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All the pesky reptiles!

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posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 05:35 AM
Does anyone fancy sharing what they know about the reptile elite?

I am very open-minded, but even I was sceptical that they exist (just last week!) until I tried to convince my self that they don't. I couldn't do it!
So -

If we can believe that ETs exist then it follows that we should be able to accept that they could have visited Earth.
If we can accept that then we should be able to accept that they were here thousands of years ago.
If we can accept that then we should also be able to accept that they have been here ever since, during which time they have minipulated themselves into positions of power and worked towards an agenda of global totalitarianism.

Also, the more I read about them the more I think about "human" behaviour over time which hasn't seemed particularly "human" to me. All the wars and consolidation of power, for instance. Man's inhumanity to Man. The grotesque exploitation of Africans in the third world, the persecution of Jews in WWII. The hoarding of incredible wealth, deemed pointless by it's sheer scale. It explains why the teeny-tiny UK was the centre of a massive empire, and it explains why we in the UK never experienced a lasting people's revolution, unlike many of our continental neighbours.

I always had a problem with some of the more unsavoury aspects of British history such as Slavery, Opium-pushing in China etc because none of the Humans I know seem to be capable of that sort of thing. We just want to get on with our lives, don't we? But I could just about explain these things away as the actions of a corrupt few which shouldn't reflect on the many. Why shouldn't this corrupt few be inter-related and following an agenda?

Anyone fancy a light-hearted, non-confrontational exchange of ideas?

posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 05:46 AM
Well, IMAO:

Humanity's inhumanity is not due to possession by alien reptiles (as logical as that possibility may be).

It is due to humanity's freely made decision to turn it's collective back on it's Creator. A rebellious attitude coupled with demonic influence is what's responsible for the nastiness that goes on in the world.

Again - just MAO.

Great thread, by the way!

posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by illimey
Well, IMAO:

Humanity's inhumanity is ...due to humanity's freely made decision to turn it's collective back on it's Creator. A rebellious attitude coupled with demonic influence is what's responsible for the nastiness that goes on in the world.

That's a very good answer....

I'd like to add that the spiritually corrupt are more susceptible to uniting with a discarnate demonic influence. Just as good spirits work through and around good people, so too evil/common spirits work through and around evil/common people.


posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 09:57 AM

Thanks for your replies.

I was thinking about the incredible (and largely pointless!) wealth of the Elite organisations, and for some reason the image of a dragon on it's hoard of gold came to mind.

And that obviously reminded me of the Queen!

posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 10:20 AM
Seriously, (my apologies...) the triune brain concept postulates that the human brain consists of three brains, each with its own memory and intelligence. The brain stem is the old reptillian brain, the mammals added the limbic brain and human beings added the neo-cortex brain.

The reptillian brain is responsible for physical action, territorial (possessions) urges and obsessive behavior among other things.

posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by MrC
Why shouldn't this corrupt few be inter-related and following an agenda?

Anyone fancy a light-hearted, non-confrontational exchange of ideas?
Most likely they are inter-related through bloodlines. The key is the bloodline of a specific family and where their history is. Most often you'll find that these families had symbols of animals and dragons, which could represent their secret bloodlines. Most of the information can also be found in the Holy Bible about aliens inter-breeding with humans etc.

These families control the major money-making cartels around the world and they will establish their one-world governmet as well, unless people change our ways.

Nothing is about 'freedom' in this world for those ruling elite, it is about establishing control over the masses and making themselves above the law. If you dig more, you do find that the Government, certain ones, are involved in these illegal activities in which they remain above the law. The elite bloodlines want to strip all freedom away and leave us as slaves.


posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by IMMORTAL

Most likely they are inter-related through bloodlines. The key is the bloodline of a specific family and where their history is. Most often you'll find that these families had symbols of animals and dragons, which could represent their secret bloodlines. Most of the information can also be found in the Holy Bible about aliens inter-breeding with humans etc.

The idea that our leaders could actually be shape-shifting reptile types is just enormous. But if one can get that through one's head as a possibility (no matter how remote) then I feel that it does explain quite a lot.

It seems incredible that it's not common knowledge, given that (if it is happening) it's been going on for so long without any of us noticing. Look at the Royal Family, for example. They can trace their ancestry back thousands of years, to Constantine & Alexander the Great and probably before that. And we can see by looking at the family today (all the branches all over Europe) that they marry within the same circles, so we can see that the reptile aspect would still be pretty full-on even millennia later.

And the US Presidents? Apparently most of them are related to Euro Royalty too. So they share their genes. And no-one notices! To the extent that the idea seems absolutely crazy.

Nothing is about 'freedom' in this world for those ruling elite, it is about establishing control over the masses and making themselves above the law. If you dig more, you do find that the Government, certain ones, are involved in these illegal activities in which they remain above the law. The elite bloodlines want to strip all freedom away and leave us as slaves.

I have been amazed at the extent of this. Funding both sides in the world wars? Causing them in the first place? Inventing Communism & causing the Russian Revolution? Squeezing Africa till it squeaks? The idea seems to be to take over all the Earth's resources as payment of debts and then to 'come out' and finish the job - enslave us literally.

I wonder about Iraq, in light of all this. Is it possible that the war is actually about gaining control of Mesopotamia & the Caucausus Mountains? That's apparently where they (& we) came from originally. Maybe it's just another step towards the One World State, or maybe there's something in the ME that they want back. If so, I would imagine that Iran is next...


posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 06:58 AM
And another thing!

A year or so back I started looking into the Qu'ran to see what all the fuss was about. That led me to look at the Talmud too.

The Qu'ran is bad (IMO), with all it's calls to war & destroying the unbeliever etc, but the Talmud? Yikes! I've never seen such blatant hatred, and this forms the basis for a religion? Crikey.

Anyway, the Talmud has a lot of passages which state that the Jew is superior to all the rest of humanity, that us Gentiles are nothing more than animals created to do their bidding. etc etc etc. :shudder:

I wonder if "Jew" in the context of the Talmud actually means "reptile"? If so, it would seem that the Talmud isn't saying that one type of *human* is any better than any other. It would be saying that all humans are animals, created to be the slaves of the reptiles. This seems to accord with the apparent purpose of human creation by Enki & Ninharsag in the Sumerian version of the origin of man, ie we were artificially created to do all the work.


Another theory I read somewhere could tie into all this too. The idea that the White race originated on Mars (!?!). If it is the case that ET reptiles are largely to be found hiding in the white race (ie ETs), it seems logical that they could have "issues" with the original Earth Humans (apparently the Black race, going back to a time when the Earth was closer to the Sun). This could explain things like the Slave Trade - the Bush family have slave traders in their history. Could it be that the Reptiles were using the Earth humans as they had originally intended to? It could also explain why Africa has been squeezed so mercilessly, and why AIDS was inflicted on them (assuming that AIDS is artificial, as I feel it is). 350 million Africans currently have AIDS or are HIV+.

My thinking on this is that the "Reptiles" have been using us "Martians" (!) to hide among (and maybe for our inventiveness). As they get stronger they have less & less use for us, and wish to be rid of us. We are their oppostion. So we see falling birthrates in Europe (we're taught at school about how there are already too many people in the world, not to mention what all the artificial chemical additives may be doing to make sperm counts fall) and the increase in mass immigration bringing social & demographic change. It is estimated that the white race will be a minority in Europe by 2100. How long before we're gone altogether? But that's another thread!

The idea that all this reinforces in my mind is that the elite (reptile or not) really do live in their ivory towers looking down on the nameless, faceless masses. They really do see us as insignificant plebs, to be destroyed when they don't need us anymore. At the very least, this is extremely rude!

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by MrC

It would be saying that all humans are animals, created to be the slaves of the reptiles. This seems to accord with the apparent purpose of human creation by Enki & Ninharsag in the Sumerian version of the origin of man, ie we were artificially created to do all the work.

The idea that all this reinforces in my mind is that the elite (reptile or not) really do live in their ivory towers looking down on the nameless, faceless masses. They really do see us as insignificant plebs, to be destroyed when they don't need us anymore. At the very least, this is extremely rude!

In April I attended an expo that had David Icke. I don't agree with his claim that the UK and US leadership are actually Reptilians in disguise and that they have the ability to morph back and forth into their Reptilian forms at will.

However, I do agree that the original purpose for the mixing of Reptilian DNA with the "already evolving hominids" here was in order to create a slave race to work the mines. This is in synch with the archeological findings of Zecharia Sitchin in deciphering ancient Akkadian and Sumerian clay tablets.

Many believe that the Greys are led by the Reptilians.

They certainly have the technology to destroy us and there are indications that in the past they did precisely that (i.e., the nuclear holocaust which resulted in the destruction of Atlantis, widespread earthquakes, the tilting of the world on its axis -- and The Great Flood which is documented in various ancient cultures).

Evidence of ancient atomic warfare:

However, they prefer a subtle, discreet approach to their subjugation of us, with clever psychological propaganda performed through many abductees, which works much better than if they pursued open disclosure and official diplomatic relations to get what they want.

One has to keep in mind that these spiritually indifferent and self-serving aliens have been at it for many thousands of years. They know exactly how to manipulate people to get them to believe and do exactly what they want -- stemming back to the first Homo sapiens here that were used as slaves. It stands to reason that they continue to have Homo sapien slaves, unofficially of course as far as the general Terran population is concerned.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 12:11 AM
ok, so where does spiritually come into play here?
why would the real creator of ALL let this go on?
and if these reps want to keep us in bondage, how might we escape?
peacefully that is, i am a lover, not a fighter! LOL

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 07:23 AM
What I think most people find hard to believe about another race that created us and is now manipulating us for their own gains is that if they created us as slaves, why not just keep us as slaves - in the traditional sense - why create us, then cover up their entire existence, only to covertly turn us into overt slaves once again?

You could suggest this is the failing in the Reptile theory, or you could say, if you believe it's true, that there must be a reason for them creating us, then erasing themselves from official history (bar a series of seemingly connected symbols and 'clues') - only to bring about their control more overtly once again with the NWO.

Does anyone have any ideas as to why this would be? (Supposing the reptiles are real)?

Icke's theories revolve around a race of beings in another dimension that interact with, or control the reptilian race in our dimension.

I haven't heard any other reasoning as to why their creation of us for a purpose would be purposely hidden from us, only to, thousands of years later, bring it out in the open again (to an extent).


posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by chakra blue
ok, so where does spiritually come into play here?
why would the real creator of ALL let this go on?
and if these reps want to keep us in bondage, how might we escape?
peacefully that is, i am a lover, not a fighter! LOL

Hmm. Interesting questions.

I'm not too sure that the Creator is an actual Being as such. I've always been uncomfortable with the idea of "God", and preferred to think of each individual consciousness as being part of a greater whole.

I've never actually discussed this with anyone who hasn't immediately tried to sell me the Christian version of God, so I'm not used to expressing it. Bear with me!

I remember seeing it expressed in a wagon-wheel diagram years ago. The hub was our 'higher self' (part of a greater whole) and the spokes were our lifetimes. The wheel rim was Time. At birth I would guess that we are at our purest, spiritually, but that our growth & learning are limited by the material world we find ourselves in.

Over the last couple of millennia our view of the world has been shaped by religions which deny our spirituality. Organised religion has had the effect of obliterating it eg burning witches & suppressing Druids etc. David Icke believes that religions were created and used as a tool for just this purpose. I tend to agree!

The answer therefore is to look within ourselves for the answers, and to recognise that what we have been taught is not necessarily the Truth.


posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by VelvetSplash
What I think most people find hard to believe about another race that created us and is now manipulating us for their own gains is that if they created us as slaves, why not just keep us as slaves - in the traditional sense - why create us, then cover up their entire existence, only to covertly turn us into overt slaves once again?

You could suggest this is the failing in the Reptile theory, or you could say, if you believe it's true, that there must be a reason for them creating us, then erasing themselves from official history (bar a series of seemingly connected symbols and 'clues') - only to bring about their control more overtly once again with the NWO.

Does anyone have any ideas as to why this would be? (Supposing the reptiles are real)?

Icke's theories revolve around a race of beings in another dimension that interact with, or control the reptilian race in our dimension.

I haven't heard any other reasoning as to why their creation of us for a purpose would be purposely hidden from us, only to, thousands of years later, bring it out in the open again (to an extent).

I think that there are many possible answers, but they're all bizarre sounding.

If the shape-shifting reptiles *are* real and our most familiar world leaders actually *do* turn into giant satan-worshipping lizards, the answer I guess would be that there aren't actually that many of them. It is possible that they were overthrown by us in the distant past and had to resort to secrecy in order to survive. In that case their secret manipulation of us probably makes them very happy to be getting one over on us! You can just imagine the Queen & Prince Phillip gloating! And they may never actually show themselves as lizards anyway - that would definitely prompt an uprising when everyone realises that everything they thought they knew was actually false.

I got a bit confused when Icke was talking about lizards (strangely!). Sometimes he seems to be talking about actual lizard people here on Earth and other times he seems to be suggesting that certain leaders are 'possessed' by them from another dimension. I guess that he means that the physical lizards do exist here but in a different level of reality to us, that they control people from that other place, but that sometimes their mask slips or psychically sensitive humans can sometimes see through their masks.

Whichever it is, I assume that there aren't enough of them to quell a rebellion. And how much easier is it to control a slave who doesn't know he's a slave? Look at South Africa for an example of that - nothing really changed after Nelson Mandela came to 'power' except that everyone stopped complaining about the regime.

I dunno. It could just be that there are no reptiles, just pure bloodlines convinced of their own superiority and perpetuating their satanic cause across the ages. If only it were that simple!


posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard

However, I do agree that the original purpose for the mixing of Reptilian DNA with the "already evolving hominids" here was in order to create a slave race to work the mines. This is in synch with the archeological findings of Zecharia Sitchin in deciphering ancient Akkadian and Sumerian clay tablets.

It also ties in with the reptile part of our brains, doesn't it? It is feasible that the 'pure-breds' have maintained the integrity of the reptile part of their brains by their breeding habits. This may mean that either their reptile brains are dominant or that they act as a conduit for possession. Obviously, it could also mean that they actually *are* lizards themselves.

One aspect of our world is that we live in the 'here and now'. We don't seem particularly linked to our history, and therefore don't question what we're told. We're kept too busy with life for that! We are taught at school that while various reasonably advanced civilisations existed elsewhere we were still busy inventing the wheel and living in caves. I don't believe that that could possibly be the case. The remains of fully formed humans just like us have been found and dated at around 100,000 years old. How is it possible that you or I could go 95,000 years without inventing the wheel?

Many believe that the Greys are led by the Reptilians.

They certainly have the technology to destroy us and there are indications that in the past they did precisely that (i.e., the nuclear holocaust which resulted in the destruction of Atlantis, widespread earthquakes, the tilting of the world on its axis -- and The Great Flood which is documented in various ancient cultures).

Evidence of ancient atomic warfare:

Thanks for that link - it's now sitting on my desktop until I get round to it!

However, they prefer a subtle, discreet approach to their subjugation of us, with clever psychological propaganda performed through many abductees, which works much better than if they pursued open disclosure and official diplomatic relations to get what they want.

One has to keep in mind that these spiritually indifferent and self-serving aliens have been at it for many thousands of years. They know exactly how to manipulate people to get them to believe and do exactly what they want -- stemming back to the first Homo sapiens here that were used as slaves. It stands to reason that they continue to have Homo sapien slaves, unofficially of course as far as the general Terran population is concerned.

The more I look at the 'expanded' version of history the more I see that (reptiles or not), our leaders have all been descended from the same few bloodlines. There seems to be evidence that they are generally Satanic and that they prey on us for victims. As well as controlling our world through media, finance etc. It therefore stands to reason that they need to keep quiet about their true natures or face a rebellion. I feel that we have revolted against them before, and almost wiped them out. Either that or we were *all* nearly wiped out by one of the various catastrophes, and it has taken a while for them to get back on their feet by which time we had already formed functioning societies.

Who knows, eh?

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 02:12 PM
Hi chakra blue,


Good questions.

Spirituality always comes into play. It is the only path to long-term safety and happiness.

I think that if The Original Creator were truly around, His compassion and sense of moral responsibility would make Him intervene on the behalf of innocent victims.

Perhaps The Original Creator is not an underachiever, as many believe. Perhaps He simply has yet to come.

How do we escape? We escape by learning as much as we can about them, their motives and their tactics, and then strive to avoid being kidnapped. That�s a start anyway.

The best lovers are fighters too!

Hi Velvet Splash,


Just as a clarification of definition, the aliens technically did not create us; they manipulated the DNA of the hominids here in order to breed a slave race.

There have been a number of battles on and around this planet, some of them nuclear engagements that have occurred in the past. Logic dictates then that it has not been all that easy for them to keep us subjugated. They are neither omniscient nor omnipotent.

Secondly, archeological traces and ancient scriptural references of their existence have survived the centuries. The amnesia that we have as a world is in part due to the wars that have occurred. For example, Atlantis probably knew all about them before they were destroyed as a civilization.

The whole idea of using us as slaves, for breeding, experimentation, etc., has never really stopped completely. They have always managed to send more of their kind here to continue on with their grand experiment in harvesting.

But they have a very big problem on their hands. There are now more of us than ever before and our technology is rapidly advancing. They have to come up with a strategy that allows them to continue their subjugation without us rebelling against them with high-tech weapons. Their apparent solution is to work covertly to manipulate as many people as possible and to breed humanoid races (like Nordics and Hybrids) that can serve as go-betweens in any engagement that we have with them.

Their desire is to continue to dominate this planet and this system, officially in their eyes, unofficially in our eyes.


I think the whole Reptilian brain thing is overrated. Yes, we have a Reptilian facet to our brains. It really doesn�t mean anything unless you side with the Reptilian mindset. It's not like we're going to morph into full-fledged Reptilians because of it, no matter what David Icke says.


Suppose you belonged to a tribe that was visited by the Anunnaki and through that interaction, a certain degree of technology was given that the other tribes did not have. After all, if you want good slaves, you have to feed and clothe them adequately, don�t you? Isn�t it to the advantage of the aliens to teach us good farming methods and things like basic electrical devices in order for us to serve them better? Of course. That is how you can have one group of Homo sapiens be more advanced than other groups around the planet � because of the alien interaction.

It stands to reason that initially the tribe or group of tribes that came to be known as Atlantis might have been one of the chosen few to receive technological instruction.


Past-life regression research points to people living in different bodies at different times. These bodies are generally not in the same bloodline. So I conclude that the whole satanic/Reptilian bloodline issue is irrelevant. You don't have to be Reptilian to be evil.


I tend to think that it is our ancestors who were almost wiped out.


Well, they have the advantage of having a home that is far away while they use our planet as a battleground and experimentation zone.

Carpe Diem!

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 02:28 PM

Does anyone fancy sharing what they know about the reptile elite?

Ok, here goes...I hope you're ready for this!

The reptile elite are an race of Aliens called the Zarflakoneons. They live right by the Xeroxomites. Of course the Xeroxomites are are really a race of alien that were created by the Hondacordoneans. The Hondacordoneans are in an intergalactic war with the Toyotanites who need the Toyotanites toenail clippings to power thier fuel cells. Proof? You want proof? Well, I'm sorry that's impossible. You see our Hubble Telescope just can't see that far out into space. But don't worry, in 2012 all 4 alien races are gonna come here to collect on a Roth IRA they jointly opened back in the 40's. It's be worth billions. We'll get to meet them all then.

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 03:47 PM
Why would reptiles exist on another planet so close to Earth ? Wouldn't cold blooded, worm blooded or other species indigenous to Earth be unique here. Evolutionary speaking there are countless billion possibilities of how creatures would evolve and developed on other planets. Even if the planet had a similar chemical make up and other conditions to earth , what are the possibilities that animals would evolved with a reptilian metabolism. Than inturn have contact with another planet with retilian life.

Or perhaps the whole reptilian thing as suggested earlier is an analogy to cold blooded individuals who seem to be devoid of emotion or empathy, who's only passion in life is greed, control and other of humanitys most primal negative behaviors.

[edit on C:Thuocu06e6 by Opus]

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 04:18 PM



posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 04:42 PM
I'm open to the possibility, but haven�t been sold yet. I've looked at the Sumerian evidence, the Mayan and some of all the some other evidence on the net . But still, I require more. I would love to speak personally with an archeologist who specializes in ancient culture. I would be really interested about the various objects, stories from the Sumerian culture.

However I am quite open to the possibility of human contact with ET or ED past and present. But the whole shape shifting, draconian thing is a little too much for me to swallow.

[edit on C:Thuocu06e6 by Opus]

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 05:04 PM
Hi Opus,

There is a very good documentary that was done in the 1990s. It is called "The Mysterious Origins of Man" and was hosted by Charlton Heston.

The second part of the two-video documentary was not shown on public television. At the end of it was testimony from an award winning journalist, producer, author, etc., by the name of Linda Moulton Howe.

She was invited to an Air Force Base in New Mexico and shown a top secret document on extraterrestrials that corrobrates what Zecharia Sitchin espouses. That thousands of years ago a group of space-aliens came here (Anunnaki) and mixed their DNA with the "already evolving primates" in order to come up with Homo sapiens.

Have you seen it?

If not and for those interested, click here for ordering information.

Unless Howe and the producers of the documentary are completely bonkers, which I don't believe they are, then an official investigation from the US Air Force has concluded that Homo sapien life on this world was jump started by aliens thousands of years ago.

[edit on 17-6-2004 by Paul_Richard]

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