posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 07:54 PM
Spacial Inertia means [correct me if wrong] the interrelationship positioning within [our] space-time. ie. how easily/resistant it is to
re-arrangements, reconfigurations.
The generally horizontal [somewhat warping in places] sideways relationships. Sort of the tension, fluidity characteristics of space-time.
My question is,
when they talk about gravity are they talking about the warp of space in a 4th dimension or perhaps some flow of gravitons along a 4th dimensional
I will throw out a possible speculation, if you have gravity inertia it could be caused by the/a graviton flow on a 4th dimensional axis that is
condensed/consolidated by the warping of space.
Of course that might also mean that on the underside of the funnel warp it might be graviton shy or graviton light.
Alternative speculation, if one believes in other, proximate universes they could virtually all be concentric about deep gravity warps & perhaps it
would be all that concentricity that causes a kind of inertia/resistance-to-change.
So multiple space-times could hold space warped regions [objects?] in place.
I still have to ask, why the 4th dimensional warp in the first place?
What causes matter/mass to warp space?
Again perpendicular graviton flow is a possible explanation, IF one poses that matter/mass somehow attracts or is some kind of easy threshold passage
for gravitons.
ie. maybe graviton pressure builds across spacetime & matter/mass acts as a drainout, pressure relieving point.
Weirdly that might mean that consolidated matter/mass might be what keep all of spacetime moving in a direction that makes it all [uniformly?]
So maybe spacial inertia is about the spans between objects [space with itself?] & gravitational inertia might speak of the through-drain
characteristics of matter?
Makes one wonder if creation of little regularly arranged micro blackholes might alleviate graviton pressure & might even have the capacity to make a
local region of space have altered characteristics, perhaps including but perhaps not limited to altered inertia characteristics.
Maybe some kind of exotic matter might be better than micro blackholes.
Like graviton teflon pressure relievers.
Anyway the idea of separating inertial mass, from gravitational mass has to create all sorts of possibilities,
including as others have mentioned transportation possibilities.
Imagine a jet that can accelerate infinitely [even with a speed cap of lightspeed] without any problems for the pilot or passengers.
We could take a slow cruise to a nearby star. The nearest ones are within 5 [light] years.
edit: i think i need to re-think & clarify some of this.
drain point would reduce gravitons, & instead warping indicates at least some buildup of them.
[edit on 6-7-2010 by slank]