posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 05:26 PM
It is due to humanity's freely made decision to turn it's collective back on it's Creator. A rebellious attitude coupled with demonic influence is
what's responsible for the nastiness that goes on in the world.
Very nice, (no this is not to bash as it brings up very good points). Creator is God, but I don't believe everything in the bible, I no there is a
greater power, I like to think of it as God. According to a prevoius post of yours, that means I don't believe in God. I only think that for
reassurance. Now, I have never done anything really bad, or much to harm others. I try to live to help others, and even sacrifice a few of my
comforts to give others few. Now, I may have "turned my back" to God, I don't believe this, but you may. So I ask you, in interest, how has my
rebellious attitude effected this? Once again I don't mean to come off arrogant...