking to a guy on the Internet, about our spiritual path (his was quite different then mine). I usually talked about how I felt I was looking for something but couldn't tell what it was, I talked about not feeling content in life, how my life was filled with fear and phobias and how I needed the feeling of 'being in control' over my life but instead only battled chaos on a daily basis.
One day he sugested that, as a test, I let go of all control and 'embraced the chaos. He said that by accepting chaos you allow change because one can't be without the other.
So that's exactly what I did, at first not much happened, but then, I remember so clearly... one day I was walking to my childs school on foot when suddenly I began to have a strange feeling. I looked around me and 'realized' that the world was like a computergame. I looked at the cars driving by and it was as if I was looking at a movie. It freaked me out! This sensations lasted days. Whenever I saw another person I thought ' this poor person doesn't realize a thing'. Then about a week later I stood in front of my mirror and I couldn't recognize myself. I knew the reflection was one of my body, but that body wasn't me!. I was in shock because of this realisation.

To me that all makes sense now but after that last experience I went to see my docter and spend the next 6 months on xanax. The xanax made me feel normal again, untill I realized that 'normal' wasn't reality... and I quit taking them.

It's 6 years later now and my spiritual path and my thought patterns have changed very much since then. My personal 'proof' has not doubled but trippled X10. I know I can create my future with thought only and I know I can't teach this to anyone else because everyone has to be his own teacher and conclude from his own experiences. Those will come when the time is right for it.

But I know that when someone says 'I've been awakened or enlightened', then that person did have a mindblowing experience and he/she is exactly where supposed to be and on the right track.

anyway, was this an awakening? was it enlightment? I doubt the last , it wasn't as peaceful as enlightment is told to be, lol

great post OP

(sorry for the typo's, didn't do a check... shame on me

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 02:42 PM
Those feelings you have, I too have experienced something similar but in my own unique way. I felt a great compassion for all those around me so much so that I could not fight back the tears. The bliss is indescribable. But it does not end there. We do not know the limits of the bliss that is offered to us once we enter that first flow that you and I have experienced.

To quote my favorite spiritual masters the 7 Thaori "Man Exists Physically for the sole Purpose of Advancing Spiritually. And what does that statement mean? It means that we can develop our mind and our will power enough to become masters not of the universe but in the universe. Master Death by conscious control of the degeneration of our cells to become immortals, telepathy, clairvoyance and clairaudience, telekinesis, levitation, invisibility, healings and even ressurection of the dead, all just by applying natural laws. None of this is by "magic" as the Thaori would say, but rather by knowledge. True Knowledge even if it is gained by transcendental means like enlightenment. The Angelic race says that we have only 9, 81 reincarnation cycles to be able to reach this point through various levels of planets that we can ascend through in order to get it right or forever be recycled back into nature until the next big bang. I know that when The Great Intellect/ The Great Spirit / The Creator / God instilled a little spark of his spirit in us it was and still is infinitesimal. We can become co-creators and one day rival him and create our own version to add to the multi-verse once we become pure spirits. Just imagine all the Love he has for all sentient beings it created across the cosmos compiled together. How he holds up all of reality, the present, past and future with the power of his mind. Unfathomable to us now.

He had but one motive. That we seek to Love him only through our own free will. How can there be Love without understanding? He is everything and nothing at the same time but by the majesty of the universe and the forces he reveals himself. We must understand how things works by various means. By his grace he bridges the gap from belief into knowledge. The only advice I can give you since you are in the first flow is Meditate oft and reach your overself, she will teach you in the spirit realm what you have to know on your sojourn in this lifetime.

One method to figure out how many lifetimes you have lived in this big bang to see how far along you are is applied kinesiology. Read the book Power vs. Force. I am in my 89th reincarnation. I know because my body lets me know. It goes weak to any other statement.

The statement I make is "The Person now known as "" has lived more than 100 lifetimes, 100 reincarnations, has changed flesh more than 100 times at this moment in time " resist ". Google the video if you do not know how to apply AK.

It is a great tool for getting yes or no answers from the Human Vehicle. The science goes into entanglement and quantum pyschics that I wont get into here. No it is not a crystal spinning. Just think on how the Universe has to operate on Truth. The creator took trillions of countless eons to develop his own mind and to come to a level to hold up the material world and perfectly design the human body.

[edit on 8-7-2010 by Thiaoouba Prophecy]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by fordrew
reply to post by Gorman91

I used to be an ex Catholic so I have listened to many sermons from priests/speakers. All too many times priests and speakers claim to know the will of god, and they claim to understand jesus christ. The thing is they don't. There is no truth because the will of god is not understandable. People, though, LOVE to say their own intentions and substitute it in for god's intentions. Example: "god wants you to stop stealing. " translates to "I want you to stop stealing." "Jesus Loves You" translates to "I love you(r money)."

Enlightment is not about religion.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 02:53 PM
In order to be enlightened you must have been un-enlightened.

Compare 10 years ago to how you are now. Are you more enlightened?

So if you are enlightened now, how in 10 years time will you consider yourself?

Enlightenment is what you make it. Some call it the ending of suffering or the liberation from pain or the ego. Some simply the realisation that you can not 'know' anything. You can only experience your perspective on things. Life is like rolling a snowball. It actually consists of where it has been rolled. It is the result of a process.

We exist in a bubble. The very concepts we use to express ourselves actually break down near the surface of this bubble. Everything is one very large, very complicated process. We can not comprehend the whole, and why should we? So we artificially cut ourselves off from everything else in our minds. We think of 'that over there' and 'this here' as separate when in fact everything is part of 'it'. 'It' is where we are, what we are and everything else.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 02:56 PM
Funny. I had the same feeling at the same time. Its really enjoyable.

Makes you wonder what you can do with it

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by pepsi78

Originally posted by fordrew
reply to post by Gorman91

I used to be an ex Catholic so I have listened to many sermons from priests/speakers. All too many times priests and speakers claim to know the will of god, and they claim to understand jesus christ. The thing is they don't. There is no truth because the will of god is not understandable. People, though, LOVE to say their own intentions and substitute it in for god's intentions. Example: "god wants you to stop stealing. " translates to "I want you to stop stealing." "Jesus Loves You" translates to "I love you(r money)."

Enlightment is not about religion.

Isn't Buddhism a religion? Besides, I am conversing about why the topic creator is enlightened. This topic in essence is not about enlightenment but it is about how he was enlightened. You and 4 pages of people are missing the entire point of the topic by conversing about enlightenment.

About maybe a month ago, i was listening to this spiritual teacher on CD and at one point he said "...its actually impossible to know anything with absolute certainty, you can only know something with either a greater or lesser amount of certainty.." (paraphrased)

[edit on 8-7-2010 by fordrew]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 03:11 PM
So what, what ever the creator is do you think he is hindu or christian or a fantatical muslim. Does he dress in blue, in red ? What about the ancient religions ? I think each religion is trying to explain it sort of speak, if you notice all religions have some things related, they share, some of them share genesis or other parts. I think enlightment is not related to religions or to any religion.

Think of all the chinese that died like 1500 years ago without knowing Jesus, they never had a chance because they could not know Jesus. There are people dieing right now and they did not know about Jesus. So religion does not make sense, because if you don';t know Jesus you won't get there, so how can you if you don't even know the guy because you never herd of him and you die before hearing. I'm just asking, not incriminating.

What if you live on another planet. Religion is just religion in my opinion, it does try to explain things, and it's a repeat of older religions that tried to explain things at that time for people in a way.

For me enlightment is pure science mixed with the human sense.

Maybe Jesus got to an enligtment level, it's possible and is all that.

It's adorable what the power of the mind can do and this is no joke, but I'm sure no one can do that on his or her own. It's the power that is around us, the force. It's god. Just chose what to do with it, you can even start an earthquake.

[edit on 8-7-2010 by pepsi78]

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