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Your theory, of the soul/energy after your last breath?

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posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 07:09 AM
If we are made from energy, and our soul is energy, the body is just the carrier of the energy, in the physical world.
*which I do believe, we are energy, but quite complicated energy, that is hard to explain*

Say after death, the energy/soul depart the body..
*some say proven scientificly, the 21 grams lost after the death*

Would you say, the energy/soul just goes into something new, a creature, a tree, a new baby etc.?

Or would you say, the energy/soul moves on, to a next dimension, something we do not fully understand yet, and will only experience after death?

I wonder, if we will keep our memories, the things we learned on this planet called earth, our family, our friends, or if it all just dies, and we are just some energy in the universe, part of a greater system.

I think our enery/soul moves on to a higher dimension, where we do not know much about yet, since its out of our reach, here on earth.

Perhaps some paranormal, brings you a touch, of this other dimension, a small touch.

I do realy hope, that we keep our memories, and the person we have become.
Otherwise, I realy dont see the point of living life, and learning of your mistakes, and becoming the best person you can be..

If its all to be forgotten, after your last breath of air in the world.

Although, sometimes I think, if the universe operates as one, perhaps we are just energy flowing around, now in a human body, next somewhere else.

these questions, which none of us can trulyanswer, we can only share theories and ideas, so lets hear yours.

[edit on 7-7-2010 by Impro]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 07:14 AM
I was dead for 4 minutes and I can tell you that our souls is not here on earth or in this dimension.

Our Brain is just a receiver like a in a radio or a rc-car. And the sender (our Souls) are just not here. I am very sure about that because I saw my self drowning from outside my body.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by cushycrux
I was dead for 4 minutes and I can tell you that our souls is not here on earth or in this dimension.

Our Brain is just a receiver like a in a radio or a rc-car. And the sender (our Souls) are just not here. I am very sure about that because I saw my self drowning from outside my body.

Thank you for sharing, it is your believing, that the brain/soul are already seperated, and with your near-experience, you have felt like, the body/brain is just recieving, from the soul, and the soul would contain our persons, we are. If I am correct ?
And then, when you experience ended, it felt like the body was back, in the recieving end.
hmm, this is all very deep thoughts.
One could say, you need eyes/body to see, what is happening, but I know what you mean, we have a minds eye, perhaps thats more directed toward our true nature, the soul.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 07:26 AM
Ah, life after death... I really want to believe that there's something but i don't see any logic in that, when my brain fails my mind and thoughts are gone forever.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by Impro

uh-oh, you said a higher dimension we know nothing about.... have you not read.... i'm surprised at you!! good thread...i'm glad the second poster chimed in....he has it right....we go to heaven the first that book one of the writers he went to the third level and saw the throne of God.!

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 07:48 AM
You're absolutely right, none of us can truely answer that question with any certainty.

My own, current belief, which is always subject to change, is that consciousness is eternal. I believe that once this body dies, a large dose of '___' is released from the brain, disconnecting permanently our soul from this vessel. At that point, I believe we switch over from operating in space/time, and into time/space, where we have control over when we are, but our location is linear. This allows us to review our life, or even lives, and then also allows us to return to a new life, possibly even before our previous life finished.

When we take on a new life, I believe it is with the same personality, the same identity, but we forget everything we know, everything we remember, and start fresh without agenda or prejudice.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 08:08 AM
well you know how they find the next Dalai Llama?
Children being born speaking ancient/dead languages is quite interesting.

I did read something about a couple of scientists that were exploring the area of past life memory and were taking steps to scientifically compile data of verifiable cases. I believe the cases were running in to the hundreds but unforunately I don't know who it was that was doing it.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by Impro

My overall theory is somewhat complex and requires a few different concepts to be carefully entwined before it can be properly understood. In simple terms, I would explain it like this:

Due to the complex design of a physical human brain, and the way it computes energy, when the brain is at a certain stage of development, it will spawn sentience, an unpredictable, creative, original and artistic consciousness. It is due to the very nature of our consciousness that we become creators with the power to exert an influence on the reality around us. Such an entity is no longer just a part of the system, but has become aware of the system, and once you are aware of the system, the simple act of observing the system can change everything. Instead of thinking of "reality" as something we each exist within, or something we experience around us, we must realize that everything, including ourselves and our consciousness are deeply embedded within and are part of the structure of reality.

When one thinks of the universe as an interconnected web of energy, it becomes clear we are nothing but extremely complex energy beings operating in dense energy suits, what we call physical matter. I believe when our physical suits die, we revert back to the most primal and pure form a sentient consciousness can posses. The reason such pure forms of energy beings don't lose their form or cognitive abilities once again comes back to the nature of our consciousness. Basically, we aren't simply programmed robots following instructions, like simpler forms of life, we are sentient beings, but our very sentience is structured within the same reality we have become aware of. I guess you could say the system has become aware of its self, and the system is by no means static or unchanging, being part of the system and aware of the system at the same time gives sentient lifeforms an advantage humans somehow use to their disadvantage.

I guess that could be summarized as, the more you don't want to die, or the more you believe you will go on into an afterlife, the greater your chance of doing just that becomes, because you exert the influence needed to hold your consciousness together without a physical brain to manage the energy. I do certainly believe there is something after death, because I have had an OBE myself, and my Mother has an amazing story about when she was giving birth to my little sister, and I tend to believe her without doubt, because, well, she' my mother...I don't know if I'll go so far as to believe in reincarnation, but I do have a theory on me the whole paranormal/afterlife topic is sort of like the UFO topic, there's a lot of good, hard hitting evidence, if you just take time to look, and there's also a lot of crap...but people need to keep an open mind and admit they might not have the answers to everything, because there are some truly inexplicable things out there.

[edit on 7/7/10 by CHA0S]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 08:53 AM

When I was near dead and I had the feeling of left my body it felt like we are all one, like a sea or a cloud. I felt the other people near by me.

Also before I lost my awareness, the time slowed down to maybe 1/10 of normal speed, I saw all the wave and the boubles from under water: It was fascinating. The first breath of water hurt very much, the secound was very warm and I felt very peaceful.

There is no need of fear from dead. You all will see one day and know what I know. We can not die here on earth, because we don't exist here on earth. The body seems to be a RC Bot, a tool to help understand the world in small packages. We are just a learning class of kids.

And I learned from that accident that materialism is very wrong. The only things you can get with you when you leave this body is what you have inside you. Feelings and memories. It's just a learn concept for our souls. But I don't know for what we learn, maybe to enter the paradise when mature.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 09:03 AM
Ooooh good thread OP

The only real fear i have ever had of dying is of leaving loved ones behind..otherwise when it is time to go i am, in a way, very much looking forward to it.. I am of the belief that we do go onto another dimension -whatever that dimension may be- once death releases us from our containers (bodies) the body is a host to the soul i think, and they work well together to keep us on Earth and able to function..
I hope an afterlife, or the process after the body dies and the being goes onwards to another dimensional realm, brings answers many of us (and myself) have sought after for years.. answers we will be unlikely to obtain any other way..
Its nice to hear of others near death experiences, and does give a certain insight, but no one experiences the same things, and what is heaven to one could easily be hell for another.. and where they entered could be one of innumerable realms possibly 'out there'..
But, as pointed out earlier in the thread, all anyone can do is surmise at this point in time.. and thats part of the fun

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 09:20 AM
my theory is the energetic part of our body/mind forms our soul. every neurons electrical pulse is 'entangled' (think/read quantum entanglement) with every other forming an electrical body of energy. when we die, this is what leaves our body. so long as we die in the wide open spaces, we are free to go where we please (thats the mystery).
downside - our bodies thrive on negative ions (that sweet smelling energised air you breathe in a thunder storm - negatively charged ions), so if you die inside, as soon as you touch the walls/ceiling - positive charge - zap. you are part of the cosmic soup. dying outside, you can have some real freedom and fun until you travel to where we are meant to be.

thats my kooky idea anyway.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 10:21 AM
My belief is that when we die, we detach from our physical bodies here on earth and are then sent to see what we "accomplished" on this mission, have accomplished in past missions and sort of gather ourselves, rest and prepare for our next mission. I believe we are eternal beings and each life we live has an important, or a few, important lessons to be learned. We are always trying to become better. If we perform bad deeds, we take a step down the ladder and our next lives start off much worse than anything we experienced in this life. If we do good, then we advance and we start off on better footing in the next life with another lesson to learn. What the ultimate purpose of all this is though... I still have no clue. I like to think it's Gods ultimate test to see whether or not we're worthy of chillaxin with him.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 10:24 AM
I believe we are an organic machine.

When the machine fails or breaks beyond repair then the brain dies.

The brain is the definition of our soul, personality and entire being.

I am afraid when this dies 'the soul' is dead too.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 10:29 AM
If we are made from energy, and our soul is energy, the body is just the carrier of the energy, in the physical world.

Would you say, the energy/soul just goes into something new, a creature, a tree, a new baby etc.?

I think our enery/soul moves on to a higher dimension, where we do not know much about yet, since its out of our reach, here on earth.

I do realy hope, that we keep our memories, and the person we have become.

Otherwise, I realy dont see the point of living life, and learning of your mistakes, and becoming the best person you can be..

If its all to be forgotten, after your last breath of air in the world.

Although, sometimes I think, if the universe operates as one, perhaps we are just energy flowing around, now in a human body, next somewhere else.

these questions, which none of us can trulyanswer, we can only share theories and ideas, so lets hear yours.


[edit on 7/7/10 by Ophiuchus 13]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 11:35 AM
Sometimes I think that the afterlife is just a concept made up by those that fear dying and fear being nothing...however, my heart wants to believe that there is a plan for us and that when we die, we meet our Creator and join the Creator in a "world" that is full of things that we cannot begin to imagine here.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:01 PM
I have an interesting theory, well we recycle pretty much everything these days... God is alot smarter and evolved than we are. I think that God recycles our soul. Why would he waste something? Surely were not here on earth just to work and pay taxes =)

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:32 PM
I personally believe that when I die my spirit will vibrate into the Universe. After I have incarnated enough times and die enough times, my spirit will ascend and even eventually meld back to Creation itself and be One with everything and nothing.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Impro

Hello impro-

I think our values are our soul, and is kept with us as we journey through the universe. It can be changed through each new existance of life until we reach a level of existance where we no longer need bodies to live. How many journeys we have to take depends on each persons soul. The life we live today could be our last life before we no longer need a body to live, or maybe it will take hundreds or thousands of lives to learn what needs to be learned.

I think we don't remember our past lives because we are on a different "book" if you will, but our soul (feelings) is the same which is what makes us who we are.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:52 PM
by pure coincidence I got sent this today, apparently it is from 4chan of all places but it's a very interesting idea and concept, never come across it before.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:53 PM
hmm that didn't quite work, link here -

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