posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by loam
Re: this thread:
Nowhere does it say that black and red flags are indicative of clean up crews working time limits for exposure to "Radiation."
This is simply not the case. You would get more radiation exposure walking down Union street in Aberdeen, Scotland than standing next to a crude oil
filled vat. Why cant you guys get it into your heads? The exposure time limits on BP clean up crews are because of the respiratory dangers associated
with crude oil, not from radiation.
Re: thread you have linked (prepare yourselves for gulf oil syndrome):
The dangers to humans from crude oil are primarily respiratory and are caused by H2S & the Aromatics and have NOTHING in common with Gulf war
syndrome, this thread is nothing more than an ill researched HOAX and should be closed by a mod. There is no wonder that lots of learned members seem
to have left ATS in the past several months, too many threads such as this are getting past the mods and helping to spread ignorance instead of
denying it.
quite sad really.
Edited to clarify at request of Loam.
[edit on 8-7-2010 by Rigel Kent]